[modifica]Flagellata Cohn, 1853:273
- Mastigophora Diesing
[modifica]Claparède & Lachmann (1858–1861, 1868)
[modifica]Claparède, E., and Lachmann, J. (1868). Études sur les infusoires et les rhizopodes, Genève et Bale: H. Georg. [1], [2]. Extrait des tomes V: 1–260 (1858) [3], VI: 261–482 (1859) [4] et VII: 1–291 (1861) [5] des Mémoires de l'Institut National Genevois.
- Class Infusoires
- Order Ciliata
- Order Suctoria
- Order Cilioflagellata
- Family Peridinina
- Order Flagellata
- Class Rhizopodes
Haeckel (1866, II)
[modifica]Generelle morphologie der organismen, Bd. 2.
- Protistenreich, Protista
- 4. Flagellata
- Ordnung Nudoflagellaten
- Ordnung Cilioflagellaten
- 4. Flagellata
Stein (1878)
[modifica]Stein, F. von (1878). Der Organismus der Infusionsthiere, Abt. 3 (1), p. X. Engelmann, Leipzig, [6], [7].
- Infusionthiere
- Flagellaten oder Geisselinfusorien
- ["Hierauf würden als zweite Hauptgruppe die Cilioflagellaten mit den Peridinäen und anderen noch genauer festzustellenden Familien folgen (Then would follow as the second main group the Cilioflagellaten, with the Peridinäen and other families)"; see "Arthrodelen Flagellaten" in Abt. 3 (2), 1883.]
Saville-Kent (1880–1882)
[modifica]From Saville-Kent, W. (1880–1882). A manual of Infusoria. London, vol. 1 (see p. 211 [8]), vol. 2 and vol. 3.
Sub-kingdom Protozoa
- Legion Infusoria
- Class I. Flagellata or Mastigophora
- Order I. Trypanosomata
- Genus 1, Trypanosoma
- Order II. Rhizo-Flagellata
- Genus 1, Mastigamoeba; 2, Reptomonas; 3, Rhizomonas; 4, Podostoma
- Order III. Radio-Flagellata
- Family I. Actinomonadidae: Genus 1, Actinomonas
- Family II. Euchitonidae: Genus 1, Euchitonia; 2, Spongocycla; 3, Spongasteriscus
- Order IV. Flagellata-Pantostomata
- Family I. Monadidae: Genus 1, Monas; 2, Scytomonas; 3, Cyathomonas; 4, Leptomonas; 5, Ophidomonas; 6, Herpetomonas; 7, Ancyromonas
- Family II. Pleuromonadidae: Genus 1, Pleuromonas; 2, Merotricha
- Family III. Cercomonadidae: Genus 1, Oikomonas; 2, Bodo; 3, Cercomonas
- Family IV. Codonoecidae: Genus 1, Codonoeca; 2, Platytheca
- Family V. Dendromonadidae: Genus 1, Physomonas; 2, Cladonema; 3, Dendromonas; 4, Anthophysa; 5, Cephalothamnium
- Family VI. Bikoecidae: Genus 1, Hedraeophysa; 2, Bicosoeca; 3, Stylobryon
- Family VII. Amphimonadidae: Genus 1, Goniomonas; 2, Amphimonas; 3, Deltomonas
- Family VIII. Spongomonadidae: Genus 1, Cladomonas; 2, Rhipidodendron; 3, Spongomonas; 4, Diplomita
- Family IX. Heteromitidae: Genus 1, Heteromita; 2, Colponema; 3, Spiromonas; 4, Phyllomitus
- Family X. Trepomonadidae: Genus 1, Trepomonas
- Family XI. Polytomidae: Genus 1, Polytoma
- Family XII. Pseudosporidae: Genus 1, Pseudospora
- Family XIII. Spumellidae: Genus 1, Spumella
- Family XIV. Trimastigidae: Genus 1, Callodictyon; 2, Trichomonas; 3, Dallingeria; 4, Trimastix
- Family XV. Tetramitidae: Genus 1, Tetramitus; 2, Tetraselmis; 3, Chloraster
- Family XVI. Hexamitidae: Genus 1, Hexamita
- Family XVII. Lophomonadidae: Genus 1, Lophomonas
- Family XVIII. Catallactidae: Genus 1, Magosphaera
- Order V. Choano-Flagellata or Flagellata-Discostomata
- Section I. Discostomata-Gymnozoida.
- Family I. Codonosigidae: Genus 1, Monosiga; 2, Codosiga; 3. Astrosiga; 4, Desmarella
- Family II. Salpingoecidae: Genus 1, Salpingosca; 2, Lagenoeca; 3, Polyoeca
- Family III. Phalansteriidae: Genus 1, Phalansterium; 2, Protospongia
- Section II. Discostomata-Sarcocrypta (Spongida)
- Section I. Discostomata-Gymnozoida.
- Order VI. Flagellata-Eustomata
- Family I. Paramonadidae: Genus 1, Paramonas; 2, Petalomonas; 3, Atractonema; 4, Phialonema; 5, Menoidium
- Family II. Astasiadae: Genus 1, Astasia; 2, Colpodella
- Family III. Euglenidae: Genus 1, Euglena; 2, Amblyophis; 3, Phacus; 4, Chloropeltis; 5, Trachelomonas; 6, Raphidomonas; 7, Coelomonas; 8, Ascoglena; 9, Colacium
- Family IV. Noctilucidae: Genus 1, Noctiluca; 2, Leptodiscus
- Family V. Chrysomonadidae: Genus 1, Chloromonas; 2, Chrysomonas; 3, Microglena; 4, Cryptomonas; 5, Nephroselmis; 6, Stylochrysalis; 7, Uvella; 8, Chlorangium; 9, Hymenomonas; 10, Chrysopyxis; 11, Epipyxis; 12, Dinobryon; 13, Synura; 14, Syncrypta; 15, Uroglena
- Family VI. Zygoselmidae: Genus 1, Eutreptia; 2, Zygoselmis; 3, Distigma; 4, Cryptoglena; 5, Sterromonas; 6, Dinomonas
- Family VII. Chilomonadidae: Genus 1, Chilomonas; 2, Oxyrrhis
- Family VIII. Anisonemidae: Genus 1, Heteronema; 2, Diplomastix; 3, Anisonema; 4, Entosiphon
- Family IX. Sphenomonadidae: Genus 1, Sphenomonas
- Order VII. Cilio-Flagellata
- Family I. Peridiniidae: Genus 1, Hemidinium; 2, Gymnodinium; 3, Melodinium; 4, Glenodinium; 5, Peridinium; 6, Ceratium; 7, Dinophysis; 8, Amphidinium; 9, Prorocentrum; 10, Dimastigoaulax
- Family II. Heteromastigidae: Genus 1, Heteromastix
- Family III. Mallomonadidae: Genus 1, Mallomonas
- Family IV. Stephanomonadidae: Genus 1, Stephanomonas; 2, Asthmatos
- Family V. Trichonemidae: Genus 1, Trichonema; 2, Mitophora
- Order I. Trypanosomata
- Class II. Ciliata or Trichophora
- Class III. Tentaticulifera
- Class I. Flagellata or Mastigophora
Bütschli (1883–1887)
[modifica]From Bütschli, O. (1880–1889). Dr. H.G. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs: wissenschaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild: wissenschaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild. Erster Band: Protozoa. Abt. II, Mastigophora, 1883–87 [9]. C.F. Winter, Leipzig.
