![]() |
This taxon is obsolete. |
[edit]- Rhizopoda Dujardin, 1835; von Siebold, 1848
[edit]von Siebold (1848)
[edit]Lehrbuch der vergleichenden. Vol. 1, Wirbellose Thiere, von C. Th. v. Siebold, 1848. Vol. 2, Wirbelthiere, von H. Stanius, 1846, [1].
Phylum Protozoa
- Class Rhizopoda
- Order Monosomatia
- Family Amoebae
- Family Arcellina
- Order Polysomatia
- Order Monosomatia
Perty (1852)
[edit]From Zur Kenntniss kleinster Lebensformen nach Bau, Funktionen, Systematik, mit Specialverzeichniss der in der Schweiz beobachteten, [2].
Schultze (1854)
[edit]Schultze, M.S. 1854. Über den Organismus der Polythalamien (Foraminiferen) nebst Bemerkungen über die Rhizopoden im allgemeinen. Wielhem Engelmann, Leipzig, 68 p.
Rhizopoda [p. 52]
- A. Nuda
- B. Testacea
- I. Monothalamia
- II Polythalamia
Claparède & Lachmann (1858-1861, 1868)
[edit]Claparède, E., and Lachmann, J. (1868). Études sur les infusoires et les rhizopodes, Genève et Bale: H. Georg. [3], [4]. Extrait des tomes V: 1–260 (1858) [5], VI: 261–482 (1859) [6] et VII: 1–291 (1861) [7] des Mémoires de l'Institut National Genevois.
- Class Rhizopodes
- Order Proteina
- Family Amoebina
- Family Actinophryna
- Order Echinocystida
- Family Acanthometrina
- Family Thalassicolina
- Family Polycystina
- Order Gromida
- Family Gromida
- Order Foraminifera
- Family Monothalamia
- Family Polythalamia
- Order Proteina
- Class Infusoires
Carpenter (1861)
[edit]Carpenter, W. B. 1861. On the systematic arrangement of the Rhizopoda. Natural History Review (Dublin and London), new series, v. 1, no 4, p. 456-472, [8].
- Order Reticularia
- Order Radiolaria
- Order Lobosa
Leidy (1879)
[edit]Leidy, J. (1879). Fresh-Water Rhizopods of North America. Washington: U.S. Geol Survey of the Territories. 324 p., [9].
Class Rhizopoda
- Order Protoplasta
- Order Heliozoa
- Order Radiolaria
- Order Foraminifera
- Order Monera
Bütschli (1880-1882)
[edit]From Bütschli, O. (1880–1889). Dr. H.G. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs: wissenschaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild: wissenschaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild. Erster Band: Protozoa. Abt. I, Sarkodina und Sporozoa, 1880-82 [10]. C.F. Winter, Leipzig.
Phylum Protozoa
- Class Sarkodina
Saville-Kent (1880-1882)
[edit]From Saville-Kent, W. (1880-1882). A manual of Infusoria. London, 3 vols., [11].
Sub-kingdom Protozoa [p. 36]
- Section A. Pantostomata
- Class I. Rhizopoda
- Order 1. Amoebina (Amoeba)
- Order 2. Gregarinida (Gregarina)
- Order 3. Arcellinida (Gromia, Arcella)
- Order 4. Foraminifera (Rotalia, Nummulina)
- Order 5. Labyrinthulida (Labyrinthula)
- Order 6. Radiolaria (Actinophrys, Collosphaera)
- Order 7. Mycetozoa (Aethalium, Didymium)
- Class I. Rhizopoda
Pénard (1902)
[edit]Pénard, E. (1902). Faune rhizopodique du bassin du Léman. Genève, H. Kündig.
