[編集]Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Protista
Subregna: Biciliata – Sarcomastigota – Incertae sedis Protista
[編集]Protista Haeckel, 1866
[編集][Note: Protista is currently considered a paraphyletic or polyphyletic taxon, and taxonomists prefer to use only monophyletic taxa. See Eukaryota for more modern classifications of the groups previously placed here.]
Haeckel (1866, I)
[編集]Generelle morphologie der organismen, Bd. 1, pp. 206-220, [1].
- Thierreich, Animalia
- Protistenreich, Protista
- Pflanzenreich, Plantae
- Phycophyta (Algae pro parte)
- Characeae
- Nematophyta (Fungi et Lichenes)
- Cormophyta (Phanerogamae omnes et Cryptogamae exclusis Nematophytis, Characeis et Phycophytis)
Haeckel (1866, II)
[編集]Generelle morphologie der organismen, Bd. 2, [2]. 関連項目 plate 1, "Monophyletischer Stammbaum der Organismen", [3].
- Protistenreich, Protista
- 1. Moneres
- 2. Protoplasta
- 3. Diatomeae
- 4. Flagellata
- 5. Myxomycetes
- 6. Noctilucae
- 7. Rhizopoda
- 8. Spongiae
- Pflanzenreich, Plantae
- 1. Archephyta
- 2. Florideae
- 3. Fucoideae
- 4. Characeae
- 5. Inophyta
- 6. Cormophyta
- Thierreich, Animalia
Haeckel (1868a)
[編集]Haeckel, E. 1868. Natürliche Schöpfungsgeschichte. 1st ed. Reimer, Berlin, [4]. See Dayrat (2003), [5].
- "Polyphyletisher Stammbaum der Organismen" [p. 347]
- "Polyphyletisher Stammbaum des Pflanzenreichs" [p. 382]
- Fucoideae
- Florideae
- Archephyceae
- Archephyta [paraphyletic] + Chlorophyceae [polyphyletic] + Cormophyta
- Lichenes
- Fungi
- "Polyphyletisher Stammbaum des Thierreichs" [p. 392]
- Acephalae
- Spongiae
- Colelminthes
- Acineta
- Archezoa [paraphyletic] + Infusoria
- Ciliata
- Platyelminthes
- Himatega
- Nematelminthes
- "Einstämmiger oder Monophyletisher Stammbaum der Organismen" [plate I, [6]]
- Pflanzenreich, Pflanzenreichs
- Florideae
- Fucoideae
- Chloralgae + Muscinae + Filicinae + Gymnospermae + Angiospermae
- Lichenes
- Fungi
- Protistenreich, Protista
- Diatomea
- Labyrinthulae
- Myxomycetes
- Monera neutra + Rhizopoda
- Noctilucae
- Flagellata
- Protoplasta
- Thierreich, Animalia
- Coelenterata
- Scolecida
- Vermes (Scolecida + Colelminthes + Himatega) + Arthropoda + Vertebrata + Mollusca
- Pflanzenreich, Pflanzenreichs
Haeckel (1868b)
[編集]Haeckel, E. 1868. Monographie der Moneren. Jenaische Zeitschrift für Medicin und Naturwissenschaft 4: 64–144, [7]. See p. 122, 129-134. Translation: Monograph of Monera. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, 1869, IX: 27-42, 113-134, 219-232, 327-342.
- Monera
- Gymnomonera (Protamaeba, Protogenes, Myxodictyum)
- Lepomonera (Protomonas, Protomyxa, Vampyrella, Myxastrum)
- Flagellata
- Labyrinthulea (Labyrinthulae)
- Diatomea
- Phycochromacea
- Fungi (Mycetes)
- Phycomycetes (Saprolegnieae, Mucorinae etc.)
- Hypodermiae (Uredineae, Ustilagineae etc.)
- Basidiomycetes (Hymenomycetes, Gastromycetes etc.)
- Ascomycetes (Protomycetes, Discomytes etc.)
- Myxomycetes
- Protoplasta
- Noctilucae
- Rhizopoda
Haeckel (1878)
[編集]Haeckel, E., 1878. Das Protistenreich. Eine Populäre Uebersicht über das Formengebiet der Niedersten Lebewesen. Ernst Günther's Verlag, Leipzig, 104 pp, [8].
Protista [p. 86-104]
- Monera
- Lobomonera (Protamoeba)
- Rhizomonera (Protomyxa, Vampyrella, Bathybius)
- Tachymonera or Schizomycetes (Bacterium, Vibrium, Spirillum)
- Lobosa
- Gregarinae
- Flagellata
- Catallacta
- Ciliata
- Acinetae
- Labyrinthuleae
- Bacillariae
- Fungi
- Phycomycetes
- Coniomycetes
- Ascomycetes
- Gastromycetes
- Hymenomycetes
- Myxomycetes
- Thalamophora
- Heliozoa
- Radiolaria
Entz (1888)
[編集]From Studien über Protisten, [9].
- Gregarinen
- Rhizopoden
- Flagellaten
- Noctilucen
- Ciliaten
Haeckel (1889)
[編集]Haeckel, E. 1889. Natürliche Schöpfungsgeschichte, 8th ed, [10]. See p. 452, 453, 462, 508.
- Protistenreich
- Protophyta (Protista vegetalia)
- Klass I. Phytarcha
- Phytomonera
- Ordnung 1. Probiontes
- Chromaceae
- Ordnung 2. Chroococceae
- Ordnung 3. Nostochineae
- Phytomonera
- Klass II. Diatomeae
- Klass III. Cosmariae (Desmidieae)
- Klass IV. Palmellariae (Palmellaceae)
- Klass V. Siphoneae (Coeloblastae)
- Klass I. Phytarcha
- Protozoa (Protista animalia)
- Zoarcha (Zoocytoda)
- Zoomonera
- Lobomonera
- Rhizomonera
- Bacteria
- Sphaerobacteria
- Rhabdobacteria
- Zoomonera
- Cytarcha
- Lobosa (Amoebina)
- Gregarinae (Sporozoa)
- Infusoria
- Flagellata (Mastigophora)
- Ciliata
- Acinetae (Suctoria)
- Rhizopoda
- Mycetozoa (Myxomycetes)
- Heliozoa
- Thalamaria (Foraminifera)
- Radiolaria
- Zoarcha (Zoocytoda)
- Protophyta (Protista vegetalia)
- Pflanzenreich
- Thallota (Thallophyta)
- Algae (Phycophyta)
- Zygnemaceae
- Conferveae
- Fucoideae
- Florideae
- Characeae
- Fungi (Inophyta)
- Mycetes
- Lichenes
- Algae (Phycophyta)
- Prothallota (Mesophyta)
- Bryophyta
- Pteridophyta
- Phanerogamae (Anthophyta)
- Gymnospermae
- Cycadeae
- Coniferae
- Gnetaceae
- Angiospermae
- Monocotylae
- Dicotylae
- Gymnospermae
- Thallota (Thallophyta)
- Thierreich
- Coelenteria (Coelenterata, Zoophyta, Anaemaria)
- Gastraeades
- Spongiae
- Cnidaria
- Platodes
- Coelomaria (Bilaterata, Bilateria, Haemataria)
- Helminthes
- Mollusca
- Echinoderma
- Articulata
- Tunicata
- Vertebrata
- Coelenteria (Coelenterata, Zoophyta, Anaemaria)
Haeckel (1894)
[編集]From Systematische phylogenie, 3 vols (vol. 1, Protisten und Pflanzen, 1894; vol. 2, Invertebrata, 1896; vol. 3, Vertebrata, 1895). [11].