Phylum Protozoa
- Class Mastigophora
- Order Flagellata
- Suborder Monadina
- Family Rhizomastigina (= Rhizoflagellata)
- Family Cercomonadina
- Family Codonoecina
- Family Bikoecina
- Family Heteromonadina
- Suborder Euglenoidina
- Family Coelomonadina
- Family Euglenina
- Family Chloropeltina
- Family Menoidina
- Family Peranemina
- Family Petalomonadina
- Family Astasiina
- Suborder Heteromastigoda
- Family Bodonina
- Family Anisonemina
- Suborder Isomastigoda
- Family Amphimonadina
- Family Spongomonadina
- Phytomastigoda
- Family Chrysomonadina
- Family Chlamydomonadina
- Family Volvocina
- Family Tetramitina
- Family Polymastigina
- Family Trepomonadina
- Family Cryptomonadina
- Suborder Monadina
- Order Choanoflagellata
- Order Dinoflagellata
- Order Cystoflagellata
- Order Flagellata
Klebs (1892)
[modifica]- Klebs, G. 1892. Flagellatenstudien. Theil I. Zeitschrift für Wissenschaftliche Zoologie 55: 265–351. BHL Reference page.
- Klebs, G. 1892. Flagellatenstudien. Theil II. Zeitschrift für Wissenschaftliche Zoologie 55: 353–445. BHL Reference page.
Flagellaten [p. 292]
- I. Protomastigina [p. 293]
- II. Polymastigina [p. 324 ]
- III. Euglenoidina [p. 353]
- IV. Chloromonadina [p. 391]
- V. Chromomonadina [p. 394]
Engler (1898)
[modifica]Engler, A. (1898). Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien (2 ed.), Gebrüder Borntraeger Verlag, Berlin, 214 p., [10].
Abteilung Euthallophyta
- Unterabteilung Schyzophyta
- Unterabteilung Flagellatae
- Klasse Achromatoflagellatae
- Reihe Protomastigales (Fam. Rhizomastiginaceae, Monadaceae, Dendromonadaceae, Bikoecinaceae, Craspemonadaceae, Spongomonadaceae, Amphimonadaceae, Bodonaceae)
- Reihe Polymastigales (Fam. Tetramitaceae, Distomataceae)
- Klasse Chloroflagellatae
- Reihe Euglenales
- Reihe Chloromonadales
- Klasse Phaeoflagellatae
- Reihe Chlamydomyxales
- Reihe Chrysomonadales
- Klasse Achromatoflagellatae
- Unterabteilung Euphyceae
- Unterabteilung Eumycetes (Fungi)
Kalberlah & Schoenichen (1900)
[modifica]Kalberlah, A. & Schoenichen, W. B. (1900). Eyferth's Einfachste Lebensformen des Tier- und Pflanzenreiches: Naturgeschichte der mikroskopischen Süsswasserbewohner. 3rd ed. Braunschweig: B. Goeritz, [11].
- Pflanzliche Organismen
- I. Schizophytae
- I. Bacteriaceae
- II. Schizophyceae
- II. Euphyceae (Echte Algen)
- III. Fungi
- I. Schizophytae
- Tierische Organismen
- I. Einzellige Lebewesen – I. Protozoa
- I. Sarcodina
- II. Mastigophora (Flagellata)
- I. Protomastigina
- II. Polymastigina
- III. Euglenoidina
- I. Euglenida
- II. Astasiida
- III. Peranemida
- IV. Chloromonadina
- V. Holomastigina
- VI. Chromomonadina
- Anhang: Hydrurina
- III. Ciliata
- IV. Suctoria
- II. Mehrzellige Lebewesen (Metazoa) – II. Rotatoria
- I. Einzellige Lebewesen – I. Protozoa
Senn in Engler et Prantl (1900)
[modifica]Senn, G. (1900). Flagellata. In: Engler, A. & Prantl, K. (eds.), 1887–1915. Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien [...]. Teil I, Abt 1a. W. Engelmann, Leipzig, pp. 93–188, figs. 63–140, [12]
- Flagellata [p. 110–111]
- Ordnung Pantostomatineae [p. 111] (Holomastigaceae, Rhizomastigaceae)
- Ordnung Protomastigineae [p. 115] (Oicomonadaceae, Bicoecaceae, Craspedomonadaceae, Phalansteriaceae, Monadaceae, Bodonaceae, Amphimonadaeeae, Trimastigaceae, Tetramitaceae, Übergangsformen zu den Ciliaten)
- Ordnung Distomatineae [p. 147] (Distomataceae)
- Ordnung Chrysomonadineae
- Ordnung Cryptomonadineae
- Ordnung Chloromonadineae
- Ordnung Euglenineae
- Anhang zu den Flagellata
Lemmermann (1910)
[modifica]Lemmermann, E. (1910). Algen I (Schizophyceen, Flagellaten, Peridineen). In: Kryptogamenflora der Mark Brandenburg und angrenzender Gebiete herausgegeben von dem Botanishcen Verein der Provinz Brandenburg. Dritter Band. ( Eds), pp. 305–496. Leipzig: Verlag von Grebrüder Borntraeger, [13].
- Order I. Pantostomatineae
- Order II. Protomastigineae
- Order III. Distomatineae
- Order IV. Chrysomonadineae
- Order V. Cryptomonadineae
- Order VI. Chloromonadineae
- Order VII. Euglenineae
Hartmann & Chagas (1910)
[modifica]Hartmann, Max & Chagas, Carlos. (1910) Estudos sobre flajelados / Flagellaten-Studien. Memórias Do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 2: 64–125, [14].
- Subclass Flagellata
- Order Rhizomastigina
- Order Protomonadina
- Monozoa
- Family Cercomonadaceae
- Family Oicomonadaceae
- Family Craspedomonadaceae
- Family Bodonaceae
- Family Monadaceae
- Family Amphimonadaceae
- Family Trimastigaceae
- Family Tetramitidae
- Diplozoa
- Family Distomatidae
- Monozoa
- Order Binucleata
- Order Chloromonadina
- Order Euglenoidea
- Order Phytomonadina
Hartmann & Schüssler (1913)
[modifica]Hartmann, M. & Schüssler, H. (1913). Flagellata. In: Handwörterbuch der naturwissenschaften, Bd. 3, p. 1179, [15].
- I. Subklasse Euflagellata
- II. Subklasse Dinoflagellata
A. Pascher's Die Süsswasser-flora Mitteleuropas (1913–1936)
[modifica]Pascher, Adolf (ed.). Die Süsswasser-Flora Deutschlands, Österreichs und der Schweiz. Jena: Gustav Fischer Verlag, Heft 1-15, 1913–1936, [16].
- Heft 1: Flagellatae I: Allgemeiner Teil, Pantostomatinae, Protomastiginae, Distomatinae / bearbeitet von A. Pascher und E. Lemmermann, 1914. [17].
- Heft 2: Flagellatae II: Chrysomonadinae, Cryptomonadinae, Eugleninae, Chloromonadinae und gefärbte Flagellaten unsicherer Stellung / bearbeitet von A. Pascher und E. Lemmermann, 1913. [18].
- Heft 3: Dinoflagellatae (Peridineae) / bearbeitet von A.J. Schilling, 1913. [19].
- Heft 4: Volvocales = Phytomonadinae. Flagellatae IV = Chlorophyceae I / bearbeitet von A. Pascher, 1927.