["Les noms en italiques se rapportent aux espèces rencontrées sur le territoire exploré, et décrites avec détails. Les noms en caractères ordinaires indiquent les synonymes. Les noms précédés d'une croix concernent les espèces jusqu'ici absentes du Bassin du Léman."] [12]
- Allodictya
- Amiba
- Amoeba
- Amphitrema
- Amphizonella
- Arcella
- Assulina
- Biomyxa
- Campascus
- Centropyxis
- Chaos
- Chlamydophrys
- Clypeolina
- Cochliopodium
- Corycia
- Corycia
- Corythion
- Cryptodifflugia
- Cucurbitella
- Cyphoderia
- Cystophrys
- Dactylosphaerium
- Diaphorodon
- Difflugia
- Dinamoeba
- Diplophrys
- Ditrema
- Echinopyxis
- Entzia
- Euglypha
- Frenzelina
- Gloidium
- Gromia
- Guttulidium
- Gymnophrys
- Heleopera
- Heterocosmia
- Homaeochlamys
- Hyalodiscus
- Hyalosphenia
- Lagynis
- Lecquereusia
- Lecythium
- Lieberkühnia
- Longicauda
- Microcometes
- †Microgromia
- Nadinella
- Nebela
The British Freshwater Rhizopoda and Heliozoa (1905-1921)
[edit]- Cash, J. & Wailes, G.H. (1905). The British Freshwater Rhizopoda and Heliozoa, Vol. I, Rhizopoda, Part I. London: Printed for the Ray Scociety.
- Cash, J. & Wailes, G.H. (1909). The British Freshwater Rhizopoda and Heliozoa, Vol. II, Rhizopoda, Part II. London: Printed for the Ray Scociety.
- Cash, J., Wailes, G.H. & Hopkinson, J. (1915). The British Freshwater Rhizopoda and Heliozoa, Vol. III, Rhizopoda, Part III. London: Printed for the Ray Scociety.
- Cash, J., Wailes, G.H. & Hopkinson, J. (1919). The British Freshwater Rhizopoda and Heliozoa, Vol. IV, Supplement to the Rhizopoda. London: Printed for the Ray Scociety.
- Cash, J., Wailes, G.H. & Hopkinson, J. (1921). The British Freshwater Rhizopoda and Heliozoa, Vol. V, Heliozoa. London: Printed for the Ray Scociety.
[Vol. I, 1905:]
- Class Sarcodina
- Subclass Rhizopoda
- Order I. Amoebina
- Family 1. Lobosa
- Family 2. Reticulosa
- Family 3. Vampyrellida
- Order II. Conchulina
- Family 1. Arcellida
- Order I. Amoebina
- Subclass Rhizopoda
[Vol. II, 1909:]
- Family 1. Arcellida (continued)
[Vol. III, 1915:]
- Family 2. Euglyphina
- Family 3. Gromiina
- Family 4. Amphistomina
[Vol. IV, 1919:]
- Order I. Amoebina, Family 1. Lobosa (continued)
- Order II. Conchulina, Family 1. Arcellida (continued)
[Vol. V, 1921:]
- Heliozoa
- Sub-order I. Aphrothoraca
- Sub-order II. Chlamydophora
- Sub-order III. Chalarothoraca
- Sub-order IV. Desmothoraca
- Pseudo-heliozoa
Hartmann (1913)
[edit]Hartmann M. (1913). Rhizopoda. In: Handwörterbuch der Naturwissenschaften, Bd. 8, p. 422-446, [13].
- 1. Unterklasse: Rhizopoda (im engeren Sinne)
- 1. Ordnung: Amoebina
- 2. Ordnung: Testacea
- 3. Ordnung: Foraminifera
- 2. Unterklasse: Heliozoa
- 3. Unterklasse: Radiolaria
- 4. Unterklasse: Mycetozoa (Myxomyceta)
Kühn (1926)
[edit]Kühn, A. (1921). Morphologie der Tiere in Bildern. Heft 2: Protozoen. Teil 2. Rhizopoden. Gebrüder Borntraeger: Berlin, [14].
- 2. Klasse: Rhizopoda
- I. Unterklasse: Amoebina
- 1. Ordnung Gymnamoebaea
- 2. Ordnung Thecamoebaea (Testacea)
- II. Unterklasse: Foraminifera oder Reticulosa (Thalamophora)
- 1. Ordnung: Archimonothalamia
- 2. Ordnung: Nodosaridia
- 3. Ordnung: Textularidia
- 4. Ordnung: Rotaliaridia
- III. Unterklasse: Heliozoa
- 1. Ordnung: Actinophrydia
- 2. Ordnung: Centrohelidia
- IV. Unterklasse: Radiolaria
- 1. Ordnung: Acantharia
- 2. Ordnung: Peripylea
- 3. Ordnung: Monopylea (Nassellaria)
- 4. Ordnung: Tripylea (Phaeodaria)
- V. Unterklasse: Myxomycetes oder Mycetozoa
- I. Unterklasse: Amoebina
Schaeffer (1926)
[edit]Schaeffer, A. A. (1926). Taxonomy of the Amebas. Carnegie Institute, Washington, D.C, pp. 11-12.
