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Flagellata Cohn, 1853:273




Claparède & Lachmann (1858–1861, 1868)


Claparède, E., and Lachmann, J. (1868). Études sur les infusoires et les rhizopodes, Genève et Bale: H. Georg. [1], [2]. Extrait des tomes V: 1–260 (1858) [3], VI: 261–482 (1859) [4] et VII: 1–291 (1861) [5] des Mémoires de l'Institut National Genevois.

Haeckel (1866, II)


Generelle morphologie der organismen, Bd. 2.

Stein (1878)


Stein, F. von (1878). Der Organismus der Infusionsthiere, Abt. 3 (1), p. X. Engelmann, Leipzig, [6], [7].

Saville-Kent (1880–1882)


From Saville-Kent, W. (1880–1882). A manual of Infusoria. London, vol. 1 (see p. 211 [8]), vol. 2 and vol. 3.

Sub-kingdom Protozoa

Bütschli (1883–1887)


From Bütschli, O. (1880–1889). Dr. H.G. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs: wissenschaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild: wissenschaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild. Erster Band: Protozoa. Abt. II, Mastigophora, 1883–87 [9]. C.F. Winter, Leipzig.

Phylum Protozoa

Klebs (1892)


Flagellaten [p. 292]

Engler (1898)


Engler, A. (1898). Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien (2 ed.), Gebrüder Borntraeger Verlag, Berlin, 214 p., [10].

Abteilung Euthallophyta

Kalberlah & Schoenichen (1900)


Kalberlah, A. & Schoenichen, W. B. (1900). Eyferth's Einfachste Lebensformen des Tier- und Pflanzenreiches: Naturgeschichte der mikroskopischen Süsswasserbewohner. 3rd ed. Braunschweig: B. Goeritz, [11].

Senn in Engler et Prantl (1900)


Senn, G. (1900). Flagellata. In: Engler, A. & Prantl, K. (eds.), 1887–1915. Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien [...]. Teil I, Abt 1a. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, pp. 93–188, figs. 63–140, [12]


Lemmermann (1910)


Lemmermann, E. (1910). Algen I (Schizophyceen, Flagellaten, Peridineen). In: Kryptogamenflora der Mark Brandenburg und angrenzender Gebiete herausgegeben von dem Botanishcen Verein der Provinz Brandenburg. Dritter Band. ( Eds), pp. 305–496. Leipzig: Verlag von Grebrüder Borntraeger, [13].

Hartmann & Chagas (1910)


Hartmann, Max & Chagas, Carlos. (1910) Estudos sobre flajelados / Flagellaten-Studien. Memórias Do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 2: 64–125, [14].

Hartmann & Schüssler (1913)


Hartmann, M. & Schüssler, H. (1913). Flagellata. In: Handwörterbuch der naturwissenschaften, Bd. 3, p. 1179, [15].


A. Pascher's Die Süsswasser-flora Mitteleuropas (1913–1936)


Pascher, Adolf (ed.). Die Süsswasser-Flora Deutschlands, Österreichs und der Schweiz. Jena: Gustav Fischer Verlag, Heft 1-15, 1913–1936, [16].

  • Heft 1: Flagellatae I: Allgemeiner Teil, Pantostomatinae, Protomastiginae, Distomatinae / bearbeitet von A. Pascher und E. Lemmermann, 1914. [17].
  • Heft 2: Flagellatae II: Chrysomonadinae, Cryptomonadinae, Eugleninae, Chloromonadinae und gefärbte Flagellaten unsicherer Stellung / bearbeitet von A. Pascher und E. Lemmermann, 1913. [18].
  • Heft 3: Dinoflagellatae (Peridineae) / bearbeitet von A.J. Schilling, 1913. [19].
  • Heft 4: Volvocales = Phytomonadinae. Flagellatae IV = Chlorophyceae I / bearbeitet von A. Pascher, 1927.
  • Heft 11: Heterokontae, Phaeophyta, Rhodophyta, Charophyta / bearbeitet von A. Pascher, J. Schiller, W. Migula, 1925.

"Flagellatae" [vol. 1, p. 28–29, by Lemmermann, 1914]

Kühn (1921)


Kühn, A. (1921). Morphologie der Tiere in Bildern. Heft 1: Protozoen. Teil 1. Flagellaten. Gebrüder Borntraeger: Berlin, [20].


Schoenichen (1925)


Schoenichen, W. (1925). (Eyferth's) Einfachste Lebensformen des Tier- und Pflanzenreiches. 5. Aufl. Band I. Spaltpflanzen, Geissellinge, Algen, Pilze. pp. vii + 519. Berlin: Lichterfelde, [21].