- Heft 11: Heterokontae, Phaeophyta, Rhodophyta, Charophyta / bearbeitet von A. Pascher, J. Schiller, W. Migula, 1925.
"Flagellatae" [vol. 1, p. 28–29, by Lemmermann, 1914]
- Order I. Pantostomatinae [vol. 1, by Lemmermann, 1914]
- Order II. Protomastiginae [vol. 1, by Lemmermann, 1914]
- Family Oicomonadaceae
- Family Trypanosomaceae
- Family Bicoecaceae
- Family Craspedomonadaceae
- Family Phalansteriaceae
- Family Cryptobiaceae
- Family Monadaceae
- Family Bodonaceae
- Family Amphimonadaceae
- Family Trimastigaceae
- Family Tetramitaceae
- Order III. Distomatinae [vol. 1, by Lemmermann, 1914]
- "Appendix. Colorless flagellates of uncertain position" [vol. 1, by Lemmermann, 1914, p. 131]
- Order IV. Chrysomonadinae [vol. 2, by Pascher, 1913]
- Order V. Cryptomonadinae [vol. 2, by Pascher, 1913]
- Order VI. Eugleninae [vol. 2, by Lemmermann, 1913]
- Order VII. Chloromonadinae [vol. 2, by Pascher, 1913]
- Order Silicoflagellatae [not treated, see Lemmerman, 1901, 1908]
- Order Coccolithophorales [not treated, see Lemmerman, 1908, and Coccolithophoridae Lohmann, 1902]
- Order Dinoflagellatae [vol. 3, by Schilling, 1913]
- Order Volvocales (= Phytomonadinae) [vol. 4, Chlorophyceae, by Pascher, 1927]
- Order Heterochloridales [vol. 11, Heterokontae, by Pascher, 1925]
Kühn (1921)
[modifica]Kühn, A. (1921). Morphologie der Tiere in Bildern. Heft 1: Protozoen. Teil 1. Flagellaten. Gebrüder Borntraeger: Berlin, [20].
- Klasse Flagellata
- 1. Ordnung Chrysomonadina
- 2. Ordnung Cryptomonadina
- 3. Ordnung Dinoflagellata
- 4. Ordnung Chloromonadina
- 5. Ordnung Euglenoidea
- 6. Ordnung Phytomonadina
- 7. Ordnung Rhizomastigina
- 8. Ordnung Protomastigina
- 9. Ordnung Polymastigina
- 10. Ordnung Hypermastigina
- 11. Ordnung Cystoflagellata
Schoenichen (1925)
[modifica]Schoenichen, W. (1925). (Eyferth's) Einfachste Lebensformen des Tier- und Pflanzenreiches. 5. Aufl. Band I. Spaltpflanzen, Geissellinge, Algen, Pilze. pp. vii + 519. Berlin: Lichterfelde, [21].
II. Flagellata (Geißellinge)
- I. Klasse: Chrysomonadinae
- II. Klasse: Cryptomonadinae
- III. Klasse: Dinoflagellatae
- IV. Klasse: Chloromonadinae
- V. Klasse: Eugleninae
- VI. Klasse: Volvocinae
- VII. Klasse: Pantostomatinae (Oikomonadaceae, Bicoecaceae, Craspedomonadaceae, Monadaceae, Bodonaceae, Amphimonadaceae, Trimastigaceae, Tetramitaceae)
- VIII. Klasse: Protomastiginae (Holomastigaceae, Rhizomastigaceae)
- IX. Klasse: Distomatinae ["Distomatigae" lapsus]
Schussnig (1925)
[modifica]Schussnig, B. (1925). Betrachtungen über das system der niederen Pflanzen. Verhandl. d. zool. bot. Ges. Wien., Bd. 75, p. 196–272, [22].
- I. Stamm: Monadophyta
- 1. Klasse: Chrysomonadina
- 1. Ordnung: Euchrysomonadales
- 2. Ordnung: Coccolithoplioridales
- 3. Ordnung: Silicoflagellata
- 2. Klasse: Heterochloridina
- 3. Klasse: Cryptomonadina
- 4. Klasse: Dinoflagellata
- 1. Ordnung: Desmomonadales
- 2. Ordnung: Dinophysidales
- 3. Ordnung: Peridiniales
- 4. Ordnung: Cystoflagellata
- 5. Klasse: Euglenoidina
- 6. Klasse: Chloromonadina
- 7. Klasse: Phytomonadina
- 1. Ordnung: Volvocales
- 2. Ordnung: Tetrasporales p. p.
- 8. Klasse: Protomonadina
- 9. Klasse: Polymastigina
- 10. Klasse: Sporomonadina
- 1. Ordnung: Myxomonadales
- 2. Ordnung: Myxophytales
- 1. Klasse: Chrysomonadina
Dr. L. Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen-Flora (1930–1937)
[modifica]From Dr. L. Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz, 2nd ed., [23].
[See Cryptogamia]
- Flagellatae
- Chrysophyceae [vol. 10/1, not published]
- Silicoflagellatae [vol. 10/2, by Gemeinhardt, 1930]
- Coccolithineae [vol. 10/2, by Schiller, 1930]
- Dinoflagellatae (Peridineae) [vol. 10/3 (1), by Schiller, 1932–1933; vol. 10/3 (2), by Schiller, 1935–1937]
- Cryptomonadales, Chloromonadales und Euglenales [vol. 10/4, not published]
Fritsch (1935)
[modifica]Fritsch, F.E. The Structure and Reproduction of the Algae. Vol. I. Introduction, Chlorophyceae. Xanthophyceae, Chrysophyceae, Bacillariophyceae, Cryptophyceae, Dinophyceae, Chloromonadineae, Euglenineae, Colourless Flagellata. 1935. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, [24].
- Appendix: residual colourless Flagellata
- Protomastigineae
- Monadaceae: Ochromonas, Chromulina, Mallomonas, Monas, Stokesiella, Physomonas, Stylobryon, Dendromonas, Cephalothamnion, Anthophysa (probably colourless derivatives of the Chrysophyceae)
- Oicomonadaceae: Oicomonas (idem)
- Craspedomonadaceae: Astrosiga, Codonosiga, Desmarella, Diplosiga, Diplosigopsis, Monosiga, Phalansterium, Salpingoeca, Sphaeroeca
- Bodonaceae: Bodo, Rhynchomonas
- Bicoecaceae: Bicoeca (= Bicocoeca)
- Amphimonadaceae: Amphimonas, Rhipidodendron
- Trypanosomaceae: Leptomonas, Trypanosoma
- Cryptobiaceae: Cryptobia
- Pantostomatineae or (Rhizomastigineae)
- Distomatineae
- Protomastigineae
Skuja (1939)
[modifica]- Skuja, H. 1939. Beitrag zur Algenflora Lettlands II. Acta Horti Botanici Universitatis Latviensis 11/12(1–3): 41–169. Full issue. Reference page.
- Cyanophyceae [p. 42]
- Flagellatae [p. 51]
- Rhizomastigaceae
- Craspedomonadaceae
- Monadaceae
- Bodonaceae
- Cryptobiaceae
- Tetramitaceae
- Distomataceae
- Euchromulinaceae
- Mallomonadaceae
- Euhymenomonadaceae
- Ochromonadaceae
- Rhizochrysidaceae
- Thallochrysidaceae
- Cryptomonadaceae
- Kathablepharidaceae n. fam. Cryptomonadalium
- Phyllomitus
- Kathablepharis nov. gen.
