[edit]Superregnum: Eukaryota
Cladus: Unikonta
Phylum: Amoebozoa
Subphylum: Conosa
Infraphylum: Mycetozoa
Classis: Myxogastrea (= Myxomycetes)
Ordines: Meridermatales – Parastelida – Echinosteliida – Liceida – Trichiida – Stemonitida – Physarida
Genera incertae sedis: Dianema – Trichioides
[edit]Myxogastrea L.S. Olive, 1970 ex Cavalier-Smith, 1993
Similar groups
- Myxogast[e]res Fries, 1829, p.p.
- Myxogastria Macbride, 1899 ex L.S. Olive, 1970
- Myxogastriomycota Edwards, 1976
- Myxomycetes Link, 1833, Wallroth, 1833, Haeckel, 1866 (sensu Neubert et al., 1993, Webster & Weber, 2007)
- Myxomycota Whittaker, 1969 (not sensu Webster & Weber, 2007)
[edit]- Cavalier-Smith, T., Chao, E.E.-Y. & Oates, B. 2004. Molecular phylogeny of Amoebozoa and the evolutionary significance of the unikont Phalansterium. European Journal of Protistology 40(1): 21–48. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejop.2003.10.001 Reference page.
- Stephenson, S.L. 2003: The Fungi of New Zealand Volume 3: Myxomycetes of New Zealand. Fungal Diversity Press: Hong Kong. ISBN 962-86765-4-7
- Stephenson, S.L. 2003: Myxomycetes associated with decaying fronds of nikau palm (Rhopalostylis sapida) in New Zealand. New Zealand journal of botany, 41: 311–317.
- Stephenson, S.L.; Novozhilov, Y.K.; Shirley, C.; Mitchell, D.W. 2009: Additions to the myxomycetes known from New Zealand, including a new species of Diderma. Australian systematic botany, 22(6): 466–472. DOI: 10.1071/SB09020
- Stephenson, S.L., Schnittler, M. (2016). Myxomycetes. In: Archibald, J.M., Simpson, A.G.B., Slamovits, C. (Eds.). Handbook of the Protists. Springer, pp. 1-27. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-32669-6_44-1
- Myxogastrea in Index Fungorum
- Stephenson, S.L.; Seppelt, R.D.; Laursen, G.A. 1992: The first record of a myxomycete from subantarctic Macquarie Island. Antarctic science, 4: 431–432. DOI: 10.1017/S0954102092000634
- Wallroth, F.W. (1833). Flora Cryptogamica Germaniae. Sectio II. Nürnberg, J.L. Schrag. [1].
Vernacular names
[edit]Alternative classifications
[edit]Fries (1821-1832)
[edit]Systema Mycologicum (1821–32), 3 vols, [2]. Elenchus fungorum, sistens commentarium in Systema mycologicum, (1828), 2 vols, [3], [4]. See Sanctioned name.
Fungi [p. xxxiv]
- Classis Gastromycetes
- Ordo Gasteromycetes genuini seu Trichospermi
- Subordo Myxogastres [vol. 3, 1829, p. 67]
- Ordo Gasteromycetes genuini seu Trichospermi
Link (1833)
[edit]Link, H. F. (1829-1833). Handbuch zur Erkennung der nutzbarsten und am häufigsten vorkommenden Gewächse, 3 vols., [5], [6].
- Classis. V. Cryptophyta
- Ordo III. Fungi
- Subordo VI. Myxomycetes [vol. 3, 1833, p. 405]
- 98. Lycogala
- 99. Reticularia
- 100. Lignydium
- 101. Aethalium
- 102. Spumaria
- 103. Diderma
- 104. Physarum
- 105. Cionium
- 106. Didymium
- 107. Leocarpus
- 108. Leangium
- 109. Trichia
- 110. Stemonitis
- 111. Diachea
- 112. Arcyria
- 113. Dictydium
- 114. Cribraria
- 115. Craterium
- 116. Cupularia
- 117. Perichaena
- 118. Tubulina
- 119. Licea
- 120. Myriococcum
- 121. Myrothecium
- 122. Dacrydium
- 123. Trichoderma
- 124. Amphisporium
- Subordo VI. Myxomycetes [vol. 3, 1833, p. 405]
- Ordo III. Fungi
Haeckel (1866)
[edit]Generelle morphologie der organismen, Bd. 2, [7].
- Protista
- 5. Myxomycetes [p. xxvi]
Macbride (1899)
[edit]Macbride, T. H. 1899. North American Slime Moulds. The MacMillan Company, New York, 231 pp. [8].