[Vol. 1, p. 90-91:]
- Pflanzen
- Protophyta (Protista plasmodoma) [Vol. 1, p. 96]
- Archephyta (Progonella)
- Probiontes
- Chromaceae (Phycochromaceae)
- Algariae (Paulosporata)
- Paulotomeae
- Conjugatae
- Diatomeae
- Algettae (Zoosporata)
- Mastigota
- Melethallia
- Siphoneae
- Archephyta (Progonella)
- Metaphyta (Histones plasmodomi) [Vol. 1, p. 256]
- Thallophyta
- Algae, [Vol. 1, p. 302]
- Chlorophyceae
- Charaphyceae
- Phaeophyceae
- Rhodophyceae
- Mycetes [Vol. 1, p. 316]
- Ascomycetes (Ascodiomycetes)
- Basimycetes (Basidiomycetes)
- Lichenes [Vol. 1, p. 325]
- Algae, [Vol. 1, p. 302]
- Diaphyta [Vol. 1, p. 330]
- Bryophyta [Vol. 1, p. 336]
- Pteridophyta
- Anthophyta
- Gymnospermae
- Angiospermae
- Thallophyta
- Protophyta (Protista plasmodoma) [Vol. 1, p. 96]
- Thieren
- Protozoa (Protista plasmophaga) [Vol. 1, p. 138]
- Archezoa (= Zoarchega)
- Bacteria (= Bactromonera)
- Coccillida
- Bacillida
- Spirillida
- Zoomonera (= Monera s. str.)
- Lobomonera
- Rhizomonera
- Bacteria (= Bactromonera)
- Fungilli (= Sporozoa)
- Rhizopoda
- Infusoria
- Archezoa (= Zoarchega)
- Metazoa (Histones plasmophagi)
- Coelenteria (Acoelomia)
- Gastraeades
- Spongiae
- Cnidaria
- Platodes
- Bilateria (Coelomaria)
- Helminthes
- Mollusca
- Articulata
- Echinoderma
- Tunicata
- Vertebrata
- Coelenteria (Acoelomia)
- Protozoa (Protista plasmophaga) [Vol. 1, p. 138]
Walton (1930)
[編集]Walton, Lee Barker. 1930. Studies concerning organisms occurring in water supplies with particular reference to those found in Ohio. Ohio Biological Survey Bulletin, 24: 1–86, link.
Kingdom Bionta
- Subkingdom Protistodeae
- Phylum Probiontaria
- Class Microbiontoidea
- Order Aphanobiontidea
- Order Chlamydozoidea
- Class Bacterioidea
- Class Spirochaetoidea
- Class Microbiontoidea
- Phylum Flagellaria
- Phylum Protophytaria
- Phylum Protozoaria
- Phylum Myxomycetaria
- Phylum Probiontaria
- Subkingdom Metaphytodeae
- Subkingdom Metazoodeae
Copeland (1938)
[編集]Copeland, H. F. The kingdoms of organisms. The Quarterly Review Of Biology Vol. 13, No. 4 (Dec., 1938), pp. 383-420, [12].
Barkley (1939)
[編集]Barkley, Fred A. (1939). Keys to the phyla of organisms. Missoula, Montana, [13].
Barkley (1949)
[編集]Barkley, Fred A. "Un esbozo de clasificación de los organismos." Revista de la Facultad Nacional de Agronomia, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín. 10: 83–103, [14].
- Mychota
- Protista (Protobionta, Protoctista)
- Euthallophyta
- Rhodophyta
- Chrysophyta
- Pyrrophyta
- Euglenophyta
- Gonidiophyta
- Charophyta
- Phaeophyta
- Myxophyta
- Mycophyta
- Protozoa
- Sarcodina
- Foraminifera
- Actinopoda
- Fungilli
- Ciliata
- Suctoria
- Mesozoa
- Parazoa
- Porifera
- Euthallophyta
- Euplanta
- Euanimalia
Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology (1954–2005)
[編集]From Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, [15].
[part B/1.1, 2005:]
[part B/1.2:]
[part C/2, 1964:]
- Subphylum Sarcodina
- Class Rhizopodea
- Subclass Lobosia
- Order Amoebida
- Order Mycetozoida
- Order Arcellinida ("thecamoebians")
- Subclass Lobosia
- Class Reticularea
- Subclass Filosia
- Order Aconchulinida
- Order Gromida ("thecamoebians")
- Subclass Granuloreticulosia
- Order Athalamida
- Order Foraminiferida
- Order Reitlingerellida
- Order Xenophyophorida
- Order Labyrinthulida
- Subclass Radiolaria
- Subclass Heliozoia
- Subclass Acantharia
- Subclass Filosia
- Class Rhizopodea
[part D/3, 1954:]
- Subphylum Sarcodina
- Class Actinopoda
- Subclass Heliozoa
- Subclass Radiolaria
- Class Actinopoda
- Subphylum Sporozoa
- Subphylum Ciliophora
- Suborder Tintinnina
Edmondson (1959)
[編集]Edmondson, W.T. (ed). 1959. Freshwater biology. 2nd ed. Wiley, New York, [16].
Whittaker (1969)
[編集]From New Concepts of Kingdoms of Organisms, [17].
- Kingdom Monera
- Kingdom Protista
- Phylum Euglenophyta
- Phylum Chrysophyta
- Phylum Pyrrophyta
- Phylum Hyphochytridiomycota
- Phylum Plasmodiophoromycota
- Phylum Sporozoa
- Phylum Cnidosporidia
- Phylum Zoomastigina
- Phylum Sarcodina
- Phylum Ciliophora
- Kingdom Plantae
- Kingdom Fungi
- Kingdom Animalia
Loeblich (1974)
[編集]Loeblich, A. R. (1974). Protistan Phylogeny as Indicated by the Fossil Record. Taxon 23 (2/3): 277–290, [18].