- Spiromonas nov. gen. [= Cryptaulax Skuja, 1948]
- Thaumatomastigaceae
- Euglenaceae
- Astasiaceae
- Astasia
- Cyclidiopsis
- Menoidium
- Gyropaigne nov. gen. Astasiacearum
- Distigma
- Protaspidaceae
- Peranemataceae
- Calciflagellatae [p. 147]
- Dinoflagellatae [p. 148]
- Chlorophyceae [p. 154]
Huber-Pestalozzi (1941)
[modifica]Huber-Pestalozzi, G. (1941). Das Phytoplankton des Süßwassers. Systematik und Biologie. 2. Teil, 1. Hälfte. Chrysophyceen. Farblose Flagellaten. Heterokonten. In: Thienemann, A. (Ed.): Die Binnengewässer, Band XVI. Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhdlg. (E. Nägele), Stuttgart, [25].
- V. Klasse: Farblose Flagellaten
- Ordnung Pantostomatinae
- Familie Holomastigaceae
- Familie Rhizomastigaceae
- Ordnung Protomastiginae
- Familie Oicomonadaceae
- Familie Trypanosomaceae
- Familie Bicoecaceae
- Familie Craspedomonadaceae
- Familie Phalansteriaceae
- Familie Cryptobiaceae
- Familie Monadaceae
- Familie Physomonadaceae
- Familie Bodonaceae
- Familie Amphimonadaceae
- Familie Trimastigaceae
- Familie Tetramitaceae
- Ordnung Distomatinae
- Familie Distomataceae
- Ordnung Pantostomatinae
Grassé et al. (1952)
[modifica]Grassé, P.-P. (Ed.), 1952. Traité de Zoologie. Vol. 1.1, Protozoaires: Flagellés, 1952. Masson, Paris, [26], [27], [28], [29].
Règne animal
- Phylum Protozoa
- Subphylum Rhizoflagellata [par Grassé]
- Superclassis Flagellata
- "Phytoflagellés"
- Classis Phytomonadina (= Volvocales) [par Pavillard]
- Classis Xanthomonadina [par Deflandre]
- Classis Chloromonadina [par Hollande]
- Classis Euglenoidina [par Hollande]
- Classis Cryptomonadina [par Hollande]
- Classis Dinoflagellata (= Peridineae Ehrenberg, 1830, Peridiniales Schütt, 1896) [par Chatton]
- Classis Ebriideae [par Deflandre]
- Classis Silicoflagellata [par Deflandre]
- Classis Coccolithophoridae [par Deflandre]
- Classis Chrysomonadina [par Hollande]
- Flagellata incertae sedis [par Deflandre]
- Ophiobolidae
- Flagellés fossiles incertae sedis
- Classis Zooflagellata (= Zoomastigina)
- Superordo Protomonadina (emend.) [= Anaxostylaria = Mastigossomea]
- Ordo Choanoflagellata (= Craspedomonadaceae) [par Hollande]
- Ordo Bicoecidea [par Grassé & Deflandre]
- Ordo Trypanosomidea [par Grassé]
- Ordo Bodonidea [par Hollande]
- Ordo Proteromonadina [par Grassé]
- Superordo Metamonadina [= Axostylaria = Centrossomea]
- Ordo Trichomonadina [par Grassé]
- Ordo Pyrsonymphyna [par Grassé]
- Ordo Oxymonadina [par Grassé]
- Ordo Retortamonadina [par Grassé]
- Ordo Joeniidea [par Grassé]
- Ordo Lophomonadina [par Grassé]
- Ordo Trichonymphina [par Grassé]
- Ordo Spirotrichonymphina [par Grassé]
- Superordo Opalinina [par Grassé]
- [Unassigned groups]
- Ordo Distomata (= Diplozoa) [par Grassé]
- Zooflagellata incertae sedis [par Grassé]
- Rhizomastix, Caviomonas, Rigidomastix, Sainouron, Allaton, Enteromonas, Collodictyon, Ichthyobodo, Callimastix, Zooxantheles, Flagellés problématiques, Coelomastigina, Blastuloidae
- Ellobiopsidae ["affinités avec certains Champignons a zoospores (...) ou a Zooflagellés"] [par Grassé]
- Superordo Protomonadina (emend.) [= Anaxostylaria = Mastigossomea]
- "Phytoflagellés"
- Superclassis Rhizopoda
- Superclassis Flagellata
- Subphylum Rhizoflagellata [par Grassé]
Grell (1968)
[modifica]From Grell K.G. (1968). Protozoologie. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 511 pp, [30], [31].
Skvortzov (1969–1972)
[modifica]Skvortzov, B.V. (1969). The list of new genera and type species of flagellates and algae published in 1925–1957. Part I. Hydrobiologia, 34(3), 337–342, [32].
Skvortzov, B.V. (1969). The list of new genera and type species of flagellates and algae published in 1959–1961. Part II. Hydrobiologia, 34(3), 343–347, [33].
Skvortzov, B.V. (1969). The list of new genera and type species of flagellates and algae published in 1967. Part III. Hydrobiologia, 34(3), 348–352, [34].
Skvortzov, B.V. (1972). A list of new genera and type species of flagellates and algae published in 1966–1968. Part IV. Hydrobiologia, 39(1), 1–7, [35].
Skvortzov, B.V. (1972). A list of new genera and type species of flagellates and algae published in 1969. Part V. Hydrobiologia, 39(2), 241–245, [36].
Skvortzov, B.V. (1972). A list of new genera and type species of flagellates and algae published in 1969. Part VI. Hydrobiologia, 39(3), 303–306, [37].
- [Skvortsov (1969, I):]
- 1. Genus Wislouchiella Skvortzov, 1925 (Volvocales)
- 2. Genus Printziella Skvortzov, 1957 (Volvocales, Polyblepharidinae, Pyramydonadaceae)
- 3. Genus Arnoldiamonas Skvortzov, 1957 (Volvocales, Coccomonadineae)
- 4. Genus Gordejeviella Skvortzov, 1957 (Volvocales, genus Carteria pro parte, sensu Skv.)
- 5. Genus Astasiella Skvortzov, 1957 (Astasiaceae, Euglenophyta; "According the author this is not valid and must be transfered to genus Peranema Ehr.")