Regnum Animalia
- Phylum Protozoa Goldfuss, 1817
- Class Rhizopoda Siebold, 1845
- Order Lobosa Carpenter, 1861
- Suborder Amoebaea Ehrenberg, 1830
- Family Trimastigamoebidae Pinto, 1922
- Genus Trimastigamoeba Whitmore, 1911
- Genus Vahlkampfia Chatton & Lalung Bonnaire, 1912
- Genus Guttulidium Frenzel, 1892
- Family Chaidae Poche, 1913
- Family Mayorellidae Schaeffer
- Genus Flabellula Schaeffer
- Genus Mayorella Schaeffer
- Genus Vexillifera Schaeffer
- Genus Striolatus Schaeffer
- Genus Astramoeba Vejdovsky, 1881
- Genus Dactylosphaerium Hertwig and Lesser, 1874
- Genus Dinamoeba Leidy, 1874, emend Luetken, 1876
- Genus Pontifex Schaeffer
- Family Thecamoebidae Schaeffer
- Genus Rugipes Schaeffer
- Genus Thecamoeba Fromentel, 1874
- Family Hyalodiscidae Poche, 1913
- Genus Unda Schaeffer
- Genus Hyalodiscus Hertwig and Lesser, 1874
- Genus Gibbodiscus Schaeffer
- Genus Flamella Schaeffer
- Genus Cochliopodium Hertwig and Lesser, 1874
- Family Trimastigamoebidae Pinto, 1922
- Suborder Conchulina Cash and Hopkinson
- Suborder Rhizomastigina Bütschli
- Suborder Amoebaea Ehrenberg, 1830
- Order Filosa
- Order Reticulosa
- Order Lobosa Carpenter, 1861
- Class Rhizopoda Siebold, 1845
de Saedeleer (1934)
[edit]de Saedeleer, H. (1934). Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Rhizopoden: Morphologische und systematische Untersuchungen und ein Klassifikationsversuch. Musée royal d'histoire naturelle de Belgique, 60: 1–112, [15], [16].
Klasse Rhizopoda von Siebold
- Ordo Lobosa Leidy 1879
- A. Sub-Ordo Amoebaea Ehrenberg 1830
- B. Sub-Ordo Testacealobosa
- II. Legio Eulobosa
- II. Legio Reticulobosa
- Ordo Filosa Leidy 1879
- A. Sub-Ordo Aconchulina
- B. Sub-Ordo Testaceafilosa
- Ordo Granulo-reticulosa
- A. Sub-Ordo Athalamia
- B. Sub-Ordo Monothalamia
- C. Sub-Ordo Polythalamia
Grassé et al. (1953)
[edit]Grassé, P.-P. (Ed.). Traité de Zoologie. Vol. 1.2, Protozoaires: Rhizopodes, Actinopodes, Sporozoaires, Cnidosporidies, 1953. Masson, Paris, [17], [18], [19].
Règne animal
- Phylum Protozoa
- Subphylum Rhizoflagellata
- Superclassis Flagellata
- Superclassis Rhizopoda
- Class Lobosa
- Order Amoebaea [par Chatton]
- Order Testacealobosa [par Deflandre]
- Class Filosa
- Order Aconchulina [par Deflandre]
- Order Testaceafilosa [par Deflandre]
- Class Granulo-reticulosa
- Order Athalamia [par Deflandre]
- Order Thalamia [par Deflandre]
- Order Foraminifera [par Le Calvez]
- "Rhizopodes douteux ou champignons inférieus" [par Pavillard]
- Order Acrasiae Van Tieghem, 1880 (= Sorophorae Zopf, 1885; Acrasinea, Poche, 1913)
- Order Myxogasteres Fries 1829 (= Mycetozoa de Bary, 1858; Myxomycetes Wallroth, 1833)
- Order Plasmodiophorales Cook, 1933 (= Plasmodiophoraceae Zopf, 1885)
- Class Lobosa
- Subphylum Rhizoflagellata
Kudo (1954)
[edit]Protozoology, 4th ed., [20].