[p. 280]
- Monera
- Protista
- Aconta
- Contophora
- Undifferentiated phytoplankton
- Protozoa
[p. 282]
- Schizophyta
- Cyanophyta
- [protists]
- Rhodophyta
- [unnamed]
- Brown monad
- Foraminiferida
- Gromida
- Arcellinida
- Ciliatea
- [unnamed]
- [unnamed]
- Haptophyceae
- Dinophyceae
- Phaeophyceae
- [unnamed]
- Green monad
- Prasinophyceae
- Euglenales
- [unnamed]
- [unnamed]
- Siphonocladales
- Caulerpales
- [unnamed]
Whittaker & Margulis (1978)
[編集]Whittaker, R. H. & Margulis, L. (1978). Protist classification and the kingdoms of organisms. Biosystems 10, 3–18.
- Superkingdom Prokaryota
- I. Kingdom Monera
- Superkingdom Eukaryota
- II. Kingdom Protista or Protoctista
- Branch Protophyta
- Form-Superphylum Chromophyta or Chromobionta
- Phylum Chrysophyta, s.s.
- Phylum Bacillariophyta
- Phylum Xanthophyta
- Phylum Haptophyta
- Phylum Eustigmatophyta
- Phylum Dinoflagellata or Pyrrophyta, s.s.
- Phylum Cryptophyta
- (Phylum Phaeophyta)
- Form-Superphylum Chlorophyta, s.l., or Chlorobionta
- Phylum Chlorophyta, s.s.
- Phylum Siphonophyta
- Phylum Prasinophyta
- Phylum Zygnematophyta or Gamophyta
- Phylum Charophyta
- Phylum Euglenophyta
- (Superphylum Rhodophyta)
- Form-Superphylum Chromophyta or Chromobionta
- Branch Protomycota
- Form-Superphylum Mastigomycota
- Phylum Hyphochytridiomycota
- Phylum Chytridiomycota
- Phylum Oomycota
- Form-Superphylum Gymnomycota
- Phylum Plasmodiophoromycota
- Phylum Labyrinthulomycota
- Phylum Acrasiomycota
- Phylum Myxomycota
- Form-Superphylum Mastigomycota
- Branch Protozoa
- Form-Superphylum Sporozoa, s.l.
- Phylum Apicomplexa or Sporozoa, s.s.
- Phylum Cnidosporidia
- Form-Superphylum Sarcodina, s.l.
- Phylum Caryoblastea or Pelobiontida
- Phylum Rhizopoda or Sarcodina s.s.
- Phylum Actinopoda
- Phylum Foraminifera
- Form-Superphylum and Phylum Zoomastigina
- Superphylum and Phylum Ciliophora
- (Superphylum Agnotozoa)
- (Superphylum Parazoa)
- Form-Superphylum Sporozoa, s.l.
- Branch Protophyta
- III. Kingdom Fungi
- IV. Kingdom Animalia
- V. Kingdom Plantae
- II. Kingdom Protista or Protoctista
[Note: "form-superphyla" or "form-phyla are “frankly polyphyletic groupings”.]
Cavalier-Smith (1981)
[編集]Cavalier-Smith, T. (1981). Eukaryote kingdoms: seven or nine?. Biosystems, 14(3), 461-481, [19].
Nine eukaryote kingdoms proposal [p. 462]
- Superkingdom Eukaryota
- Kingdom 1. Eufungi
- Kingdom 2. Ciliofungi
- Kingdom 3. Animalia
- Kingdom 4. Biliphyta
- Kingdom 5. Viridiplantae
- Kingdom 6. Euglenozoa
- Kingdom 7. Protozoa
- Kingdom 8. Cryptophyta
- Kingdom 9. Chromophyta
Five eukaryote kingdoms proposal [p. 476-477]
- Superkingdom Eukaryota
- Kingdom 1. Fungi (Ciliofungi + Eufungi)
- Kingdom 2. Chromista (Cryptophyta + Chromophyta)
- Kingdom 3. Plantae (Viridiplantae + Biliphyta)
- Kingdom 4. Protista (Euglenozoa + Protozoa)
- Kingdom 5. Animalia
Seven eukaryote kingdoms proposal [p. 478]
- Superkingdom Eukaryota
- Kingdom Fungi
- Kingdom Viridiplantae
- Kingdom Biliphyta
- Kingdom Chromista
- Kingdom Animalia
- Kingdom Euglenozoa
- Phylum Euglenozoa
- Euglenida
- Kinetoplastida
- Phylum Euglenozoa
- Kingdom Protozoa
- Phylum Proterozoa (proteromonads, cyathobodonids, Opalinida)
- Phylum Dinozoa (dinoflagellates)
- Phylum Parabasalia (trichomonads and hypermastigids)
- Phylum Metamonadina (retortomonads, diplomonads, and oxymonads)
- Phylum Sporozoa (cregarines, coccidlans, and piroplasms)
- Phylum Infusoria (Ciliophora)
- Phylum Foraminifera
- Phylum Sarcodina (amoebae, amoeboflagellates, slime moulds (Mycetozoa), Radiolaria, Heliozoa, Acantharia, Myxosporea, Microsporea)
Parker et al. (1982)
[編集]Parker, S. P. (ed.). 1982. Synopsis and classification of living organisms. 2 vols. McGraw-Hill, New York, [20], [21]. See Brands (1989-2005 ), [22]
Superkingdom Prokaryotae
- Kingdom Virus
- Kingdom Monera
Superkingdom Eukaryotae
- Kingdom Plantae
- Subkingdom Thallobionta
- Division Rhodophycota
- Division Chromophycota
- Division Euglenophycota
- Division Chlorophycota
- Division Myxomycota
- Division Eumycota
- Subkingdom Embryobionta
- Genus Echites
- Subkingdom Thallobionta
- Kingdom Protista (Haeckel, 1866)
- Phylum Euprotista [“containing the grat majority of protistans”]
- Phylum Gymnomyxa
- Subphylum Mycetozoa
- Subphylum Plasmodiophorina
- Subphylum Labyrinthulina
- Kingdom Animalia 1758
- Subkingdom Protozoa (Goldfuss,1818)
- Phylum Sarcomastigophora (Honigberg & Balamuth,1963)
- Phylum Labyrinthulata
- Phylum Apicomplexa Levine, 1970
- Phylum Microspora Sprague, 1977
- Phylum Myxozoa Grassé, 1970
- Phylum Ascetospora
- Phylum Ciliophora Doflein, 1901
- Subkingdom Phagocytellozoa
- Phylum Placozoa Grell, 1971
- Subkingdom Parazoa (Sollas,1884)
- Phylum Porifera Grant, in Todd, 1836
- Subkingdom Eumetazoa (Butschli,1910)
- Subkingdom Protozoa (Goldfuss,1818)
[Note: this classification is redundant for some ambiregnal protists. See Taylor et al. (1986), [23].]