- 6. Genus Paramylomonas Skvortzov, 1957 (Astasiaceae, Euglenophyta)
- 7. Genus Menoidiomonas Skvortzov, 1957 (Astasiaceae, Euglenophyta; typus generis: Menoidiomonas schewiaffii Skvortzov, 1957 = Menoidium schwiakoffii Skvortzov, 1924)
- 8. Genus Zimmermanniella Skvortzov, 1969 (type species: Zimmermanniella oculata Skvortzov, 1969 = Menoidiomonas ocullata Skvortzov, 1957)
- 9. Menoidiomonas rapacis Skvortzov, 1969 (= Menoidium rapacis Skvortzov, 1957)
- 10. Genus Baranovia Skvortzov, 1957 (Astasiaceae, Euglenophyta; typus generis: Baranovia stagnalis Skvortzov, 1957)
- 11. Baranovia natans Skvortzov, 1969 (= Genus Schewiakowia natantes Skvortzov, 1957)
- 12. Genus Ampullamonas Skvortzov, 1957 (Astasiaceae, Euglenophyta)
- 13. Genus Schewiakowia Skvortzov, 1957 (Astasiaceae, Euglenophyta; "According the new opinion of the author this is not valid and at present belong to Baranovia natans Skvortzov, 1969)
- 14. Genus Mereschkowskiella Skvortzov, 1957 (Astasiaceae, Euglenophyta)
- 15. Genus Baikowia Skvortzov, 1957 (Peranemaceae, Euglenophyta)
- 16. Genus Aliniella Skvortzov, 1957 (Peranemaceae, Euglenophyta)
- 17. Genus Loukashkinia Skvortzov, 1957 (Protomastiginae)
- 18. Genus Spiromonas Skvortzov, 1957 (Protomastiginae)
- 19. Genus Foliamonas [Foliomonas] Skvortzov, 1957 (Amphimonadaceae, Protomastiginae)
- 20. Genus Serpentomonas Skvortzov, 1957 (Amphimonadaceae, Protomastiginae)
- 21. Genus Kuzminia Skvortzov, 1957 (Protomastiginae, Tetramitaceae; transferred to Class Volvocineae, Ord. Polyblepharidales, Fam. Pyramydomonadaceae Pascher)
- [Skvortzov (1969, II):]
- 1. Genus Chlorodendron Skvortzov, 1959 (Chlorophyceae, Ulotrichales, Chaetophoraceae)
- 2. Genus Mukdeniamonas Yi-Liang-Chou & Skvortzov, 1960 (Pantostomatinae, Rhizomastigaceae)
- 3. Genus Changia Skvortzov, 1960 (Pantostomatinae, Rhizomastigaceae)
- 4. Genus Liouamonas Skvortzov, 1960 (Distomatinae)
- 5. Genus Arenamonas Skvortzov, 1960 (Chrysophyta, Chrysomonadeae, Isochrysidales, Isochrysidaceae Pascher)
- 6. Genus Protocryptomonas Skvortzov, 1960 (Pyrrophyta, Cryptomonadineae, Eucryptomonadineae, Cryptomonadaceae)
- 7. Genus Skujamonas Skvortzov, 1960 (Astasiaceae, Euglenophyta)
- 8. Genus Protorhizochrysidis Skvortzov, 1961 (Protochrysidineae, classis nov. Prototochrysidales, Protorhizochrysidaceae Skv.)
- 9. Genus Protochrysidis Skvortzov, 1961 (Protochrysidineae classis nov., Protochrysidales, Protochrysidaceae Skv.)
- 10. Genus Protoisochrysidis Skvortzov, 1961 (Protochrysidineae clas. nov., Protochrysidales, Protoisochrysidaceae Skv.)
- 11. Genus Protoochromonas Skvortzov, 1961 (Protochrysidineae clas. nov., Protochrysidales, Protoochromonadaceae Skv.)
- 12. Genus Chrysomonas Skvortzov, 1961 (Chrysomonadineae, Chromulinadales, Chrysopsidaceae)
- 13. Genus Chromulinella Skvortzov, 1961 (Chrysomonadineae, Chromulinadales, Euchromulinaceae Pascher)
- 14. Genus Woronichiniella Skvortzov, 1961 (Chrysomonadineae, Chromulinadales, Euchromulinaceae Pasch.)
- 15. Genus Jaoniella Skvortzov, 1961 (Chrysomonadineae, Isochrysidales, Isochrysidaceae Pasch.)
- 16. Genus Matvienkomonas Skvortzov, 1961 (Chrysomonadineae, Ochromonadales, Euchloromonadaceae Pasch.)
- [Skvortzov (1969, III):]
- 1. Genus Calkinsiella Skvortzov, 1967 (Cryptomonadinae)
- 2. Genus Kisselevia Skvortzov, 1967 (Cryptomonadinae)
- 3. Genus Olivamonas Skvortzov, 1967 (Cryptomonadinae; type of genera: Oliviamonas asiatica Skvortzov, 1967 = Cyanomonas asiatica Skvortzov, 1946)
- 4. Olivamonas tetraedrica Skvortzov, 1967 (= Cyanomonas tetraedrica Skvortzov, 1946)
- 5. Genus Protocryptomonas Skvortzov, 1967 (Cryptomonadinae)
- 6. Genus Klebsimastix Skvortzov, 1969 = genus Klebsiella Skvortzov, 1967 ("Klebsiella was proposed in 1931 by A. Pascher for an Euglenidae")
- 7. Genus Meyeriella Skvortzov, 1967 (Cryptomonadinae)
- 8. Genus Nodeana Skvortzov, 1967
- 9. Genus Smithimasthix [Smithimastix] Skvortzov, 1969 = Genus Smithiella Skvortzov, 1967 (Cryptomonadinae; "Smithiella was preoccupied in 1920 by Smithiella Dunn, 1920 in the Urticaceae")
- 10. Genus Butschliella Skvortzov, 1967 (Cryptomonadinae)
- 11. Genus Lemmermanniella Skvortzov, 1967 (Cryptomonadinae)
- 12. Genus Hüber-Pestalozziamonas Skvortzov, 1967 (Peranemaceae, Euglenophyta)
- 13. Genus Silvamonas Skvortzov, 1967 (Volvocineae, Polyblepharidales, Polytomellaceae Aragao)
- 14. Genus Limamitus Skvortzov, 1967 (Distomatinae, Distomataceae)
- 15. Genus Daniella [Danielia] Skvortzov, 1967 (Distomatinae, Distomataceae)
- 16. Genus Balliamonas Skvortzov, 1967 (Distomatinae, Distomataceae)
- 17. Genus Barbillamitus [Barbellamitus] Skvortzov, 1967 (Distomatinae, Distomataceae)
- 18. Genus Alstoniamonas [Alstoniamitus] Skvortzov, 1967 (Distomatinae, Distomataceae)
- 19. Genus Bullamitus Skvortzov, 1967 (typus generis Bullamitus cordiformis Skvortzov, 1967 = Hexamitus cordiformis Skvortzov, 1946)
- 20. Bullamitus stagnalis Skvortzov, 1967 = Octomitus stagnalis Skvortzov, 1932)
- [Skvortzov (1972, IV):]
- 1. Genus Kolbeana Skvortzov, 1966 (Eugleninae, Fam. Astasiaceae)
- 2. Genus Palmeriamonas Skvortzov, 1968 (Pyrrophyta)
- 3. Genus Manchudinium Skvortzov, 1972 = Genus Pentadinium sinicum Skvortzov, 1968 (Peridineae; Pentadinium was used by Gerlach, Ellen 1961 for a marine Peridineae)
