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Taxonavigation: Pedinellales 

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Chromista
Subregnum: Harosa
Infraregnum: Heterokonta
Phylum: Ochrophyta
Subphylum: Phaeista
Infraphylum: Monista
Superclassis: Hypogyristia
Classis: Dictyochophyceae
Subclassis: Alophycidae
Superordo: Actinochrysia
Ordo: Pedinellales

Familia: Pedinellaceae
Genus: Actinomonas
Species: A. mirabilis – A. pusilla – A. radiosa – A. vernalis



Actinomonas Kent, 1881


  • Moestrup, Ø. (2000). Order Pedinellales Zimmermann, Moestrup and Hällfors 1984. In: Lee, J.J., Leedale, G.F. & Bradbury, P. An Illustrated Guide to the Protozoa. Society of Protozoologists/Allen Press: Lawrence, Kansas, U.S.A, 2nd ed., vol. 2, p. 778-782, [1].
  • Saville-Kent, W. (1880-1882). A manual of Infusoria. London: D. Bogue, 3 vols., [2].