Corliss (1984)
[編集]From The kingdom Protista and its 45 phyla [24].
Kingdom Protista Haeckel, 1866
- Assemblage I. The rhizopods
- Phylum Karyoblastea Margulis, 1974 (syns. Caryoblastea, Pelobiontida)
- Phylum Amoebozoa Lühe, 1913
- Phylum Acrasia Van Tieghem, 1880 (syn. Acrasiomycetes)
- Phylum Eumycetozoa Zopf, 1885 (syns. Myxomycota p.p., Myxomycetes p.p.)
- Phylum Plasmodiophorea Zopf, 1885
- Phylum Granuloreticulosa De Saedeleer, 1934
- Incertae sedis
- Phylum Xenophyophora Schulze, 1904
- Assemblage II. The mastigomycetes
- Phylum Hyphochytridiomycota Sparrow, 1959 (syn. Hyphochytriomycetes)
- Phylum Oomycota Winter, 1879 (syn. Oomycetes)
- Incertae sedis:
- Phylum Chytridiomycota Sparrow, 1959 (syn. Chytridiomycetes)
- Genus Nephromyces (Saffo, 1981; Saffo & Nelson, 1983) ["assignable here or better in assemblage VIII, phylum Proteromonadea, below?"]
- Assemblage III. The chlorobionts
- Phylum Chlorophyta Pascher, 1914 (syn. Isokontae p.p.)
- Phylum Prasinophyta Christensen, 1962 (syn. Prasinomonadea)
- Phylum Conjugatophyta Engler, 1892 (syns. Akontae p.p., Gamophyta, Zygnematophyta)
- Phylum Charophyta Rabenhorst, 1863
- Incertae sedis:
- Phylum Glaucophyta Bohlin, 1901 (syn. Glaucophyceae)
- Assemblage IV. The euglenozoa
- Phylum Euglenophyta Pascher, 1931 (syns. Euglenoidina, Euglenida)
- Phylum Kinetoplastidea Honigberg, 1963 (syns. Bodonophyceae plus Trypanosomatophyceae)
- Incertae sedis:
- Pseudociliata Corliss and Lipscomb, 1982 (syn. Stephanopogonida)
- Assemblage V. The rhodophytes
- Phylum Rhodophyta Rabenhorst, 1863
- Assemblage VI. The cryptophytes
- Phylum Cryptophyta Pascher, 1914
- Assemblage VII. The choanoflagellates
- Phylum Choanoflagellata Kent, 1880 (syn. Craspedomonadophyceae)
- Assemblage VIII. The chromobionts
- Phylum Chrysophyta Pascher, 1914
- Phylum Haptophyta Christensen, 1962 (syn. Prymnesiophyta)
- Phylum Bacillariophyta Engler and Gild, 1924 (syn. Ditomea)
- Phylum Xanthophyta Allorge in Fritsch, 1935 (syns. Heterokontae p.p., Tribophyceae)
- Phylum Eustigmatophyta Hibberd and Leedale, 1970
- Phylum Phaeophyta Kjellman, 1891 (syns. Fucophyceae, Melanophyceae)
- Incertae sedis:
- Phylum Proteromonadea Grassé in Grassé, 1952 (syns. Proterozoa p.p.; perhaps Protomastigida p.p. and Protomonadina p.p. auctt.)
- Group Bicosoecidea Grassé and Deflandre in Grassé, 1952
- Group Heterochloridea Pascher, 1912
- Group Raphidophyceae Chadefaud, 1950 (syns. Chloromonadida, Chloromonadophyceae)
- Assemblage IX. The labyrinthomorphs
- Phylum Labyrinthulea Cienkowski, 1867
- Phylum Thraustochytriacea Sparrow, 1943
- Assemblage X. The polymastigotes
- Phylum Metamonadea Grassé in Grassé, 1952 (syns. Hexamitophyceae plus Trichomonadophyceae p.p.)
- Phylum Parabasalia Honigberg, 1973 (syn. Trichomonadophyceae p.p.)
- Assemblage XI. The paraflagellates
- Phylum Opalinata Wenyon, 1926
- Assemblage XII. The actinopods
- Phylum Heliozoa Haeckel, 1866
- Phylum Taxopoda Fol, 1883
- Phylum Acantharia Haeckel, 1879
- Phylum Polycystina Ehrenberg, 1839 (syn. 'Radiolaria' auctt., p.p.)
- Phylum Phaeodaria Haeckel, 1879 (syn. 'Radiolaria' auctt., p.p.)
- Assemblage XIII. The dinoflagellates
- Phylum Peridinea Ehrenberg, 1830 (syns. Desmokontae p.p., Dinoflagellata s.s., Dinophyta s.s., Pyrrhophyta s.s., Mesokaryota s.s., Dinophyceae plus Desmophyceae minus Syndiniophyceae)
- Phylum Syndinea Chatton, 1920 (syns. Syndiniales, Syndiniophyceae)
- Incertae sedis:
- Ebriidea Deflandre in Grassé, 1952 (syns. Ebriacea, Ebriales, Ebriophyceae)
- Ellobiophyceae Loeblich III, 1970 (syn. Ellobiopsidea)
- Acritarcha Evitt, 1963
- Assemblage XIV. The ciliates
- Phylum Ciliophora Doflein, 1901
- Assemblage XV. The sporozoa
- Phylum Sporozoa Leuckart, 1879 (syn. Apicomplexa)
- Incertae sedis:
- Perkinsida Levine, 1978
- Assemblage XVI. The microsporidia
- Phylum Microsporidia Balbiani, 1882 (syn. Microspora)
- Assemblage XVII. The haplosporidia
- Phylum Haplosporidia Caullery and Mesnil, 1899 (syns. Aplosporidia, Ascetospora p.p., Balanosporida)
- Assemblage XVIII. The myxosporidia
- Phylum Myxosporidia Bütschli, 1881 (syns. Myxospora, Myxozoa)
- Incertae sedis:
- Actinomyxidea Štolc, 1899
- Marteiliidea Desportes and Ginsburger-Vogel, 1977 (syn. Occlusosporida)
- Paramyxidea Chatton, 1911
Hausmann et al. (1985)
[編集]Hausmann, K., Mulisch, M. & Patterson, D. J. 1985. Protozoologie. Thieme Verlag: Stuttgart, [25].