- 4. Genus Sinamonas Skvortzov, 1968
- 5. Genus Kofoidiella Skvortzov, 1968 (Ord. Polyblepharidales, Fam. Kofoidiellaceae fam. nov. Skvortzov, 1972)
- 6. Genus Tsumuraia Skvortzov, 1968 (Ord. Chlamydomonadales, Fam. Chlamydomonadaceae)
- 7. Genus Hiroseia Skvortzov, 1968 (Ord. Chlamydomonadales, Fam. Chlamydomonadaceae)
- 8. Genus Troitskiella Skvortzov, 1968 (Ord. Chlamydomonadales, Fam. Coccomonadadeae)
- 9. Genus Akiyamamonas Skvortzov et Noda, 1968 (Ord. Protomastiginae, Fam. Bodonaceae)
- 10. Genus Brasilobia Skvortzov et Noda, 1968 (Ord. Protomastiginae, Fam. Brasilobiaceae fam. nov. Skvortzov, 1972)
- 11. Genus Prowsemonas Skvortzov et Noda, 1968 (Ord. Pantostomatinae, Fam. Rhizomastigaceae)
- 12. Genus Stigmobodo Skvortzov et Noda, 1968 (Ord. Pantostomatinae, Fam. Rhizomastigaceae)
- 13. Genus Pavloviamonas Skvortzov et Noda, 1968 (Ord. Protomastiginae, Fam. Bodonaceae)
- 14. Genus Nodamastix Skvortzov et Noda, 1968 (Ord. Pantostomatinae, Fam. Rhizomastigaceae; typus generis: Nodamastix spirogyrae Skvortzov et Noda, 1968 = Spiromonas spirogyrae Skvortzov, 1957)
- 15. Genus Colemania Skvortzov et Noda, 1968 (Ord. Protomastiginae, Fam. Amphimonadaceae)
- 16. Genus Gordymonas Skvortzov et Noda, 1968 (Ord. Pantostomatinae, Fam. Rhizomastigaceae; typus generis: Gordymonas vitalis Skvortzov et Noda, 1968 = Dinomonas ferox Skvortzov, 1957)
- 17. Genus Proctormonas Skvortzov et Noda, 1968 (Ord. Pantostomatinae, Fam. Rhizomastigaceae)
- 18. Genus Iolya [Jolya] Skvortzov et Noda, 1968 (Ord. Protomastiginae, Fam. Jolyaceae fam. nov. Skvortzov, 1972)
- 19. Genus Protoaceromonas Skvortzov, 1968 (Volvocineae, Ord. Polyblepharidales, Fam. Pyramydomonadaceae)
- 20. Genus Angulomonas Skvortzov, 1968 (Volvocineae, Ord. Polyblepharidales, Fam. Pyramydomonadaceae)
- 21. Genus Swirenkoiamonas Skvortzov, 1968 (Chloromonadales)
- 22. Genus Protochroomonas Skvortzov, 1968 (Volvocineae, Ord. Polyblepharidales, Fam. Pyramydomonadaceae)
- 23. Genus Rotundomastix Skvortzov, 1968 (Volvocineae, Fam. Heteromastigaceae)
- [Skvortzov (1972, V):]
- 1. Genus Protocryptochrysis Skvortzov, 1969 (Cryptomonadineae)
- 2. Genus Guttula Skvortzov et Noda, 1969 (Pyrrophyta, Fam. Gomesiamonadaceae fam. nov. Skvortzov, 1972)
- 3. Genus Refractocystis Skvortzov et Noda, 1969 (Pyrrophyta, Fam. Gomesiamonadaceae)
- 4. Genus Gomesiamonas Skvortzov et Noda, 1969 (Pyrrophyta, Fam. Gomesiamonadaceae)
- 5. Genus Refractodes Skvortzov et Noda, 1969 (Pyrrophyta, Fam. Gomesiamonadaceae)
- 6. Genus Oyemonas Skvortzov et Noda, 1969 (Pyrrophyta, Fam. Gomesiamonadaceae)
- 7. Genus Refractomonas Skvortzov et Noda, 1969 (Pyrrophyta, Fam. Gomesiamonadaceae)
- 8. Genus Hortobaggiomonas [Hortobaggiamonas] Skvortzov et Noda, 1969 (Pyrrophyta, Fam. Gomesiamonadaceae)
- 9. Genus Trichocyanella Skvortzov et Noda, 1969 (Pyrrophyta, Fam. Gomesiamonadaceae)
- 10. Genus Strömia [Stroemia] Skvortzov et Noda, 1969 (Chloromonadaceae, Fam. Strömiadaceae fam. nov. Skvortzov, 1972)
- 11. Genus Tetraculamonas [Tentaculomonas] Skvortzov et Noda, 1969 (Chloromonadaceae, Fam. Strömiadaceae)
- 12. Genus Mariniamonas Skvortzov, 1969 (Euglenophyceae, Fam. Astasiaceae)
- 13. Genus Eneidamonas [Eneidomonas] Skvortzov, 1969 (Euglenophyceae, Fam. Astasiaceae)
- 14. Genus Bicudomonas Skvortzov, 1969 (Euglenophyceae, Fam. Astasiaceae)
- 15. Genus Liangiana Skvortzov, 1969 (Euglenophyceae, Fam. Astasiaceae)
- [Skvortzov (1972, VI):]
- 1. Genus Liuiana Skvortzov, 1969 (Euglenophyceae, Fam. Astasiaceae)
- 2. Genus Wellsiella Skvortzov, 1969 (Euglenophyceae, Fam. Astasiaceae)
- 3. Genus Nilzamonas Skvortzov, 1969 (Euglenophyceae, Fam. Astasiaceae)
- 4. Genus Acusmonas Skvortzov, 1969 (Euglenophyceae, Fam. Astasiaceae)
- 5. Genus Calawaymonas Skvortzov, 1969 (Euglenophyceae, Fam. Astasiaceae)
- 6. Genus Lackeymonas Skvortzov, 1969 (Euglenophyceae, Fam. Astasiaceae)
- 7. Genus Teixeiramonas Skvortzov, 1969 (Euglenophyceae, Fam. Astasiaceae)
- 8. Genus Lowymonas Skvortzov, 1969 (Euglenophyceae, Fam. Astasiaceae)
- 9. Genus Milaneziamonas Skvortzov, 1969 (Euglenophyceae, Fam. Astasiaceae)
- 10. Genus Flagellamonas Skvortzov, 1969 (Euglenophyceae, Fam. Astasiaceae)
- 11. Genus Fidalgomonas Skvortzov, 1969 (Euglenophyceae, Fam. Astasiaceae)
- 12. Genus Mattosmonas Skvortzov, 1969 (Euglenophyceae, Fam. Astasiaceae)
- 13. Genus Beulahmonas Skvortzov, 1969 (Euglenophyceae, Fam. Astasiaceae)
- 14. Genus Hoehnemonas Skvortzov, 1969 (Euglenophyceae, Fam. Astasiaceae)
[See also "Skvortzovs genera" at micros*scope, [38]:
- Anfia Skvortzov et Noda, 1975
- Clavomatrix Skvortzov et Noda, 1983
- Ehrenbergiella Skvortzov & Noda, 1983
- Euglenomonas Skvortzov et Noda, 1983
- Eutreptiamonas Skvortzov et Noda, 1983
- Flaviamonas Skvortzov et Noda, 1983
- Florinella Skvortzov & Noda, 1983
- Loborhizaspis Skvortzov et Noda, 1975
- Ovanella Skvortzov & Noda, 1983
- Ovonastrum Skvortzov & Noda, 1983
- Ponosoviella Skvortzov et Noda, 1975
- Pseudorhizaspis [?]
- Santanamastix Skvortzov & Noda, 1983
- Skvortzoviella Bourrelly, 1970
- Subrhynchopus Skvortzov & Noda, 1983
- Vacuolatomastix Skvortzov & Noda, 1983]
Taylor (1976)
[modifica]Taylor, F.J.R. 1976. Flagellate phylogeny: a study in conflicts. J. Protozool., 23: 28–40, [39].
