
[edit]Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Protozoa
Subregnum: Eozoa
Infraregnum: Euglenozoa
Phylum: Euglenozoa
Subphylum: Plicostoma
Classis: Euglenoidea
Subclasses: Rapazia (Rapazophycidae) – Euglenia (Euglenophycidae)
[edit]Euglenoidea Schoenichen in Eyferth, Einfach. Lebensf. Tier- Pfl.-Reich. ed. 5, 1: 198-199 (“Eugleninae”), pro zool. cl.
- Alternative botanical spelling: Euglenophyceae
Synonyms or similar groups
- Euglenida Stein, 1878 (sensu stricto); Simpson, 1997 (sensu lato)
- Euglenidae Stein, 1878, emend. Kent, 1880 (not Seidlitz, 1875, Coleoptera)
- Euglenoidina Bütschli, 1884; Blochmann, 1895
- Euglenineae Senn, 1900
- Eugleninae Lemmermann, 1913; Schoenichen, 1925
- "euglenoids" Walton, 1915
- Euglenophyta Pascher, 1931
- Euglenophyceae Shoenichen, 1925 orth. em. Smith, 1933; Rothmaler, 1951
- Euglenales Leedale, 1967
- Euglenoida Cavalier-Smith, 1978, 1993
- Euglenozoa Cavalier-Smith, 1981, pro parte
- Euglenidea de Puytorac et al., 1987; Fernández-Galiano, 1990
- Euglenia Cavalier-Smith, 1993
- Euglenea Busse & Preisfeld, 2002 (not Heller, 1896, Coleoptera)
- Euglenophycidae Busse & Preisfeld, 2002
- Aphagea Cavalier-Smith, 1993
[edit]- Cavalier-Smith, T. 2003. The excavate protozoan phyla Metamonada Grassé emend. (Anaeromonadea, Parabasalia, Carpediemonas, Eopharyngia) and Loukozoa emend. (Jakobea, Malawimonas): their evolutionary affinities and new higher taxa. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 53: 1741–1758. DOI: 10.1099/ijs.0.02548-0
Reference page.
- Cavalier-Smith T. 2003. Protist phylogeny and the high-level classification of Protozoa. European Journal of Protistology 39: 338–348. DOI: 10.1078/0932-4739-00002 Reference page.
- Cavalier-Smith, T. 2016. Higher classification and phylogeny of Euglenozoa. European Journal of Protistology 56: 250–276. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejop.2016.09.003
. PMID: 27889663
. Reference page.
Vernacular names
[edit]eesti: Eugleniidid
français: Euglénophytes, Euglénoïdes
日本語: ユーグレナ藻
中文: 裸藻綱
Alternative classifications
[edit]Lankester (1885, 1891)
[edit]- Lankester, E.R. 1885. Protozoa. In: Encyclopaedia Britannica. Ed. 9, 19: 830–866. Google Books
Reference page.
Lankester, E. R. (1891). Article "Protozoa". In: Zoological Articles Contributed to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, [1].
- Protozoa
- Grade A. Gymnomyxa
- Grade B. Corticata
- Section Stomatophora
- Class II. Flagellata
- Order 2. Euglenoidea Bütschli
- Class II. Flagellata
- Section Stomatophora
Rothmaler (1951)
[edit]Rothmaler, Werner. (1951). Die Abteilungen und Klassen der Pflanzen. Feddes Rep Spec Nov Reg Veg 3: 256–266, [2], [3].
Huber-Pestalozzi (1955)
[edit]Huber-Pestalozzi, G. (ed.). Das Phytoplankton des Süßwassers. Theil 4. Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, 1955. Werke.
[See Algae]
- X. Klasse: Euglenophyceae
- 1. Reihe: Gefärbte Eugleninen
- Familie Euglenaceae
- Familie Euglenocapsaceae (fam. nov.)
- 2. Reihe: Farblose Eugleninen
- Familie Cyclidiopsidaceae (fam. nov.)
- Familie Astasiaceae
- Familie Peranemaceae
- Familie Rhychopodaceae
- Familie Rhizaspidaceae
- Familie Protaspidaceae
- 1. Reihe: Gefärbte Eugleninen
Leedale (1967)
[edit]- Leedale, G.F. 1967. Euglenoid Flagellates. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall. (Concepts of modern biology series.) Internet Archive PDF
Reference page.