Myxomycetes (Link) De Bary
- Sub-class Phytomyxinae Schroeter
- Sub-class Exosporeae Rost.
- Sub-class Myxogastres (Fries) Macbr. [= Myxomycetes proper]
Bessey (1950)
[edit]Morphology and taxonomy of fungi, [9].
- Phylum Protozoa
- Class Sarcodina (= Rhizopoda)
- Subclass Mycetozoa
- Order Myxogastrales (= Myxomycetes, Myxogastres) true slime molds
- Order Acrasiales
- Order Plasmodiophorales
- Order Labyrinthulales
- Subclass Mycetozoa
- Class Sarcodina (= Rhizopoda)
Whittaker (1969)
[edit]New Concepts of Kingdoms of Organisms, [10].
- Kingdom Fungi
- Subkingdom Gymnomycota
- Phylum Myxomycota
- Phylum Acrasiomycota
- Phylum Labyrinthulomycota
- Subkingdom Gymnomycota
Olive (1970)
[edit]Olive, L. S. (1970). The Mycetozoa: a revised classification. The Botanical Review 36: 59–89, [11].
- Class Mycetozoa
- Subclass Protostelia
- Order Protosteliida
- Subclass Dictyostelia
- Order Dictyosteliida
- Subclass Acrasia
- Order Acrasida
- Subclass Myxogastria
- Groups of uncertain affinity
- Subclass Protostelia
Olive (1975)
[edit]Olive, L. (1975). The mycetozoans. Academic Press, New York, [12].
Kingdom Protista
- Phylum Euprotista
- Phylum Gymnomyxa
- Subphylum Mycetozoa
- Class Eumycetozoa
- Subclass Protostelia
- Subclass Dictyostelia
- Subclass Myxogastria
- Class Acrasea
- Class Eumycetozoa
- Subphylum Plasmodiophorina
- Class Plasmodiophorea
- Subphylum Labyrinthulina
- Class Labyrinthulea
- Subphylum Mycetozoa
Frederick in Margulis et al. (1990)
[edit]Frederick, L., 1990. 27a. Phylum Plasmodial Slime Molds, Class Myxomycota. In: Margulis, L., J.O. Corliss, M. Melkonian, D.J. Chapman (ed.). Handbook of Protoctista. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Boston, p. 467-483. See Brands, S.J. (1989-2015), [13].
Kingdom Protoctista
- Section IV: Phyla with flagellated stages and complex sexual cycles
- Phylum 27. Plasmodial slime molds
- Class Protostelida
- Class Myxomycota
- Phylum 27. Plasmodial slime molds
Neubert et al. (1993-2000)
[edit]- Neubert, H., Nowotny, W., & Baumann, K. (1993). Die Myxomyceten Deutschlands und des angrenzenden Alpenraumes unter besonderer Berücksichtigung Österreichs. Band 1: Ceratiomyxales, Echinosteliales, Liceales, Trichiales. Karlheinz Baumann Verlag, Gomaringen. [14].
- Neubert, H., Nowotny, W., & Baumann, K. (1995). Die Myxomyceten Deutschlands und des angrenzenden Alpenraumes unter besonderer Berücksichtigung Österreichs. Band 2: Physarales. Karlheinz Baumann Verlag, Gomaringen. [Mitarbeit von Heidi Marx.]
- Neubert, H., Nowotny, W., & Baumann, K. (2000). Die Myxomyceten Deutschlands und des angrenzenden Alpenraumes unter besonderer Berücksichtigung Österreichs. Band 3: Stemonitales. Karlheinz Baumann Verlag, Gomaringen. [Mitarbeit von Heidi Marx.]
Cavalier-Smith (1993)
[edit]From Kingdom Protozoa and its 18 phyla, [15].
Empire Eukaryota
- Superkingdom 2. Metakaryota
- Kingdom 1. Protozoa
- Subkingdom 2. Dictyozoa Cavalier-Smith, 1991
- Branch 2. Bikonta new branch
- Infrakingdom 2. Neozoa Cavalier-Smith, 1983
- Parvkingdom 1. Ciliomyxa parvking. nov.
- Superphylum 1. Opalomyxa superphyl. nov.
- Phylum 2. Mycetozoa de Bary, 1873 stat. nov. Engler & Prantl, 1888
- Subphylum 1. Eumyxa nomen novum pro Plasmodiogymnomycotina Martin, Alexopoulos & Farr, 1983
- Class 1. Protostelea Olive & Stoianovitch, 1966
- Class 2. Myxogastrea Fries, 1829 stat. nov.