- Phylum Protozoa Goldfuss
- Subphylum 1 Plasmodroma Doflein
- Class 1 Mastigophora Diesing
- Class 2 Sarcodina Hertwig and Lesser
- Subclass 1 Rhizopoda Siebold
- Order 1 Proteomyxa Lankester
- Order 2 Mycetozoa de Bary
- Order 3 Amoebina Ehrenberg
- Order 4 Testacea Schultze (Thecamoeba)
- Order 5 Foraminifera d'Orbigny
- Subclass 2 Actinopoda Calkins
- Subclass 1 Rhizopoda Siebold
- Subphylum 1 Plasmodroma Doflein
Loeblich & Tappan (1961)
[edit]Loeblich Jr., A.R., Tappan, H., 1961. Suprageneric classification of the Rhizopoda. J. Paleontol. 35, 245–330., [21], [22].
Subphylum Sarkodina Hertwig & Lesser, 1874
- Class Rhizopodea von Siebold, 1845
- Subclass Lobosia
- Subclass Filosia
- Subclass Granuloreticulosia
Honigberg et al. (1964)
[edit]In Phylum Protozoa, Subphylum Sarcomastigophora, Superclass Sarcodina
Class Rhizopodea
- Subclass Lobosia
- Subclass Filosia
- Subclass Granuloreticulosia
- Subclass Mycetozoia
- Subclass Labyrinthulia
Loeblich & Tappan (1964)
[edit]From Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, part C/2, Sarcodina, Chiefly “Thecamoebians” and Foraminiferida, 1964, [23].
- Subphylum Sarcodina
- Class Rhizopodea
- Subclass Lobosia
- Order Amoebida
- Order Mycetozoida
- Order Arcellinida ("thecamoebians")
- Subclass Lobosia
- Class Reticularea
- Subclass Filosia
- Order Aconchulinida
- Order Gromida ("thecamoebians")
- Subclass Granuloreticulosia
- Order Athalamida
- Order Foraminiferida
- Order Reitlingerellida
- Order Xenophyophorida
- Order Labyrinthulida
- Subclass Radiolaria
- Subclass Heliozoia
- Subclass Acantharia
- Subclass Filosia
- Class Rhizopodea
John O. Corliss (1984)
[edit]From The kingdom Protista and its 45 phyla
In Kingdom Protista
Assemblage "Rhizopods"
- Phylum Karyoblastea
- Phylum Amoebozoa
- Phylum Acrasia
- Phylum Eumycetozoa
- Phylum Plasmodiophorea
- Phylum Granuloreticulosa
- incertae sedis
- Phylum Xenophyophora
Lee et al. (1985)
[edit]From J.J. Lee, S.H. Hutner and E.C. Bovee, (eds.), An Illustrated Guide to the Protozoa, Society of Protozoologists, 1st ed., 1985. See Fernández-Galiano, 1990, [24].
Subkingdom Protozoa (Goldfuss, 1818) von Siebold, 1846
- Phylum Sarcomastigophora Honigberg & Balamuth, 1963
- Subphylum Mastigophora Diesing, 1866
- Subphylum Sarcodina Schmarda, 1871
- Superclass Rhizopodea von Siebold, 1845
- Class Lobosea Carpenter, 1861
- Class Acarpomyxea Page, 1976
- (Class Acrasea Schroter, 1886)
- Class Mycetozoea de Bary, 1859
- (Class Plasmodiophorea Cook, 1928)
- Class Filosea Leidy, 1879
- Class Granuloreticulosea de Saedeler, 1934
- (Class Xenophyophorea Schulze, 1904)
- Superclass Actinopodea Calkins, 1902
Page (1987)
[edit]- Page, F.C. 1987. The classification of ‘naked’ amoebae (Phylum Rhizopoda). Archiv für Protistenkunde 133: 199–217. DOI: 10.1016/S0003-9365(87)80053-2 Reference page.