II. Flagellata (Geißellinge)

Schussnig (1925)


Schussnig, B. (1925). Betrachtungen über das system der niederen Pflanzen. Verhandl. d. zool. bot. Ges. Wien., Bd. 75, p. 196–272, [22].


Dr. L. Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen-Flora (1930–1937)


From Dr. L. Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz, 2nd ed., [23].

[See Cryptogamia]

Fritsch (1935)


Fritsch, F.E. The Structure and Reproduction of the Algae. Vol. I. Introduction, Chlorophyceae. Xanthophyceae, Chrysophyceae, Bacillariophyceae, Cryptophyceae, Dinophyceae, Chloromonadineae, Euglenineae, Colourless Flagellata. 1935. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, [24].


Skuja (1939)


Huber-Pestalozzi (1941)


Huber-Pestalozzi, G. (1941). Das Phytoplankton des Süßwassers. Systematik und Biologie. 2. Teil, 1. Hälfte. Chrysophyceen. Farblose Flagellaten. Heterokonten. In: Thienemann, A. (Ed.): Die Binnengewässer, Band XVI. Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhdlg. (E. Nägele), Stuttgart, [25].

Grassé et al. (1952)


Grassé, P.-P. (Ed.), 1952. Traité de Zoologie. Vol. 1.1, Protozoaires: Flagellés, 1952. Masson, Paris, [26], [27], [28], [29].

Règne animal

Grell (1968)


From Grell K.G. (1968). Protozoologie. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 511 pp, [30], [31].


Skvortzov (1969–1972)


Skvortzov, B.V. (1969). The list of new genera and type species of flagellates and algae published in 1925–1957. Part I. Hydrobiologia, 34(3), 337–342, [32].

Skvortzov, B.V. (1969). The list of new genera and type species of flagellates and algae published in 1959–1961. Part II. Hydrobiologia, 34(3), 343–347, [33].

Skvortzov, B.V. (1969). The list of new genera and type species of flagellates and algae published in 1967. Part III. Hydrobiologia, 34(3), 348–352, [34].

Skvortzov, B.V. (1972). A list of new genera and type species of flagellates and algae published in 1966–1968. Part IV. Hydrobiologia, 39(1), 1–7, [35].

Skvortzov, B.V. (1972). A list of new genera and type species of flagellates and algae published in 1969. Part V. Hydrobiologia, 39(2), 241–245, [36].

Skvortzov, B.V. (1972). A list of new genera and type species of flagellates and algae published in 1969. Part VI. Hydrobiologia, 39(3), 303–306, [37].

  • [Skvortzov (1972, VI):]
    • 1. Genus Liuiana Skvortzov, 1969 (Euglenophyceae, Fam. Astasiaceae)
    • 2. Genus Wellsiella Skvortzov, 1969 (Euglenophyceae, Fam. Astasiaceae)
    • 3. Genus Nilzamonas Skvortzov, 1969 (Euglenophyceae, Fam. Astasiaceae)
    • 4. Genus Acusmonas Skvortzov, 1969 (Euglenophyceae, Fam. Astasiaceae)
    • 5. Genus Calawaymonas Skvortzov, 1969 (Euglenophyceae, Fam. Astasiaceae)
    • 6. Genus Lackeymonas Skvortzov, 1969 (Euglenophyceae, Fam. Astasiaceae)
    • 7. Genus Teixeiramonas Skvortzov, 1969 (Euglenophyceae, Fam. Astasiaceae)
    • 8. Genus Lowymonas Skvortzov, 1969 (Euglenophyceae, Fam. Astasiaceae)
    • 9. Genus Milaneziamonas Skvortzov, 1969 (Euglenophyceae, Fam. Astasiaceae)
    • 10. Genus Flagellamonas Skvortzov, 1969 (Euglenophyceae, Fam. Astasiaceae)
    • 11. Genus Fidalgomonas Skvortzov, 1969 (Euglenophyceae, Fam. Astasiaceae)
    • 12. Genus Mattosmonas Skvortzov, 1969 (Euglenophyceae, Fam. Astasiaceae)
    • 13. Genus Beulahmonas Skvortzov, 1969 (Euglenophyceae, Fam. Astasiaceae)
    • 14. Genus Hoehnemonas Skvortzov, 1969 (Euglenophyceae, Fam. Astasiaceae)

[See also "Skvortzovs genera" at micros*scope, [38]:

Taylor (1976)


Taylor, F.J.R. 1976. Flagellate phylogeny: a study in conflicts. J. Protozool., 23: 28–40, [39].

