[edit]- Metaphyta
[edit]MacMillan (1892)
[edit]Suggestions on the Classification of Metaphyta (1892), [1]. The Metaspermæ of the Minnesota Valley (1892), [2].
[In Plantae (L.)]
- Protophyta
- Metaphyta
- Gamophyta
- Sporophyta
- Thallophyta
- Archegoniatae
- Metaspermae
Haeckel (1894)
[edit]From Systematische phylogenie, 3 vols (vol. 1, Protisten und Pflanzen, 1894; vol. 2, Invertebrata, 1896; vol. 3, Vertebrata, 1895). [3]. See Kluge (2004-2014), [4].
[Vol. 1, p. 90-91:]
- Pflanzen
- Protophyta (Protista plasmodoma) [Vol. 1, p. 96]
- Archephyta (Progonella)
- Probiontes
- Chromaceae (Phycochromaceae)
- Algariae (Paulosporata)
- Paulotomeae
- Conjugatae
- Diatomeae
- Algettae (Zoosporata)
- Mastigota
- Melethallia
- Siphoneae
- Archephyta (Progonella)
- Metaphyta (Histones plasmodomi) [Vol. 1, p. 256]
- Thallophyta
- Algae, [Vol. 1, p. 302]
- Chlorophyceae
- Charaphyceae
- Phaeophyceae
- Rhodophyceae
- Mycetes [Vol. 1, p. 316]
- Ascomycetes (Ascodiomycetes)
- Basimycetes (Basidiomycetes)
- Lichenes [Vol. 1, p. 325]
- Algae, [Vol. 1, p. 302]
- Diaphyta [Vol. 1, p. 330]
- Bryophyta [Vol. 1, p. 336]
- Pteridophyta
- Anthophyta
- Gymnospermae
- Angiospermae
- Thallophyta
- Protophyta (Protista plasmodoma) [Vol. 1, p. 96]
- Thieren
- Protozoa (Protista plasmophaga) [Vol. 1, p. 138]
- Archezoa (= Zoarchega)
- Bacteria (= Bactromonera)
- Coccillida
- Bacillida
- Spirillida
- Zoomonera (= Monera s. str.)
- Lobomonera
- Rhizomonera
- Bacteria (= Bactromonera)
- Fungilli (= Sporozoa)
- Rhizopoda
- Infusoria
- Archezoa (= Zoarchega)
- Metazoa (Histones plasmophagi)
- Coelenteria (Acoelomia)
- Gastraeades
- Spongiae
- Cnidaria
- Platodes
- Bilateria (Coelomaria)
- Helminthes
- Mollusca
- Articulata
- Echinoderma
- Tunicata
- Vertebrata
- Coelenteria (Acoelomia)
- Protozoa (Protista plasmophaga) [Vol. 1, p. 138]
Whittaker (1969)
[edit]From New Concepts of Kingdoms of Organisms, [5].
- Kingdom Monera
- Kingdom Protista
- Kingdom Plantae
- Subkingdom Rhodophycophyta
- Phylum Rhodophyta
- Subkingdom Phaeophycophyta
- Phylum Phaeophyta
- Subkingdom Euchlorophyta
- Branch Chlorophycophyta
- Phylum Chlorophyta
- Phylum Charophyta
- Branch Metaphyta
- Phylum Bryophyta
- Phylum Tracheophyta
- Branch Chlorophycophyta
- Subkingdom Rhodophycophyta
- Kingdom Fungi
- Kingdom Animalia