Phylum Rhizopoda von Siebold, 1845
- Class 1. Heterolobosea Page & Blanton, 1985
- Order 1. Schizopyrenida Singh, 1952
- Family 1. Vahlkampfiidae Jollos, 1917; Zulueta, 1917
- Family 2. Gruberellidae Page & Blanton, 1985
- Order 2. Acrasida Schröter, 1886; emend. Page & Blanton, 1985
- Family 1. Acrasidae van Tieghem, 1880; emend. L. S. Olive, 1970
- Family 2. Guttulinopsidae L. S. Olive, 1970
- Order 1. Schizopyrenida Singh, 1952
- Class 2. Lobosea Carpenter, 1861
- Subclass 1. Gymnamoebia Haeckel, 1862
- Order 1. Euamoebida Lepsi, 1960; emend.
- Family 1. Amoebidae Ehrenberg, 1838
- Family 2. Thecamoebidae Schaeffer, 1926; emend.
- Family 3. Hartmannellidae Volkonsky, 1931; emend. Page, 1974
- Family 4. Vannellidae Bovee, 1970; emend.
- Family 5. Paramoebidae Poche, 1913; emend.
- Family 6. Vexilliferidae n. fam.
- Order 2. Leptomyxida Pussard & Pons, 1976; emend.
- Suborder 1. Rhizoflabellina n. subord.
- Family 1. Flabellulidae Bovee, 1970
- Family 2. Leptomyxidae Pussard & Pons, 1976; emend.
- Suborder 2. Leptoramosina n. subord.
- Family 1. Stereomyxidae Grell, 1966
- Family 2. Gephyramoebidae Pussard & Pons, 1976
- Suborder 1. Rhizoflabellina n. subord.
- Order 3. Acanthopodida Page, 1976
- Family 1. Acanthamoebidae Sawyer & Griffin, 1975
- Order 4. Loboreticulatida n. ord.
- Family 1. Corallomyxidae n. fam.
- Incertae sedis
- Family Echinamoebidae Page, 1975
- Family Entamoebidae Chatton, 1925
- Family Hyalodiscidae Poche, 1913
- Order 1. Euamoebida Lepsi, 1960; emend.
- Subclass 2. Testacealobosia de Saedeleer, 1934
- Order 1. Himatismenida n. ord.
- Family Cochliopodiidae Hertwig & Lesser, 1874; emend. Bark, 1973
- Order 2. Arcellinida Kent, 1880
- Order 3. Trichosida Möbius, 1889
- Order 1. Himatismenida n. ord.
- Subclass 1. Gymnamoebia Haeckel, 1862
- Class 3. Caryoblastea Margulis, 1974
- Order 1. Pelobiontida Page, 1976
- Family Pelomyxidae Schulze, 1877
- Order 1. Pelobiontida Page, 1976
- Class 4. Eumycetozoea Zopf, 1885
- Class 5. Plasmodiophorea Cook, 1928
- Class 6. Filosea Leidy, 1879
- Subclass 1. Aconchulinia de Saedeleer, 1934
- Order 1. Cristidiscoidida n. ord.
- Family 1. Nucleariidae Cann & Page, 1979
- Representative genus: Nuclearia
- Family 2. Pompholyxophryidae n. fam.
- Representative genus: Pompholyxophrys
- Family 1. Nucleariidae Cann & Page, 1979
- Order 2. Cristivesiculatida n. ord.
- Family 1. Vampyrellidae Zopf, 1885
- Representative genus: Vampyrella
- Family 2. Arachnulidae n. fam.
- Representative genus: Arachnula
- Family 1. Vampyrellidae Zopf, 1885
- Order 1. Cristidiscoidida n. ord.
- Subclass 2. Testaceafilosia de Saedeleer, 1934
- Order Gromiida
- Subclass 1. Aconchulinia de Saedeleer, 1934
- Class 7. Granuloreticulosea de Saedeleer, 1934
- Order 1. Athalamida Haeckel, 1862
- Family 1. Biomyxidae Loeblich & Tappan, 1961
- Representative genus: Biomyxa
- Family 1. Biomyxidae Loeblich & Tappan, 1961
- Order 2. Promycetozoida Grell, 1985
- Family Reticulomyxidae n. fam.
- Representative genera: Pontomyxa, Reticulomyxa, Thalassomyxa
- Family Reticulomyxidae n. fam.
- Order 3. Monothalamida Haeckel, 1862.