"Principal flagellate groups"

  • "Phytoflagellates"
    • Dinoflagellates (incl. ebriids)
    • Cryptomonads
    • Euglenoids
    • Chloromonads
    • Chrysomonads
    • Xanthophytes
    • Eustigmatophytes
    • Haptophytes (incl. coccolithophorids)
    • Prasinophytes
    • Chlorophytes (Volvocales)
  • "Zooflagellates"
    • Choanoflagellates (= Craspedomonads)
    • Kinetoplastids
      • Bodonids
      • Trypanosomes
    • Retortamonads
    • Oxymonads
    • Diplomonads
    • Polymastigids (Parabasalia)
      • Trichomonads
      • Hypermastigids

Hänel (1979)


Hänel, K. 1979. Systematik und Ökologie der farblosen Flagellaten des Abwassers. Archiv für Protistenkunde 121: 73–137, [40].

Silva (1980)


Silva, P. C. (1980). Names of classes and families of living algae: with special reference to their use in the Index Nominum Genericorum (Plantarum). Regnum Vegetabile 103: 1–156, [41].


Patterson & Larsen (1991)


Patterson, D. J. & J. Larsen (eds., 1991): The biology of free-living heterotrophic flagellates. Systematics Association Special Volume 45, 515 p., Clarendon Press, Oxford, [42]

free-living heterotrophic flagellates

  • flagellates without mitochondria
  • bodonids
  • euglenids
  • cryptomonads
  • choanoflagellates
  • dinoflagellates
  • heterokont flagellates
  • prymnesiophytes
  • thraustochytrids and other zoosporic marine fungi
  • heterotrophic flagellates of uncertain taxonomic position

Patterson (1993)


Patterson, D. J. 1993. The current status of the free-living heterotrophic flagellates. J. Euk. Microbiol. 40: 606–609.

"free-living heterotrophic flagellates"

Zhukov (1993)


Zhukov, B.F. (1993). Atlas presnovodnykh geterotrofnykh zhgutikonostsev (biologiya, ekologiya, sistematica) [An atlas of freshwater heterotrophic flagellates (biology, ecology, taxonomy)]. pp. [1]–160. Rybinsk: Rybinskiy Dom Pechati, [43], [44].

freshwater heterotrophic flagellates

Tomas (1997)


From Identifying Marine Phytoplankton, 1997, [45]. (Original publication: Marine Phytoplankton, 1993, [46].)

"planktonic marine flagellates"

Cavalier Smith (2000)


Cavalier-Smith, T. (2000). Flagellate megaevolution: the basis for eukaryote diversification. In: Leadbeater, B.S.C., Green, J.C. (eds.). The Flagellates. Unity, diversity and evolution. London: Taylor and Francis, pp. 361–390.


  • [+] Related taxa lacking flagellates (some may present temporarily flagellated lifecycle stages, e.g., gametes, spores).
  • [*] Probably paraphyletic taxa.
  • [**] Certainly paraphyletic taxa.
  • All sixty classes with flagellates are listed, and the number of flagellate orders is shown within square brackets.]

“Classification of the flagellate-containing kingdoms: Protozoa, Plantae and Chromista:”

Kingdom 1 Protozoa [**] Owen 1858 [75 orders]

Kingdom 2 Plantae Haeckel 1866 [9 orders]

Kingdom 3 Chromista Cavalier-Smith 1981 [2 orders]

Lee et al. (2000)


From Lee, J.J., Leedale, G.F. & Bradbury, P. (2002 dated 2000) An Illustrated Guide to the Protozoa. Lawrence, Kansas, U.S.A: Society of Protozoologists; 2nd ed., [47].

"protozoa" [p. iv]

Patterson (2000)


From Flagellates: Heterotrophic Protists With Flagella, [48].

Jeuck & Arndt (2013)


Jeuck, A., & Arndt, H. (2013). A short guide to common heterotrophic flagellates of freshwater habitats based on the morphology of living organisms. Protist, 164 (6): 842–860, [49].

"common heterotrophic flagellates" [fig. 1]


  • Abstracts of the Second International Symposium on the Biology of Free-living Heterotrophic Flagellates: 14th – 20th August 1994 – St. Petersburg, Russia. Europ. J. Protistol. 31, 109-118 (1995), [50].
  • Cohn, F. (1853). Beiträge zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Infusorien. Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Zoologie, bd. 4, 253-281, [51].
  • Karpov S.A. (editor). The biology of free-living heterotrophic flagellates: the proceedings of the Second International Symposium, St. Petersburg, 14-20 August 1994. Cytology, 1995, 37 (11): 951–1096. Nauka, St.Petersburg, [52].