Phylum Euglenophyta [botanical classification]
- Class Euglenophyceae
- Order Eutreptiales
- Order Euglenales
- Order Rhabdomonadales
- Order Sphenomonadales
- Order Heteronematales
- Order Euglenamorphales
Phylum Protozoa
- Division Flagellata
- Class Euglenida or Euglenineae [zoological classification]
- Order Euglenida
- Suborder Eutreptiina
- Suborder Euglenina
- Suborder Rhabdomonadina
- Suborder Sphenomonadina
- Suborder Heteronematina
- Suborder Euglenamorphina
- Order Euglenida
- Class Euglenida or Euglenineae [zoological classification]
Walne & Kivic in Margulis et al. (1990[1989])
[edit]Walne, P.L. & Kivic, P.A., 1990[1989]. 15. Phylum Euglenida. In: Margulis, L., J.O. Corliss, M. Melkonian, D.J. Chapman (ed.). Handbook of Protoctista. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Boston, p. 270-287. See Brands, S.J. (1989-2015), [4].
Kingdom Protoctista
- Section III: Phyla with flagellated stages, but without complex sexual cycles
- Phylum 15. Euglenida
- Class Euglenophyceae
- Order Eutreptiales
- Order Euglenales
- Order Rhabdomonadales
- Order Sphenomonadales
- Order Heteronematales
- Order Euglenamorphales
- Class Euglenophyceae
- Phylum 15. Euglenida
Hausmann et al. (1996)
[edit]From Hausmann, K., N. Hülsmann. Protozoology. Thieme Verlag; New York, 1996. [5]
Empire Eukaryota
- Kingdom Mastigota
- Subkingdom Dimastigota
- Superphylum Metakaryota
- Phylum Euglenozoa
- Subphylum Euglenida
- Class Euglenoidea
- Class Hemimastigophorea
- Subphylum Kinetoplasta
- Subphylum Pseudociliata
- Subphylum Euglenida
- Phylum Euglenozoa
- Superphylum Metakaryota
- Subkingdom Dimastigota
Leedale in Lee et al. (2000)
[edit]Leedale, G.F. 2000. Class Euglenoidea Bütschli, 1884, order Euglenida Bütschli, 1884. In: Lee, J.J., Leedale, G.F. & Bradbury, P. An Illustrated Guide to the Protozoa. Society of Protozoologists/Allen Press: Lawrence, Kansas, U.S.A, 2nd ed., vol. 2, p. 1136–1157, [6]. See Brands, S.J. (1989-2015), [7].
In “protozoa”, “flagellated protists”,
- Phylum Euglenozoa Cavalier-Smith, 1981
- "euglenids" (Class Euglenoidea Bütschli, 1884, Order Euglenida Bütschli, 1884)
- Suborder Eutreptiina Leedale, 1967
- Genus Distigma Ehrenberg, 1831
- Genus Distigmopsis Hollande, 1942
- Genus Eutreptia Perty, 1852
- Genus Eutreptiella da Cunha, 1913
- Suborder Euglenina Bütschli, 1884
- Genus Euglena C.G. Ehrenberg, 1830
- Genus Euglenocapsa Steinecke, 1931
- Genus Khawkinea Jahn & McKibben, 1937
- Genus Astasia Dujardin, 1830
- Genus Cyclidiopsis Korschikov, 1917
- Genus Trachelomonas Ehrenberg, 1833
- Genus Strombomonas Deflandre, 1930
- Genus Ascoglena Stein, 1878
- Genus Klebsina Silva, 1961 [= Genus Klebsiella Pascher, 1931]
- Genus Colacium Ehrenberg, [1834]
- Genus Phacus Dujardin, 1841
- Genus Hyalophacus Pringsheim, 1936
- Genus Lepocinclis Perty, 1849
- Genus Cryptoglena C.G. Ehrenberg, 1831[1832]
- Suborder Rhabdomonadina Leedale, 1967
- Genus Rhabdomonas Fresenius, 1858
- Genus Rhabdospira Pringsheim, 1963
- Genus Menoidium Perty, 1852
- Genus Gyropaigne Skuja, 1939
- Genus Parmidium Christen, 1963
- Suborder Sphenomonadina Leedale, 1967
- Genus Sphenomonas Stein, 1878
- Genus Atraktomonas Christen, 1962
- Genus Calkinsia Lackey, 1960
- Genus Anisonema Dujardin, 1841
- Genus Metanema (Klebs, 1892) Senn, in Engler & Prantl, 1900
- Genus Calycimonas Christen, 1959
- Genus Petalomonas Stein, 1859
- Genus Dylakosoma Skuja, 1964
- Genus Scytomonas Stein, 1878
- Genus Dolium Larsen & Patterson, 1990