- Order 4. Foraminiferida D'Orbigny, 1826
- Order 1. Athalamida Haeckel, 1862
- Class 8. Xenophyophorea Schulze, 1904
Siemensma (1987)
[edit]Siemensma, F.J. (1987). De Nederlandse Naaktamoeben (Rhizopoda, Gymnamoebia). Wetenschappelijke Mededelingen van der Koninklijke Nederlandse Natuurhistorische Vereniging, Nr. 181, [25], [26].
[naked amoebae, p. 35]
- Phylum Rhizopoda
- Klasse Lobosea
- Klasse Heterolobosea
- Klasse Caryoblastea
- Klasse Filosea
- Klasse Granuloreticulosea
- Familie Mastigamoebidae
Aescht & Foissner (1989)
[edit]Aescht, E. & W. Foissner (1989): Stamm Rhizopoda (U.-Kl. Testacealobosia, Testaceafilosia). Catalogus Faunae Austriae. Ein systematisches Verzeichnis aller auf österreichischem Gebiet festgestellten Tierarten, Teil I a, 79 S., (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften) Wien, [27].
- Stamm: Rhizopoda
- Klasse: Lobosea
- Unterklasse: Testacealobosia
- Ordnung: Eulobosa
- Überfamilie: Arcelloidea
- Familie: Arcellidae
- Familie: Microchlamyidae
- Überfamilie: Centropyxoidea
- Familie: Centropyxidae
- Familie: Cyclopyxidae
- Familie: Difflugiidae
- Familie: Heleoperidae
- Familie: Hyalospheniidae
- Familie: Lesquereusiidae
- Familie: Plagiopyxidae
- Überfamilie: Arcelloidea
- Ordnung: Reticulolobosa
- Familie: Cryptodifflugiidae
- Familie: Phryganellidae
- Ordnung: Eulobosa
- Unterklasse: Testacealobosia
- Klasse: Filosea
- Unterklasse: Testaceafilosia
- Ordnung: Gromiida
- Familie: Amphitrematidae
- Familie: Chlamydophryidae
- Familie: Cyphoderiidae
- Familie: Euglyphidae
- Familie: Paulinellidae
- Familie: Pseudodifflugiidae
- Ordnung: Gromiida
- Unterklasse: Testaceafilosia
- Klasse: Lobosea
Schuster in Margulis et al. (1990)
[edit]Schuster, F.L. 1990. 1. Phylum Rhizopoda. In: Margulis, L., J.O. Corliss, M. Melkonian, D.J. Chapman (ed.). Handbook of Protoctista. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Boston, p. 3-18. See Brands, S.J. (1989-2015), [28].
Kingdom Protoctista
- Section I: Phyla without flagellated stages and without complex sexual cycles
- Phylum 1. Rhizopoda
- Class Lobosea
- Subclass Gymnamoebia
- Order Amoebida
- Subclass Testacealobosa
- Order Arcellinidae
- Order Trichosida
- Subclass Gymnamoebia
- Class Filosea
- Order Aconchulinida
- Genus Nuclearia
- Order Testaceafilosida
- Family Euglyphidae
- Order Aconchulinida
- Class Lobosea
- Phylum 1. Rhizopoda
Page (1991)
[edit]Page, F.C. (1991). Nackte Rhizopoda. In: Nackte Rhizopoda und Heliozoea (Protozoenfauna Band 2). Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart, New York, pp 3–157, [29], [30].
"Nackte Rhizopoda" [naked Rhizopoda]
- Klasse Heterolobosea
- Klasse Lobosea
- Klasse Caryoblastea
- Klasse Filosea
- Klasse Granuloreticulosea
Cavalier-Smith (1993)
[edit]From Kingdom Protozoa and its 18 phyla
In Kingdom Protozoa, Subkingdom Dictyozoa, Branch Bikonta, Infrakingdom Neozoa, Parvkingdom Neosarcodina
Phylum Rhizopoda Dujardin, 1835 stat. nov. Haeckel, 1886 emend.
Cavalier-Smith (1996/97)
[edit]From Amoeboflagellates and mitochondrial cristae in eukaryote evolution: megasystematics of the new protozoan subkingdoms eozoa and neozoa, [31], [32].