"Principal flagellate groups"
- "Phytoflagellates"
- Dinoflagellates (incl. ebriids)
- Cryptomonads
- Euglenoids
- Chloromonads
- Chrysomonads
- Xanthophytes
- Eustigmatophytes
- Haptophytes (incl. coccolithophorids)
- Prasinophytes
- Chlorophytes (Volvocales)
- "Zooflagellates"
- Choanoflagellates (= Craspedomonads)
- Kinetoplastids
- Bodonids
- Trypanosomes
- Retortamonads
- Oxymonads
- Diplomonads
- Polymastigids (Parabasalia)
- Trichomonads
- Hypermastigids
Hänel (1979)
[modifica]Hänel, K. 1979. Systematik und Ökologie der farblosen Flagellaten des Abwassers. Archiv für Protistenkunde 121: 73–137, [40].
- 1. Familie: Monadaceae
- Gattung: Monas (Müller) Stein 1878
- Gattung: Anthophysa Bory 1824
- Gattung: Dendromonas Stein 1878
- Gattung: Paraphysomonas (Kent) de Saedeler 1929
- 2. Familie: Oicomonadaceae
- Gattung: Oicomonas Kent 1880
- 3. Familie: Bodonidae
- Gattung: Bodo (Ehrenberg) Alex. 1912
- Gattung: Rhynchomonas Klebs 1892
- Gattung: Ancyromonas Kent 1880
- Gattung: Phyllomitus Stein 1878
- Gattung: Pseudobodo Hollande 1942
- Gattung: Cercobodo Krassilstschick 1886
- Gattung: Helkesimastix Woodcock Und Lapage 1916
- 4. Familie: Holomastigaceae
- Gattung: Multicilia Cienkowsky 1881
- 5. Familie: Rhizomastigaceae
- Gattung: Mastigamoeba (Schulze) Lemm. 1910
- 6. Familie: Bicoecaceae
- Gattung: Bicoeca (Clark) Stein 1878
- 7. Familie: Craspedomonadaceae
- Gattung: Codonosiga Kent
- 8. Familie: Peranemaceae
- Gattung: Petalomonas Stein 1859
- Gattung: Notosolenus Stokes 1884
- Gattung: Peranema Dujardin 1841
- 9. Familie: Peltomonadaceae
- Gattung: Peltomonas Vlk 1942
- 10. Familie: Polytomaceae
- Gattung: Polytoma Ehrenberg 1830
- 11. Familie: Distomataceae
- Gattung: Trigonomonas Klebs 1892
- Gattung: Trepomonas Dujardin 1841
- Gattung: Gyromonas Seligo 1887
- Gattung: Hexamitus Duj. 1841
- Gattung: Urophagus Klebs 1892
- 12. Familie: Tetramitaceae
- Gattung: Tetramitus Perty 1852
- 13. Familie: Cryptophyceae
- Gattung: Cyathomonas Fromentel 1874
- Gattung: Chilomonas Ehrb. 1838
- 14. Familie: Polyblepharidaceae
- Gattung: Collodictyon Carter 1865
Silva (1980)
[modifica]Silva, P. C. (1980). Names of classes and families of living algae: with special reference to their use in the Index Nominum Genericorum (Plantarum). Regnum Vegetabile 103: 1–156, [41].
- 25. Flagellates not assigned to classes
- Acinetactinaceae Stokes (1886, p. 567, 'Acinetactidae'). See Actinomonadaceae.
- Actinonronadaceae Kent (1880, p. 226, 'Actinomonadidae').
- Bicoecaceae Senn (1900, pp. 117, 121). See Biocoecaceae.
- Bicosoecaceae Haeckel (1894, p. 227, 'Bicosoecina')
- Bikoecaceae F. Stein (1878, p. x, 'Bikoecida'). See Bicosoecaceae.
- Brasilobiaceae Skvortzov (1972, p. 2)
- Callimastigaceae da Fonseca (1915, p. 104, 'Callimastigidae')
- Choanogastraceae Pochmann (1959, p. 525)
- Costiaceae Kudo (1931, pp. 133, 153, 'Costiidae')
- Dientamoebaceae Grassé (1953, p. 50, 'Dientamoebidae')
- Heteromastigaceae Kent (1881, pp. 440, 463, 'Heteromastigidae')
- Holomastigaceae Senn (1900, p. 112). See Multiciliaceae.
- Jolyaceae Skvortzov (1972, p. 6)
- Mastigamoebaceae Kudo (1939, pp. 235, 236, 'Mastigamoebidae')
- Mastigotrichaceae Poche (1913, p. 146, 'Mastigotrichidae')
- Monadaceae Ehrenberg (1831, p. [31], 'Monadina')
- Multiciliaceae Poche (1913, p. 139, 'Multiciliidae')
- Paramastigaceae Skuja (1948, p. 68)
- Paramoebaceae Doflein (1916, p. 702, 'Paramoebidae')
- Paramonadaceae Kent (1881, pp. 367, 368, 'Paramonadidae')
- Rhizomastigina Bütschli (1883, p. 659); Rhizomastigaceae Senn (1900, pp. 112, 113). See Mastigamoebaceae.
- Spiromastigaceae Perfil'ev (1929, pp. 137, 183)
- Spironemataceae Doflein (1916, p. 637, 'Spironemidae'). See Spironernatellaceae.
- Spironematellaceae P. C. Silva, nom. fam. nov. pro Spironemataceae Doflein (1916, p. 637, 'Spironemidae')
- Stephanomonadaceae Kent (1881, pp. 440, 465, 'Stephanomonadidae')
- Tetramitaceae Kent (1880/1881, pp. 231, 312, 'Tetramitidae')
- Trichonemataceae Kent (1881, pp. 440, 468, 'Trichonemidae')
- Vahlkampfiaceae Jollos (1917, p. 261, 'Vahlkampfidae'). See Tetramitaceae.
Patterson & Larsen (1991)
[modifica]Patterson, D. J. & J. Larsen (eds., 1991): The biology of free-living heterotrophic flagellates. Systematics Association Special Volume 45, 515 p., Clarendon Press, Oxford, [42]
free-living heterotrophic flagellates
- flagellates without mitochondria
- bodonids
- euglenids
- cryptomonads
- choanoflagellates
- dinoflagellates
- heterokont flagellates
- prymnesiophytes
- thraustochytrids and other zoosporic marine fungi
- heterotrophic flagellates of uncertain taxonomic position
Patterson (1993)
[modifica]Patterson, D. J. 1993. The current status of the free-living heterotrophic flagellates. J. Euk. Microbiol. 40: 606–609.