- Genus Notosolenus Stokes, 1884
- Genus Tropidoscyphus Stein, 1878
- Suborder Heteronematina Leedale, 1967
- Genus Heteronema Dujardin, 1841
- Genus Peranema F. Dujardin, 1841
- Genus Urceolus Mereschkowski, 1877
- Genus Entosiphon Stein, 1878
- Genus Ploeotia Dujardin, 1841
- Suborder Euglenamorphina Leedale, 1967
- Genus Euglenamorpha Wenrich, 1924
- Genus Hegneria Brumpt & Lavier, 1924
- Incertae sedis
- ?Genus Conradnema
- ?Genus Dinema Perty, 1852
- ?Genus Dinemula Michajlow, 1965
- ?Genus Naupliicola Michajlow, 1965
- ?Genus Ovicola Michajlow, 1965
- ?Genus Embryocola
- ?Genus Mesastasia Palienko & Monchenko, 1979
- ?Genus Mononema Michajlow, 1967
- ?Genus Paradinemula Monchenko, 1967
- ?Genus Paradistigma Wita, 1974
- ?Genus Paradistigmoides Michajlow & Wita, 1976
- ?Genus Parastasia
- ?Genus Parastasiella
- Suborder Eutreptiina Leedale, 1967
- "euglenids" (Class Euglenoidea Bütschli, 1884, Order Euglenida Bütschli, 1884)
Marin et al. (2003)
[edit]Marin, B., Palm, A., Klingberg, M., Melkonian, M. (2003): Phylogeny and taxonomic revision of plastid-containing Euglenophytes based on SSU rDNA sequence comparisons and synapomorphic signatures in the SSU rRNA secondary structure. Protist 154, 99-145, [8].
- kinetoplastids
- diplonemids
- euglenoids (Euglenophyta)
- Distigma-clade
- Peranema
- euglenophytes (Euglenophyceae Schoenichen 1925 in Eyferth and Schoenichen 1925 emend. Marin et Melkonian)
- Order Eutreptiales Leedale 1967 emend. Marin et Melkonian
- Order Euglenales Leedale 1967 emend. Marin et Melkonian
Adl et al. (2012)
[edit]- Adl, S.M., Simpson, A.G.B., Lane, C.E., Lukeš, J., Bass, D., Bowser, S.S., Brown, M.W., Burki, F., Dunthorn, M., Hampl, V., Heiss, A., Hoppenrath, M., Lara, E., Le Gall, L., Lynn, D.H., McManus, H., Mitchell, E.A.D., Mozley-Stanridge, S.E., Parfrey, L.W., Pawlowski, J., Rueckert, S., Shadwick, L., Schoch, C.L., Smirnow, A. & Spiegel, F.W. 2012. The revised classification of eukaryotes. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 59(5): 429–514. DOI: 10.1111/j.1550-7408.2012.00644.x
. [Erratum: 60(3): 321. DOI: 10.1111/jeu.12033
.] Reference page.
- Excavata Cavalier-Smith 2002, emend. Simpson 2003
- Discoba Simpson in Hampl et al. 2009 (R)
- Discicristata Cavalier-Smith 1998
- Euglenozoa Cavalier-Smith 1981, emend. Simpson 1997
- Euglenida Bütschli 1884, emend. Simpson 1997
- Heteronematina Leedale 1967 (P)
- Anisonema, Dinema, Entosiphon, Heteronema, Lentomonas, Metanema, Notosolenus, Peranema, Petalomonas, Ploeotia
- [Alternative classification of Heteronematina:
- Euglenophyceae Schoenichen 1925, emend. Marin & Melkonian 2003 (= Euglenea Bütschli 1884, emend. Busse & Preisfeld 2002)
- Rapaza Yamaguchi et al. 2012 (M)
- Eutreptiales Leedale 1967, emend. Marin & Melkonian 2003
- Euglenea Bütschli 1884, emend. Busse & Preisfeld 2002 [emend. Adl et al. 2012?] (= Euglenales Leedale 1967, emend. Marin & Melkonian 2003)
- Phacaceae Kim et al. 2010
- Euglenaceae Dujardin 1841, emend. Kim et al. 2010
- Aphagea Cavalier-Smith 1993, emend. Busse & Preisfeld 2002
- Astasia sensu stricto, Distigma, Distigmopsis, Menoidium, Rhabdomonas
- Heteronematina Leedale 1967 (P)
- Euglenida Bütschli 1884, emend. Simpson 1997
- Euglenozoa Cavalier-Smith 1981, emend. Simpson 1997
- Discicristata Cavalier-Smith 1998
- Discoba Simpson in Hampl et al. 2009 (R)
[Notes: M, monotypic group with only one described species; P, paraphyletic group; R, ribogroup assembled from phylogenetic studies.]