- Subclass 1. Gastromyxia nomen novum pro Myxogastromycetidae
- Subclass 2. Stemonitia Ross, 1973 orthog. emend.
- Subphylum 2. Dictyostelia Lister, 1909 stat. nov.
- Class 1. Dictyostelea Lister, 1909 stat. nov.
- Subphylum 1. Eumyxa nomen novum pro Plasmodiogymnomycotina Martin, Alexopoulos & Farr, 1983
- Phylum 2. Mycetozoa de Bary, 1873 stat. nov. Engler & Prantl, 1888
- Superphylum 1. Opalomyxa superphyl. nov.
- Parvkingdom 1. Ciliomyxa parvking. nov.
- Infrakingdom 2. Neozoa Cavalier-Smith, 1983
- Branch 2. Bikonta new branch
- Subkingdom 2. Dictyozoa Cavalier-Smith, 1991
- Kingdom 1. Protozoa
David J. Patterson (1999)
[edit]From The Diversity of Eukaryotes
In Ramicristates
Dykstra & Keller, in Lee et al. (2000)
[edit]Dykstra, M.J. & Keller, H.W., 2000. Class Mycetozoa De Bary, 1859. In: Lee, J.J., Leedale, G.F. & Bradbury, P. An Illustrated Guide to the Protozoa. Society of Protozoologists/Allen Press: Lawrence, Kansas, U.S.A, 2nd ed., vol. 2, p. 952-981, [16]. See Brands, S.J. (1989-2015), [17].
In “protozoa”, “amoeboid protists”
- Class Mycetozoa De Bary, 1859
- Subclass Protostelia Olive, 1970
- Subclass Guttulinia L. Olive, 1970
- Subclass Myxogastria Macbride, 1899
- Order Liceida Jahn, 1928
- Family Liceidae Rostafinski, 1873
- Genus Licea Schrader, 1797
- Genus Kelleromyxa (Dearness & Bisby) Eliasson, 1991
- Family Listerellidae Jahn, 1928
- Genus Listerella Jahn, 1928
- Family Enteridiidae Farr, 1982
- Genus Lindbladia Fries, 1849
- Genus Cribraria Persoon, 1794
- Genus Dictydium Schrader, 1797
- Genus Lycogala Micheli, 1729 ex Adanson
- Genus Enteridium Bulliard, 1791
- Genus Dictydiaethalium Rostafinski, 1873
- Genus Tubifera Gmelin, 1792[1791] [see Genus Tubulifera Jacq., 1778]
- Family Liceidae Rostafinski, 1873
- Order Echinosteliida Keller & Brooks, 1976
- Family Echinosteliedae Rostafinski, 1873 [see Echinosteliidae Rostafinski, 1873]
- Genus Echinostelium de Bary, 1873
- Family Clastodermidae Alexopoulos & Brooks, 1971
- Genus Barbeyella Meylan, 1914
- Genus Clastoderma Blytt, 1880
- Family Echinosteliedae Rostafinski, 1873 [see Echinosteliidae Rostafinski, 1873]
- Order Trichiida Macbride, 1922
- Family Dianemidae Macbride, 1899
- Family Trichiidae Rostafinski, 1873
- Genus Arcyriatella Hochgesand & Gottsberger, 1989
- Genus Minakatella
- Genus Prototrichia Rostafinski, 1876
- Genus Cornuvia Rostafinski, 1873
- Genus Oligonema Rostafinski, 1875
- Genus Calonema Morgan, 1893
- Genus Arcyodes O.F. Cook, 1902
- Genus Arcyria Wiggers, 1780
- Genus Perichaena Fries, 1817
- Genus Metatrichia Ing, 1964
- Genus Hemitrichia Rostafinski, 1873
- Genus Trichia Haller, 1768
- Order Stemonitida Macbride, 1922
- Family Stemonitidae Rostafinski, 1873
- Genus Brefeldia Rostafinski, 1873
- Genus Amaurochaete Rostafinski, 1873
- Genus Schenella Macbride, 1911
- Genus Colloderma Lister, 1910
- Genus Diacheopsis Meylan, 1930
- Genus Enerthenema Bowman, 1830
- Genus Macbrideola H.C. Gilbert, 1934
- Genus Lamproderma Rostafinski, 1873
- Genus Stemonitis Roth, 1787
- Genus Comatricha Preuss, 1851
- Family Stemonitidae Rostafinski, 1873
- Family Stemonitidae Rostafinski, 1873
- Order Physarida Macbride, 1922