Kingdom Protozoa
- Subkingdom Neozoa Cavalier-Smith 1993 stat. nov.
- Infrakingdom 1. Sarcodina Hertwig & Lesser 1874 infrak. nov.
- Superphylum 3. Neosarcodina Cavalier-Smith 1993 emend. 1996
- Phylum 1. Rhizopoda Dujardin 1835 stat. nov. Haeckel 1886 emend. Cavalier-Smith 1996
- Subphylum 1. Phytomyxa subphy. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1996
- Class Phytomyxea Engler & Prantl 1897 orthog. emend. Cavalier-Smith 1993
- Order 1. Phagomyxida Cavalier-Smith 1993 (e.g. Phagomyxa)
- Order 2. Plasmodiophorida Cook 1928 (e.g. Plasmodiophora)
- Class Phytomyxea Engler & Prantl 1897 orthog. emend. Cavalier-Smith 1993
- Subphylum 2. Reticulofilosa subphy. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1996
- Class 1. Chlorarachnea Hibberd & Norris 1984 orthog. emend Cavalier-Smith 1993
- Order Chlorarachnida Hibberd & Norris 1984 orthog. emend. (e.g. Chlorarachnion, Cryptochlora)
- Class 2. Proteomyxidea Lankester 1885 emend. Cavalier-Smith 1993
- Order 1. Pseudosporida Cavalier-Smith 1993 (e.g. Pseudospora)
- Order 2. Leucodictyida Cavalier-Smith 1993 (e.g. Leucodictyon)
- Class 1. Chlorarachnea Hibberd & Norris 1984 orthog. emend Cavalier-Smith 1993
- Subphylum 3. Monadofilosa subphy. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1996
- Class 1. Sarcomonadea Cavalier -Smith 1993 stat. nov. 1995 emend.
- Order 1. Cercomonadida Poche 1913 emend. Vickerman in Honigberg 1983 (e.g. Cercomonas, Heteromita, Massisteria)
- Order 2. Thaumatomonadida Shirkina 1987 (e.g. Thaumatomonas, Thaumatomastix)
- Class 2. Filosea Leidy 1879 emend. Cavalier-Smith 1993
- Subclass 1. Cristidiscoidia Page 1987 stat. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1993
- Order 1. Nucleariida Cavalier-Smith 1993 (e.g. Nuclearia)
- Order 2. Fonticulida Cavalier-Smith 1993 (Fonticula)
- Order 3. Ministeriida ord. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1996 (Ministeria)
- Subclass 2. Cristivesiculatia Page 1987 stat. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1993
- Order Vampyrellida Starobogatov ex Krylov et al. 1980 (e.g. Vampyrella)
- Subclass 3. Testaceafilosia De Saedeleer 1934
- Order 1. Gromiida Claparède & Lachmann 1856 (e.g. Gromia)
- Order 2. Euglyphida stat. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1996 (Euglypha, Paulinella)
- Subclass 1. Cristidiscoidia Page 1987 stat. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1993
- Class 1. Sarcomonadea Cavalier -Smith 1993 stat. nov. 1995 emend.
- Subphylum 1. Phytomyxa subphy. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1996
- Phylum 2. Amoebozoa Lühe 1913 stat. nov. Corliss 1984 emend. Cavalier-Smith 1996
- Phylum 1. Rhizopoda Dujardin 1835 stat. nov. Haeckel 1886 emend. Cavalier-Smith 1996
- Superphylum 3. Neosarcodina Cavalier-Smith 1993 emend. 1996
- Infrakingdom 1. Sarcodina Hertwig & Lesser 1874 infrak. nov.
Cavalier-Smith (1998)
[edit]From A revised six-kingdom system of life.
Kingdom Protozoa
- Subkingdom Neozoa
- Infrakingdom Sarcomastigota
- Phylum Cercozoa (syn. Rhizopoda Von Siebold 1845 stat. nov. Haeckel 1886 as emended by Cavalier-Smith 1995, 1997; present phylum emended by addition of Spongomonadida and transfer of Cristidiscoidia to Choanozoa: Cavalier-Smith, 1997.)