- Stamm Sarcomastigophora
- Stamm Labyrinthomorpha
- Stamm Apicomplexa
- Stamm Microspora
- Stamm Ascetospora
- Stamm Myxozoa
- Stamm Ciliophora
de Puytorac et al. (1987)
[編集]From Puytorac, P. de, Grain, J., Mignot, J.P. Précis de protistologie. Lubrecht & Cramer Ltd, 1987. 581 p., [26], [27], [28]. See Fernández-Galiano, 1990, [29].
- Phylum Karyoblasta
- Phylum Rhizopoda
- Phylum Labyrinthomorpha
- Phylum Actinopoda
- Phylum Dinoflagellata
- Phylum Mastigophora
- Phylum Opalinata
- Phylum Pseudociliata
- Phylum Sporozoa
- Phylum Microspora
- Phylum Myxozoa
- Phylum Ascetospora
- Phylum Ciliophora
Patterson (1988)
[編集]Patterson, D. J. 1988. The evolution of Protozoa. Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, 83 (suppl. 1): 580–600, [30].
[Fig. 1. Hypothetical sequence of derivation of major groups]
- Methanogens, Halobacteria, Eubacteria
- Sulphur termophiles
- [eukaryotes]
[Table 1. Major groups of protists distinguished by ultrastructural identity]
- Microspora
- Pelobiontida
- Acantharea sedis mutabilis
- Apicomplexa sedis mutabilis
- Aulacomonas sedis mutabilis
- Apusomonas sedis mutabilis
- Centrohelida sedis mutabilis
- Cercomonas sedis mutabilis
- Chlorarachnion sedis mutabilis
- Choanozoa sedis mutabilis
- Choanoflagellida Porifera
- Chytridiomycetes sedis mutabilis
- Ciliophora sedis mutabilis
- Colponema sedis mutabilis
- Cristidiscoidida sedis mutabilis
- Cryptophyta sedis mutabilis
- Desmothoracidae sedis mutabilis
- Dimorphidae sedis mutabilis
- Dinophyta sedis mutabilis
- Ebriida sedis mutabilis
- Eumycetozoa sedis mutabilis
- Gymnosphaerida sedis mutabilis
- Haplospora sedis mutabilis
- Lobosea sedis mutabilis
- Centramoebidae sedis mutabilis
- Acanthopodina sedis mutabilis
- Dictyosteliidae sedis mutabilis
- Stereomyxidae sedis mutabilis
- Euamoebida sedis mutabilis
- Himatismenida sedis mutabilis
- Leptomyxida sedis mutabilis
- Testacealobosea sedis mutabilis
- Centramoebidae sedis mutabilis
- Metamonadida sedis mutabilis
- ?Myxozoa? sedis mutabilis
- Oxymonadida sedis mutabilis
- Parabasalia sedis mutabilis
- ?Paramyxea? sedis mutabilis
- Phaeodarea sedis mutabilis
- Phalansterium sedis mutabilis
- Plasmodiophoromycetes sedis mutabilis
- Polycystinea sedis mutabilis
- Prodiscea sedis mutabilis
- Heterolobosea sedis mutabilis
- Stephanopogon sedis mutabilis
- Euglenozoa sedis mutabilis
- Prymnesiophyta sedis mutabilis
- Pseudodendromonadidae sedis mutabilis
- Rhodophyta sedis mutabilis
- Spongomonadidae sedis mutabilis
- Stramentopila sedis mutabilis
- Actinomonadida sedis mutabilis
- Bicosoecida sedis mutabilis
- Chrysophyta sedis mutabilis
- Bacillariophyceae sedis mutabilis
- Chrysophyceae sedis mutabilis
- Phaeophyta
- Eustigmatophyta sedis mutabilis
- Microglena sedis mutabilis
- Paraphysomonadaceae sedis mutabilis
- Pelagococcus sedis mutabilis
- Raphidophyceae sedis gutabilis
- Rhizochromulina sedis mutabilis
- Stylococcaceae sedis mutabilis
- Synuraceae sedis mutabilis
- Xanthophyta sedis mutabilis
- Granuloreticulosea sedis mutabilis
- Labyrinthulacea sedis mutabilis
- Thraustochytrididae sedis mutabilis
- Diplophrys sedis mutabilis
- Labyrithulidae sedis mutabilis
- Sloomycota sedis mutabilis
- Oomycetes sensu stricto
- Hyphochytridiomycetes
- Slopalinida sedis mutabilis
- Thaumatomastixidae sedis mutabilis
- Vampyrellida sedis mutabilis
- Viridiplantae sedis mutabilis
- Xenophyophorea sedis mutabilis
Sleigh (1989)
[編集]Sleigh, M. (1989). Protozoa and Other Protists. 2nd ed. Edward Arnold, London, [31], [32].