Ruggiero et al. (2015)
[edit]Ruggiero, M.A., Gordon, D.P., Orrell, T.M., Bailly, N., Bourgoin, T., Brusca, R.C., Cavalier-Smith, T., Guiry, M. D. & Kirk, P. M. (2015). A Higher Level Classification of All Living Organisms. PLoS ONE 10(4): e0119248, [9].
- Superkingdom Eukaryota
- Kingdom Protozoa
- Subkingdom Eozoa
- Infrakingdom Euglenozoa
- Phylum Euglenozoa
- Subphylum N.N.
- Class Diplonemea
- Order Diplonemida
- Class Kinetoplastea
- Order Bodonida
- Order Prokinetoplastida
- Order Trypanosomatida
- Class Diplonemea
- Subphylum Euglenoida
- Class N.N.
- Order Petalomonadida
- Order Ploeotiida
- Class Euglenophyceae
- Order Euglenida
- Order Eutreptiida
- Class Peranemea
- Order Heteronemida
- Order Peranemida
- Order Rhabdomonadida
- Class N.N.
- Subphylum Symbiontida
- Class Postgaardea
- Order Postgaardida
- Class Postgaardea
- Subphylum N.N.
- Phylum Euglenozoa
- Infrakingdom Euglenozoa
- Subkingdom Eozoa
- Kingdom Protozoa
Cavalier-Smith (2016)
[edit]- Cavalier-Smith, T. 2016. Higher classification and phylogeny of Euglenozoa. European Journal of Protistology 56: 250–276. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejop.2016.09.003
. PMID: 27889663
. Reference page.
Phylum Euglenozoa
- Subphylum Euglenoida ["euglenoids"; Euglenoidea, if treated as a class; not Euglenida, as in Adl et al., 2012]
- Infraphylum Entosiphona
- Infraphylum Dipilida
- Superclass Rigimonada
- Superclass Spirocuta
- Class Peranemea
- Class Euglenophyceae
- Subclass Rapazia
- Subclass Euglenophycidae [not Euglenea, as in Busse & Preisfeld, 2002]
- Order Eutreptiida (=Eutreptiales)
- Order Euglenida ["euglenids"]
- Family Euglenidae [not Euglenea, as in Adl et al., 2012]
- Family Phacidae (=Phacaceae)
- Family Euglenamorphidae
- Subphylum Postgaardia
- Subphylum Glycomonada
Leander et al. (2017)
[edit]Leander, B.S., Lax, G., Karnkowska, A., Simpson, A.G.B. (2017). Euglenida. In: Archibald, J.M., Simpson, A.G.B., Slamovits, C. (Eds.). Handbook of the Protists. Springer, pp. 1-42. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-32669-6_13-1
- Euglenida [“euglenids", or "euglenoids"]
- Petalomonadida (e.g., Petalomonas, Notosolenus, Scytomonas, Sphenomonas)
- “Ploeotiids”(*) (e.g., Ploeotia, Entosiphon, Keelungia)
- Symbiontida (Bihospites, Calkinsia, and Postgaardi)
- Spirocuta (formerly “H clade” or “HP clade”)
- Aphagea (e.g., Rhabdomonas, Menoidium, Distigma, Astasia)
- Neometanema
- “Anisonemids” (Anisonema, Dinema)
- “Peranemids”(*) (e.g., Peranema, Jenningsia, Heteronema, Urceolus)
- Euglenophyceae
- Rapaza
- Eutreptiales (e.g., Eutreptia, Eutreptiella)
- Euglenales (= Euglenea)
- Phacaceae (Lepocinclis, Phacus, and Discoplastis)
- Euglenaceae (e.g., Euglena, Colacium, and Trachelomonas)
[(*) paraphyletic assemblages.]