- Subphylum Phytomyxa Cavalier-Smith 1997 (e.g. Plasmodiophora)
- Subphylum Reticulofilosa Cavalier-Smith 1997 (e.g. Chlorarachnion, Cryptochlora)
- Subphylum Monadofilosa Cavalier-Smith 1997 (e.g. Cercomonas, Gymnophrys, Euglypha, Spongomonas)
- Phylum Cercozoa (syn. Rhizopoda Von Siebold 1845 stat. nov. Haeckel 1886 as emended by Cavalier-Smith 1995, 1997; present phylum emended by addition of Spongomonadida and transfer of Cristidiscoidia to Choanozoa: Cavalier-Smith, 1997.)
- Infrakingdom Sarcomastigota
Alimov et al. (2000)
[edit]Alimov, A. F. (ed.) 2000. Protista 1: Handbook on zoology. St. Petersburg: Nauka, 2000, 679 pp. (in Russian, with English summaries), [33].
- Phylum Rhizopoda Siebold, 1845
- Class Lobosea Carpenter, 1861
- Subclass Gymnamoebia Haeckel, 1862
- Order Euamoebida (Lepsi, 1960) Page, 1987
- Order Leptomyxida (Pusard & Pons, 1976) Page, 1987
- Order Loboreticulatida Page, 1987
- Order Acanthopodida Page, 1976
- Subclass Testacealobosia de Saedeleer, 1934
- Order Arcellinida Kent, 1880
- Order Himatismenida Page, 1987
- Order Trichosida Moebius, 1889
- Subclass Gymnamoebia Haeckel, 1862
- Class Heterolobosea Page & Blanton, 1985
- Order Schizopyrenida Singh, 1952
- Order Acrasida (Schroeter, 1886) Page & Blanton, 1985
- Class Filosea Leidy, 1879
- Subclass Aconchulinia de Saedeleer, 1934
- Order Cristidiscoidida Page, 1987
- Family Nucleariidae Cann & Page, 1979
- Family Pompholyxophrydae Page, 1987
- Order Cristivesiculatida Page, 1987
- Family Vampyrellidae Zopf, 1885
- Family Arachnulidae Page, 1987
- Order Cristidiscoidida Page, 1987
- Subclass Testaceafilosia de Saedeleer, 1934
- Order Gromiida Claparède & Lachmann, 1859
- Subclass Aconchulinia de Saedeleer, 1934
- Class Peloflagellatea (= Caryoblastea) Goodkov & Seravin, 1991
- Order Pelobiontida Page, 1976
- Class Xenophyophorea Schulze, 1904
- Order Psamminida Poche, 1913
- Order Stannomida Tendal, 1972
- Rhizopoda incertae sedis
- Athalamida Haeckel, 1862
- Monothalamida Haeckel, 1862
- Komokiida Kamenskaya, 1992
- Blastocystida Zyerdt, 1988 ememd. Belova, 1992
- Class Lobosea Carpenter, 1861
Cavalier-Smith, 2002
[edit]Cavalier-Smith T., 2002. The phagotrophic origin of eukaryotes and phylogenetic classification of Protozoa. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2002 Mar;52(Pt 2):297-354, DOI: 10.1099/00207713-52-2-297.
Superregnum: Eukaryota
Cladus: Unikonta
Phylum: Amoebozoa
Subphylum: Sarcodina
Super-classis: Rhizopoda
[edit]- Clarke, K.J. 2003. Guide to Identification of Soil Protozoa – Testate Amoebae. Biological Association, Special Publication, no. 12, 40 pp. Google Books
- Dujardin, F. 1835. Observations nouvelles sur les Céphalopodes microscopiques. Annales des Sciences Naturelles (3): 108–109 BHL
- Dujardin, F. 1835. Observations nouvelles sur les prétendus Céphalopodes microscopiques. Annales des Sciences Naturelles (3): 312–316 BHL
- Dujardin, F. 1835. Observations sur les rhizopodes et les infusoires. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences 338–340 BHL
- Dujardin, F. 1835. Recherches sur les organisms inférieurs. Annales des Sciences Naturelles 4: 343–377 BHL
- Page, F.C. 1976. An Illustrated Key to Freshwater and Soil Amoebae. Freshwater Biological Association, Scientific Publications no. 34 Google Books
- Page, F.C. 1988. A New Key to Freshwater and Soil Gymnamoebae. Freshwater Biological Association 122 pp. Google Books