"four sets of protistan phyla"
- flagellates and related protists
- Phylum Dinophyta
- ?Order Ebriida
- ?Order Ellobiopsida
- Phylum Parabasalia
- Order Trichomonadida
- Order Hypermastigida
- Phylum Metamonada
- Class Anaxostylea
- Order Retortamonadida
- Order Diplomonadida
- Class Axostylea
- Order Oxymonadida
- Class Anaxostylea
- Phylum Kinetoplasta
- Order Bodonida
- Order Trypanosomatida
- Phylum Euglenophyta
- Phylum Cryptophyta
- Phylum Opalinata (Slopalinata)
- Order Opalinida
- ?Order Proteromonadida
- Phylum Heterokonta
- Class Chrysophyceae
- Class Synurophyceae
- Class Bacillariophyceae
- Class Phaeophyceae
- Class Xanthophyceae (Tribophyceae)
- Class Eustigmatophycae
- Class Oomycotea
- Class Hyphochytridiomycotea
- Class Raphidophyceae
- Class Labyrinthulea
- Class Thraustochytridea
- ?Class Bicoecida (Bicosoecida)
- ?some helioflagellates (e.g., Actinomonas, Pteridomonas, Ciliophrys)
- Phylum Chlorophyta
- Class Prasinophyceae
- Class Chlorophyceae
- Class Oedogoniophyceae
- Class Ulvaphyceae
- Class Conjugatophyceae
- Class Charophyceae
- Phylum Haptophyta (Prymnesiophyta)
- Phylum Chytridiomycota
- Phylum Choanoflagellata
- Phylum Rhodophyta
- Phylum Dinophyta
- amoeboid protists
- Phylum Rhizopoda
- Class Karyoblastea (Pelobiontea)
- Class Helerolobosea
- Class Lobosea
- Class Eumycetozoea
- Class Plasmodiophorea
- Class Filosea
- Class Granuloreticulosea
- Class Xenophyophorea
- Phylum Actinopoda
- Class Heliozoea
- Class Polycystinea
- Class Phaeodarea
- Class Acantharea
- Phylum Rhizopoda
- ciliates
- Phylum Ciliophora (according to Puytorac et al., 1974, Corliss, 1979, Levine et al., 1980)
- Class Kinetofragminophorea
- Class Oligohymenophorea
- Class Polyhymenophorea
- Phylum Ciliophora (according to Small and Lynn, 1985)
- Subphylm Postciliodesmatophora
- Subphylm Rhabdophora
- Subphylm Cyrtophora
- Phylum Ciliophora (according to Puytorac et al., 1974, Corliss, 1979, Levine et al., 1980)
- parasitic protists
- Phylum Sporozoa (= Apicomplexa)
- Phyulum Microsporidia (= Microspora)
- Phyulum Myxosporidia (= Myxospora, = Myxozoa)
- Phyulum Haplosporidia (= Ascetospora in part)
Karpov (1990)
[編集]Карпов С.А. (1990). Система протистов. Омск: Изд-во Омского пед, [33].
Karpov S.A. (1990). System of Protists. Mezhvuzovskaia tipograf. Omsk: OmPi (in Russian, with English summary).
Kingdom Protista
- 1. Superphylum Rhodophyta
- 2. Superphylum Dinomorpha
- 3. Superphylum Cryptophyta
- 4. Superphylum Euglenozoa
- 5. Superphylum Choanomastigota
- 6. Superphylum Polymastigota
- 7. Superphylum Sporozoa
- 8. Superphylum Ciliophora
- 9. Superphylum Chromophyta
- 10. Superphylum Chytridia
- 11. Superphylum Plasmodiophora
- 12. Superphylum Mycetozoa
- 13. Superphylum Rhizopoda
- 14. Superphylum Actinopoda
- 15. Superphylum Myxospora
- 16. Superphylum Glaucophyta
- Protista incertae sedis: Apusomonadea, Thaumatomonadea, Xenophyophorea, Colponema loxodes, Massisteria marina, Jacoba libera, Aulacomonas submarina
Alimov et al. (2000, 2007)
[編集]Alimov, A. F. ed. (А. Ф. Алимов). 2000. Protista 1: Handbook on zoology (Протисты 1: руководство по зоологии). St. Petersburg: Nauka, 2000, 679 pp. (in Russian, with English summaries), [34].
Alimov, A. F. ed. (А. Ф. Алимов). 2007. Protista 2: Handbook on zoology. (Протисты 2: руководство по зоологии). St. Petersburg: Nauka, 2007, 1141 pp. (in Russian, with English summaries), [35].
[Vol. 1, p. 137:]
- Phylum Cryptophyta Pascher, 1914
- Class Cryptophyceae Senn, 1900
- Phylum Euglenozoa Cavalier-Smith, 1978
- Class Euglenoidea Bütschli, 1884
- Class Kinetoplastidea Honigberg et al., 1963
- Phylum Chrysophyta Pascher, 1914
- Class Chrysophyceae Pascher, 1914 (incl. Order Bicosoecales (Grassé) Karpov, 1998)
- Class Synurophyceae Andersen, 1987
- Class Pelagophyceae Andersen & Saunders, 1993
- Phylum Haptophyta Christensen, 1962
- Phylum Raphidophyta Chadefaud, 1950
- Phylum Saprolegnia Zerov, 1972
- Class Saprolegnea (= Oomycetes) Zerov, 1972
- Class Labyrinthomorphea Page, 1979
- Order Labyrinthulida Cienkowski, 1867
- Order Thraustochytrida Sparrow, 1943
- Phylum Opalinata Wenyon, 1926
- Class Proteromonadea Grassé, 1952
- Class Opalinatea Wenyon, 1926
- Chromista incertae sedis
- Spongomonada (Hibberd) Karpov, 1990
- Pseudodendromonada Hibberd, 1985
- Phylum Choanomonada Kent, 1880
- Class Choanomonadea Kent, 1880
- Order Monosigida Kent, 1880
- Order Salpingoecida Kent, 1880
- Order Acanthoecida Norris, 1965
- Class Choanomonadea Kent, 1880
- Phylum Polymastigota Bütschli, 1884
- Class Diplomonadea Wenyon, 1926
- Order Retortamonadida Grassé, 1952
- Order Diplomonadida Wenyon, 1926
- Class Oxymonadea Grassé, 1952
- Order Oxymonadida Grassé, 1952
- Class Parabasalea Honigberg, 1973
- Order Trichomonadida Kirby, 1947
- Order Hypermastigida Grassi & Foa, 1911
- Class Diplomonadea Wenyon, 1926
- Phylum Plasmodiophora Zopf, 1884
- Phylum Mycetozoa de Bary, 1859
- Class Cercomonadea Mylnikov, 1986
- Class Eumycetozoa Zopf, 1884
- Subclass Protostelia Olive, 1970
- Subclass Dictyostelia Olive, 1970
- Subclass Myxogastria Olive, 1970
- Mycetozoa incertae sedis: Hyperamoeba flagellata Alexeieff, 1926
- Phylum Rhizopoda Siebold, 1845
- Class Lobosea Carpenter, 1861
- Subclass Gymnamoebia Haeckel, 1862
- Order Euamoebida (Lepsi, 1960) Page, 1987
- Order Leptomyxida (Pusard & Pons, 1976) Page, 1987
- Order Loboreticulatida Page, 1987
- Order Acanthopodida Page, 1976
- Subclass Testacealobosia de Saedeleer, 1934
- Order Arcellinida Kent, 1880
- Order Himatismenida Page, 1987
- Order Trichosida Moebius, 1889
- Subclass Gymnamoebia Haeckel, 1862
- Class Heterolobosea Page & Blanton, 1985
- Order Schizopyrenida Singh, 1952
- Order Acrasida (Schroeter, 1886) Page & Blanton, 1985
- Class Filosea Leidy, 1879
- Subclass Aconchulinia de Saedeleer, 1934
- Order Cristidiscoidida Page, 1987
- Family Nucleariidae Cann & Page, 1979
- Family Pompholyxophrydae Page, 1987
- Order Cristivesiculatida Page, 1987
- Family Vampyrellidae Zopf, 1885
- Family Arachnulidae Page, 1987
- Order Cristidiscoidida Page, 1987
- Subclass Testaceafilosia de Saedeleer, 1934
- Order Gromiida Claparède & Lachmann, 1859
- Subclass Aconchulinia de Saedeleer, 1934
- Class Peloflagellatea (= Caryoblastea) Goodkov & Seravin, 1991
- Order Pelobiontida Page, 1976
- Class Xenophyophorea Schulze, 1904
- Order Psamminida Poche, 1913
- Order Stannomida Tendal, 1972
- Rhizopoda incertae sedis
- Athalamida Haeckel, 1862
- Monothalamida Haeckel, 1862
- Komokiida Kamenskaya, 1992
- Blastocystida Zyerdt, 1988 ememd. Belova, 1992
- Class Lobosea Carpenter, 1861
- Phylum Foraminifera d'Orbigny, 1826
[Vol. 2:]
- Alveolata Cavalier-Smith, 1991
- Phylum Sporozoa Leuckart, 1879
- Phylum Ciliophora Doflein, 1901
- Phylum Dinozoa (3)
- Phylum Microsporidia Balbiani, 1882
- Phylum Myxozoa Grassé, 1970
- Class Myxosporea Bütschli, 1881
- Heliozoa (3)
- Radiolaria (3)
- Pedinellomorpha (3)
- the groups with (3) are treated in vol. 3;
- some groups of protists not traditional for protozoologists (e.g., Xantophyceae, Bacillariophyceae, Hyphochytridia) were not treated in the series.]
