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Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Protozoa
Subregnum: Eozoa
Infraregnum: Excavata
Phylum: Metamonada
Subphylum: Anaeromonada
Classis: Anaeromonadea
Ordo: Oxymonadida
Familiae: Oxymonadidae – Polymastigidae – Pyrsonymphidae – Saccinobaculidae



Oxymonadida Grassé in Grassé, Traité Zool. 1(1): 801 (1952) (“Oxymonadina”).

Alternative botanical spelling: Oxymonadales


Alternative botanical spelling: Polymastigales
Alternative botanical spelling: Polymastigineae
Alternative botanical spelling: Pyrsonymphales
    • Pyrsonymphina Grell, Protozool. ed. 2: 377 (1968) (“Pyrsonymphida”), pro zool. subord.
Alternative botanical spelling: Pyrsonymphineae
  • Saccinobacculida Kussakin & A.L.Drozdov, Filema Org. Mira 2: 96 (1998) (“Saccinobaculida”), pro zool. ord.
Alternative botanical spelling: Saccinobacculales
  • Streblomastigida Kussakin & A.L.Drozdov, Filema Org. Mira 2: 96 (1998) (“Streblomastigiformes”), pro zool. ord.
Alternative botanical spelling: Streblomastigales



Primary references


Template:Grasse, 1952

  • Kussakin, O.G. (Кусакин, О.Г.) & Drozdov, A.L. (Дроздов, А.Л.) 1998. Филема органического мира (Phylema of the living beings). Часть 2. Прокариоты и низшие евкариоты (Prokaryotes, Eukaryotes: Microsporobiontes, Archemonadobiontes, Euglenobiontes, Myxobiontes, Rhodobiontes, Alveolates, Heterokontes). - Санкт-Петербург : "Наука", С.-Петербургская издательская фирма. - 381 с. : ил. (Russian) Google Books Open access ISBN 502026018 Invalid ISBN Reference page

Additional references


Alternative classifications


Grassé et al. (1952)


Grassé, P.-P. (Ed.), 1952. Traité de Zoologie. Vol. 1.1, Protozoaires: Flagellés, 1952. Masson, Paris, [1], [2], [3], [4].

Règne animal

Honigberg et al. (1964)


In Phylum Protozoa

Cavalier-Smith (1993)


From Kingdom Protozoa and its 18 phyla

In Phylum Metamonada

  • Subphylum Axostylaria Grassé, 1952 emend. stat. nov.
    • Class Oxymonadea Grassé, 1952 stat. nov. Margulis, 1974
      • Order Oxymonadida Grassé, 1952

David J. Patterson (1999)


From The Diversity of Eukaryotes

In Eukaryotes
Clade Oxymonads

Brugerolle & Lee, in Lee et al. (2000)


Brugerolle, G. & Lee, J.J., 2000. Order Oxymonadida. In: Lee, J.J., Leedale, G.F. & Bradbury, P. An Illustrated Guide to the Protozoa. Society of Protozoologists/Allen Press: Lawrence, Kansas, U.S.A, 2nd ed., vol. 2, p. 1186-1195, [5]. See Brands, S.J. (1989-2015), [6].

In “protozoa”, “flagellated protists

Cavalier-Smith (2002)


From The phagotrophic origin of eukaryotes and phylogenetic classification of Protozoa

In Anaeromonadea

Alastair G. B. Simpson (2003)


From Cytoskeletal organization, phylogenetic affinities and systematics in the contentious taxon Excavata (Eukaryota)

In Excavata, Preaxostyla
Clade Oxymonadida

Adl et al. (2012)