- Family Elaeomyxidae Hagelstein, 1982 ex Farr & Keller, 1982
- Genus Elaeomyxa Hagelstein, 1942
- Family Physaridae Rostafinski, 1873
- Genus Protophysarum Blackwell & Alexopoulos, 1975
- Genus Fuligo Haller, 1768
- Genus Badhamiopsis Brooks & Keller, in Keller & Brooks, 1976
- Genus Leocarpus Link, 1809
- Genus Physarella Peck, 1882
- Genus Willkommlangea Kuntze, 1891
- Genus Craterium Trentepohl, 1797
- Genus Erionema Penzig, 1898
- Genus Badhamia Berkeley, 1853
- Genus Physarum Persoon, 1794
- Family Didymiidae Rostafinski, 1873
- Genus Mucilago Micheli ex Battara, 1755
- Genus Trabrooksia Keller, 1980
- Genus Leptoderma Lister, 1913
- Genus Physarina Höhn, 1909
- Genus Diachea Fries, 1825
- Genus Diderma Persoon, 1794
- Genus Didymium Schrader, 1797
- Genus Lepidoderma de Bary, 1873
- Family Elaeomyxidae Hagelstein, 1982 ex Farr & Keller, 1982
- Order Liceida Jahn, 1928
Cavalier-Smith (2002)
[edit]Cavalier-Smith T., 2002. The phagotrophic origin of eukaryotes and phylogenetic classification of Protozoa. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2002 Mar;52(Pt 2):297-354, DOI: 10.1099/00207713-52-2-297.
Superregnum: Eukaryota
Cladus: Unikonta
Phylum: Amoebozoa
Subphylum: Conosa
Infraphylum: Mycetozoa
Classis: Myxogastrea
Adl et al. (2005)
[edit]Adl, S.M. et al. 2005: The new higher level classification of eukaryotes with emphasis on the taxonomy of protists. Journal of eukaryotic microbiology, 52(5): 399–451. PDF
- Amoebozoa Lühe, 1913, emend. Cavalier-Smith, 1998
- Eumycetozoa Zopf, 1884, emend. Olive, 1975 (Mycetozoa de Bary, 1873)
- Protostelia Olive, 1975 (P)
- Myxogastria Macbride, 1899 (Myxomycetes Link, 1833, emend. Haeckel, 1866) [see Adl. et al., 2012]
- Dictyostelia Lister, 1909, emend. Olive, 1970
- Incertae sedis Eumycetozoa: Copromyxa, Copromyxella, Fonticula
- Eumycetozoa Zopf, 1884, emend. Olive, 1975 (Mycetozoa de Bary, 1873)
Webster & Weber (2007)
[edit]Introduction to Fungi, 3rd ed.
- Protozoa
- Myxomycota (slime moulds)
- Acrasiomycetes (= Acrasea) (acrasid cellular slime moulds)
- Dictyosteliomycetes (= Dictyostelia) (dictyostelid cellular slime moulds)
- Protosteliomycetes (= Protostelea) (protostelid plasmodial slime moulds)
- Myxomycetes (= Myxogastrea) (true (plasmodial) slime moulds)
- Plasmodiophoromycota
- Myxomycota (slime moulds)
Adl et al. (2012)
[edit]- Adl, S.M., Simpson, A.G.B., Lane, C.E., Lukeš, J., Bass, D., Bowser, S.S., Brown, M.W., Burki, F., Dunthorn, M., Hampl, V., Heiss, A., Hoppenrath, M., Lara, E., Le Gall, L., Lynn, D.H., McManus, H., Mitchell, E.A.D., Mozley-Stanridge, S.E., Parfrey, L.W., Pawlowski, J., Rueckert, S., Shadwick, L., Schoch, C.L., Smirnow, A. & Spiegel, F.W. 2012. The revised classification of eukaryotes. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 59(5): 429–514. DOI: 10.1111/j.1550-7408.2012.00644.x
. [Erratum: 60(3): 321. DOI: 10.1111/jeu.12033
.] Reference page.
- Amoebozoa Lühe, 1913, emend. Cavalier-Smith 1998 (= Eumycetozoa Zopf 1884, emend Olive 1975)
- Myxogastria Macbride 1899 (not Myxomycetes Link 1833, emend. Haeckel 1866)
- "light spored (LS)"
- "dark spored (DS)"
- Myxogastria Macbride 1899 (not Myxomycetes Link 1833, emend. Haeckel 1866)