Pugachev et al. (2011)
[編集]Pugachev, O. N. ed. (О.Н. Пугачев). 2011. Protista 3: Guide-book on zoology. (Протисты 3: руководство по зоологии). St. Petersburg: KMK Scientific Press, 474 pp. (in Russian, with English summaries), [36], [37].
Protists (Eukaryota)
- Rhizaria
- Foraminiferida (1)
- Xenophyophorea (1)
- Komokiida (1)
- Polycystina Ehrenberg, 1838 ("radiolarians") (3)
- Acantharia Müller, 1885 ("radiolarians") (3)
- Taxopodida Foll, 1883 ("heliozoans") (3)
- Cercozoa
- Phaeodaria Haeckel, 1879 ("radiolarians") (3)
- Euglyphida (1)
- Thaumatomonadida (Shirkina) Karpov, 1990 (3)
- Spongomonadida (1)
- Cryomonadida Cavalier-Smith, 1993 (3)
- Pansomonadida Vickerman, Appleton, Clarke & Moreira, 2005 (3)
- Cercomonadida (1)
- Desmothoracida Hertwig & Lesser, 1874 ("heliozoans") (3)
- Dimorphida Siemensma, 1991 ("heliozoans") (3)
- Chlorarachnida
- Paramyxea Chatton, 1911 (3)
- Plasmodiophorea (1)
- Haplosporidia Caullery & Mesnil, 1899 (3)
- Gromiida (1)
- Alveolata
- Ciliophora (2)
- Sporozoa (Apicomplexa) (2)
- Colpodellea (2)
- Dinoflagellata (Bütschli) Fensome et al., 1993 (3)
- Heterokonta
- Actinophryida Hartmann, 1913 ("heliozoans") (3)
- Bicosoecida (1)
- Pseudodendromonadida (1)
- Blastocystida (1)
- Opalinata (1)
- Labyrinthomorpha (1)
- Oomycetes
- Chrysophyta (1)
- Pedinellida Zimmermann, Moestrup & Hallfors, 1984 ("heliozoans") (3)
- Raphidophyta (1)
- Phaeophyta
- Bacillariophyta
- Hacrobia
- Haptophyta (1)
- Centrohelida Kühn, 1926 ("heliozoans") (3)
- Kathablepharida Okamoto & Inouye, 2005 (3)
- Cryptophyta (1)
- Archaeplastida
- Excavata
- Discicristata
- Heterolobosea (1)
- Euglenoidea (1)
- Kinetoplastidea (1)
- Oximonadea (1)
- Diplomonadea (1)
- Parabasalia
- Hypermastigida (1)
- Trichomonadida (1)
- Discicristata
- Amoebozoa
- Pelobiontida (Page, 1976) Griffin, 1988 (1; 3)
- Gymnamoebia (1)
- Testacealobosia (1)
- Myxomycetes (1)
- Protostelia (1)
- Dictyostelia (1)
- Myxogastria (1)
- Opisthokonta
- Metazoa
- Myxozoa (2)
- Choanoflagellata (1)
- Ichthyosporea Cavalier-Smith, 1998 (3)
- Rotosphaerida Rainer, 1968 ("heliozoans") (3)
- Nucleariida (1)
- Fungi
- Metazoa
- Eukaryota incertae sedis
- Gymnosphaerida Poche, 1913 ("heliozoans") (3)
- Apusozoa (Cavalier-Smith, 2002) Cavalier-Smith, 2010 (3)
- Apusomonadida Karpov & Mylnikov, 1989 (3)
- Ancyromonadida Cavalier-Smith, 1997 (3)
- Micronucleariida Cavalier-Smith, 2008 (3)
- Hemimastigophora Foissner, Blatterer & Foissner, 1988 (3)
[Note: numbers indicate volume in which the groups were treated.]
Simpson et al. (2017)
[編集]Simpson, A. G. B., Slamovits, C. H. & Archibald, J. M., (2017). Protist diversity and eukaryote phylogeny. In: Archibald, J.M., Simpson, A.G.B., Slamovits, C. (Eds.). Handbook of the Protists (2nd edition of the Handbook of Protoctista by Margulis et al.). Springer, continuously updated edition, 2016-2017, 43 chapters, [38]. [2012 version flyer, not published: [39].]
- Sar: Stramenopiles
- Platysulcus (*)
- Labyrinthulomycota
- Opalinata
- Nanomonadea (*)
- Placidida (*)
- Bicosoecida (*)
- Rictus (*)
- Cantina (*)
- Developayella (*)
- Pirsoniida (*)
- Hyphochytriomycota
- Oomycota
- "ochrophytes"
- Actinophryida [not published]
- Bolidophyceae (*)
- Bacillariophyta
- Pelagophyceae (*)
- Dictyochophyceae (*)
- Pinguiophyceae (*)
- Eustigmatophyta [see Eustigmatophyceae]
- Picophagea (*)
- Chrysophyta
- Raphidophyceae
- Chrysomerophyceae (*)
- Phaeophyta
- Phaeothamniophyceae (*)
- Xanthophyceae
- Sar: Rhizaria
- Filosa (*)
- Phaeodaria
- Clathrulinidae
- Chlorarachniophyta
- other (*): Cercomonadida, Glissomonadida, Thaumatomonadida, Ebriida, Pseudopirsonia, Euglyphida, etc.
- Tremula (*)
- Vampyrellidae (*)
- Phytomyxea
- Paradinium (*)
- Mikrocytida (*)
- Haplosporidia
- Paramyxida
- Filoreta (*)
- Gromia (*)
- Retaria
- Sticholonche [not published]
- Acantharea (*) ["radiolarians"]
- Polycystinea ["radiolarians"]
- Foraminifera (*)
- Filosa (*)
- [other Archaeplastida- and Sar-related lineages]
- Picozoa (*)
- Cryptista
- Cryptophyta
- Kathablepharida (*)
- Palpitomonas (*)
- Microheliella (*)
- Centrohelida ["heliozoans"]
- "rappemonads" (*)
- Haptophyta (Prymnesiophyta)
- Telonemida (*)
- Metamonada ["excavates"?]
- Preaxostyla
- Parabasalia
- Fornicata
- Retortamonadida [polyphyletic]
- Carpediemonas-like organisms (CLO) [polyphyletic]: Carpediemonas, Ergobibamus, Aduncisulcus, Hicanonectes, Kipferlia, Dysnectes
- Caviomonadidae
- Diplomonadida
- Amorphea: Amoebozoa
- Tubulinea ["lobose"]
- Discosea
- Longamoebia
- Centramoebida ["protosteloid"]
- [other] ["lobose"]
- Flabellinia
- Pellitida ["protosteloid"]
- Vannellida ["protosteloid"]
- [other] ["lobose"]
- Longamoebia
- Cutosea ["lobose"]
- Variosea ["protosteloid"]
- Archamoebae
- Dictyostelia
- Protosporangiida ["protosteloid"]
- Myxogastria ["myxomycetes"]
- Amorphea: Obazoa
- Breviatea
- Apusomonadida
- Opisthokonta
- Nucleariidae (*)
- Fonticula (*)
- Aphelida (*)
- Cryptomycota (Rozellida) (*)
- Microsporidia
- Neocallimastigomycota
- Chytridiomycota
- Blastocladiomycota
- other Fungi (*) [not protist]
- Corallochytrium (*)
- Ichthyosporea (Mesomycetozoea) (*)
- Filasterea (*)
- Choanoflagellata [see Choanoflagellatea]
- Metazoa (*) [not protist]
- [other lineages]
- Malawimonadidae ["excavates"?]
- Ancyromonadida (Planomonadida)
- Mantamonas (*)
- Collodictyonidae (*) ["diphylleids"]
- Rigidifilida (*)
- Hemimastigophora (*)
- Heliomonadida (Dimorphida) ["heliozoans"]
- Gymnosphaerida ["heliozoans"]
[(*): groups not covered in the Handbook]
[編集]- Bankov, N., Todorov, M. & Ganeva, A. 2018. Checklist of Sphagnum-dwelling testate amoebae in Bulgaria. Biodiversity Data Journal 6: e25295. DOI: 10.3897/BDJ.6.e25295. 参考ページ.
- Thomas Cavalier-Smith: Protist phylogeny and the high-level classification of Protozoa, Europ. J. Protistol. 39, 338-348 (2003).
- David J. Patterson: The diversity of eukaryotes, American Naturalist 154, S96-S124 (1999).
[編集]Alemannisch: Protischte
العربية: طلائعيات
asturianu: Protista
অসমীয়া: প্ৰটিষ্টা
azərbaycanca: İbtidailər
Boarisch: Prótisten
башҡортса: Протистар
беларуская (тарашкевіца): Пратысты
беларуская: Пратысты
български: Протиста
বাংলা: প্রোটিস্ট
bosanski: Protisti
català: Protist
کوردی: شانشینی پێشەنگییەکان
corsu: protisti
čeština: Prvoci / Protisté
Cymraeg: Protosoa
dansk: Protozo / Protister / Protist
Deutsch: Einzeller / Protozoen
Zazaki: Protista
Ελληνικά: Πρώτιστα
English: Protozoa / Protophyta / Protoctista / Protist
Esperanto: Protistoj
español: Protozoo, Protista
eesti: Protistid, Algloomad
euskara: Protista
فارسی: تکیاختگان
suomi: Alkueliöt
Nordfriisk: Uurdiarten
français: Protistes
עברית: פרוטיסטים
हिन्दी: प्रोटिस्ट
hrvatski: Protisti
Kreyòl ayisyen: Pwotis
magyar: Véglények, protiszták
հայերեն: Միաբջիջներ, Պրոտոզոններ, Պրոտոզոաներ
interlingua: Protistas
Bahasa Indonesia: Protista
Ido: Protisto
íslenska: Frumdýr
italiano: Protisti
日本語: 原生生物
ქართული: პროტისტები
қазақша: Споралылар
ភាសាខ្មែរ: បឋមត្ថិកសត្វ
한국어: 원생생물
Lëtzebuergesch: Protoctista
lietuvių: Protistai
latviešu: protisti
македонски: Протисти
മലയാളം: പ്രോട്ടിസ്റ്റ
मराठी: प्रोटिस्टा
Bahasa Melayu: Protis
Nederlands: Protisten
norsk nynorsk: Protistar
norsk: Protister
occitan: Protista
ଓଡ଼ିଆ: ପ୍ରୋଟିଷ୍ଟା
polski: Protisty
پنجابی: پروٹسٹ
português: Protista
Runa Simi: Ch'ulla kawsaykuq
română: Protiste
русский: Протисты / Простейшие
саха тыла: Протистар
සිංහල: ප්රෝටිස්ටා රාජධානිය
slovenčina: Prvoky
slovenščina: Protisti
svenska: Urdjur / Protozoer / Protister
தமிழ்: அதிநுண்ணுயிரி
తెలుగు: ప్రోటిస్టా
ไทย: โปรติสต์
lea faka-Tonga: Meʻamoʻuimuʻa
Türkçe: Protista
українська: Найпростіші
اردو: اولانیات
oʻzbekcha / ўзбекча: Protistlar
vèneto: Protista
vepsän kel’: Protistad
Tiếng Việt: Sinh vật nguyên sinh
ייִדיש: פראטיסטן
粵語: 原生生物
中文: 原生生物