"free-living heterotrophic flagellates"
- group A (taxa with an ultrastructural identity)
- Hypochondria
- Pelobionts sedis mutabilis
- Retortamonads sm
- Diplomonads sm
- Trichomonads sm
- Hyperchondria
- Alveolates sm
- Dinoflagellates sm
- ([Ciliophora|[Ciliates]]) sm
- Perkinsus sm
- Colpodella sm
- Ancyromonas sm
- Apusomonads sm
- Caecitellus sm
- Cercomonads sm
- Collar flagellates sm
- Colponema sm
- Cryothecomonas sm
- Cryptomonads sm
- Dimorphids sm
- Diphylleia sm
- Discocelis sm
- Hemimastix sm
- Histiona sm
- Ebriids sm
- Euglenozoa sm
- Haptophytes sm
- Heterolobosea sm
- Jakoba sm
- Kathablepharids sm
- Phalansterium sm
- Pseudodendromonads sm
- Spongomonads sm
- Stephanopogon sm
- Stramenopiles sm
- Chrysophytes sm
- Bicosoecids sm
- Bordnamonas inc. sedis
- Pedinellids sm
- Synurophytes sm
- Thaumatomastigids sm
- Protaspis inc. sedis
- Viridaeplantae sm
- Alveolates sm
- Hypochondria
- group B (taxa missing an ultrastructural identity)
- Abollifer
- Acinetactis
- Allantion
- Allas
- Alphamonas
- Amphimonas
- Artodiscus
- Aulomonas
- Bilorum
- Bodomorpha
- Bodopsis
- Cladomonas
- Clautriavia
- Codonoeca
- Collodictyon
- Cruzella
- Cryptaulax
- Cyclomonas
- Dallingeria
- Dingensia
- Dinomonas
- Diplocalium
- Diplomita
- Diploselmis
- Entomosigma
- Errera
- Fromentalla [Fromentella]
- Gymnophrys
- Heliobodo
- Hemistasia
- Hyperamoeba
- Kamera
- Kiitoksia
- Maccapella [Macappella]
- Metopion
- Metromonas
- Monochrysis
- Multicilia
- Parabodo
- Paramastix
- Peltomonas
- Phanerobia
- Phyllomitus
- Phyllomonas
- Platytheca
- Pleurostomum
- Proleptomonas
- Quadricilia
- Rhizomonas
- Rigidomastix
- Sainouron
- Salpingorhiza
- Schewiakoffia
- Spironema
- Stenocodon
- Stephanomonas
- Stomatochone
- Streptomonas
- Telonema
- Tetracilia
- Toshiba
- Trichonema
- Trimastix
Zhukov (1993)
[modifica]Zhukov, B.F. (1993). Atlas presnovodnykh geterotrofnykh zhgutikonostsev (biologiya, ekologiya, sistematica) [An atlas of freshwater heterotrophic flagellates (biology, ecology, taxonomy)]. pp. [1]–160. Rybinsk: Rybinskiy Dom Pechati, [43], [44].
freshwater heterotrophic flagellates
- Order Choanoflagellida
- Order Bicosoecida
- Order Kinetoplastida
- Order Cercomonadida
- Order Diplomonadida
- Order Thaumatomonadida
- Order Apusomonadida
- Order Spiromonadida
- Order Cryptomonadida
- Order Euglenida
- Order Chrysomonadida
- Incertae sedis
Tomas (1997)
[modifica]From Identifying Marine Phytoplankton, 1997, [45]. (Original publication: Marine Phytoplankton, 1993, [46].)
"planktonic marine flagellates"
Cavalier Smith (2000)
[modifica]Cavalier-Smith, T. (2000). Flagellate megaevolution: the basis for eukaryote diversification. In: Leadbeater, B.S.C., Green, J.C. (eds.). The Flagellates. Unity, diversity and evolution. London: Taylor and Francis, pp. 361–390.
- [+] Related taxa lacking flagellates (some may present temporarily flagellated lifecycle stages, e.g., gametes, spores).
- [*] Probably paraphyletic taxa.
- [**] Certainly paraphyletic taxa.
- All sixty classes with flagellates are listed, and the number of flagellate orders is shown within square brackets.]
“Classification of the flagellate-containing kingdoms: Protozoa, Plantae and Chromista:”
Kingdom 1 Protozoa [**] Owen 1858 [75 orders]
- Subkingdom 1 Eozoa Cavalier-Smith 1997
- Infrakingdom 1 Archezoa Cavalier-Smith 1983 em. 1998 stat. nov. 1999
- Phylum 1 Metamonada Grassé 1952 stat. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1981 em. [4 orders]
- Class 1 Trepomonadea Cavalier-Smith 1993 (Diplomonads e.g. Giardia, Hexamita; Enteromonads e.g. Enteromonas) [3 orders]
- Class 2 Retortamonadea Cavalier-Smith 1993 (Retortamonas, Chilomastix) [1 order]
- Phylum 2 Parabasalia Honigberg 1973 stat. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1981 [3 orders]
- Class 1 Trichomonadea Kirby 1947 stat. nov. 1974 (e.g. Trichomonas, Tritrichomonas, Dientamoeba [+]) [1 order]
- Class 2 Hypermastigea Grassi et Foà 1911 stat. nov. Margulis 1974 (e.g. Trichonympha, Calonympha) [2 orders]
- Phylum 1 Metamonada Grassé 1952 stat. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1981 em. [4 orders]
- Infrakingdom 2 Loukozoa Cavalier-Smith 1999a [2 orders]
- Phylum Loukozoa Cavalier-Smith 1999a
- Class 1 Anaeromonadea Cavalier-Smith 1997 (Trimastix) [1 order]
- Class 2 Jakobea Cavalier-Smith 1997 em. (order Histionida: Jakoba, Histiona, Reclinomonas) [1 order]
- Phylum Loukozoa Cavalier-Smith 1999a
- Infrakingdom 1 Archezoa Cavalier-Smith 1983 em. 1998 stat. nov. 1999
- Subkingdom 2 Neozoa [**] Cavalier-Smith 1993 stat. nov. 1997 em. 1999
- Infrakingdom 1 Sarcomastigota [**] Cavalier-Smith 1983 stat. nov. em. 1999
- Phylum 1 Cercozoa Cavalier-Smith 1998 [12 orders]
- Subphylum 1 Phytomyxa Cavalier-Smith 1997 stat. nov.
- Class Phytomyxea Engler et Prantl 1897 orthogr. em. Cavalier-Smith 1993 (e.g. Phagomyxa, Plasmodiophora) [2 orders]
- Subphylum 2 Reticulofilosa Cavalier-Smith 1997
- Class 1 Chlorarachnea Hibberd et Norris 1984 orthogr. em. Cavalier-Smith 1993 (e.g. Chlorarachnion, Cryptochlora, Gymnochlora, Lotharella) [1 order]
- Class 2 Proteomyxidea Lankester 1885 em. Cavalier-Smith 1993 (e.g. Pseudospora, Leucodictyon [+]) [2 orders]
- Class 3 Spongomonadea cl. nov. (diagnosis as for order Spongomonadida Hibberd 1983 p. 534) (Spongomonas, Rhipidodendron) [1 order]
- Class 4 Athalamea Haeckel 1862 stat. nov. Lee 1990 (e.g. Biomyxa, Gymnophrys) [1 order]
- Subphylum 3 Monadofilosa Cavalier-Smith 1997
- Class 1 Sarcomonadea Cavalier-Smith 1993 stat. nov. 1995 em. 1997 (e.g. Cercomonas, Massisteria, Bodomorpha, Heteromita, Metopion, Thaumatomonas, Thaumatomastix, Allas, Cryothecomonas) [3 orders]
- Class 2 Filosea [+] Leidy 1879 em. Cavalier-Smith 1997 (e.g. Vampyrella, Euglypha, Paulinella, Gromia)
- Class 3 Ramicristea Cavalier-Smith 1997 stat. nov. (Dimorpha, Tetradimorpha, Commation) [2 orders]
- Subphylum 1 Phytomyxa Cavalier-Smith 1997 stat. nov.
- Phylum 2 Neomonada [*] Cavalier-Smith 1997 [11 orders]
- Subphylum 1 Apusozoa Cavalier-Smith 1997 em.
- Class 1 Thecomonadea Cavalier-Smith 1993 stat. nov. 1995 em. (Apusomonas, Amastigomonas, Ancyromonas, Spironema, Hemimastix) [3 orders]
- Class 2 Phalansterea cl. nov. (diagnosis: as for order Phalansteriida: Hibberd 1983 p. 534) (Phalansterium) [1 order]
- Class 3 Anisomonadea Cavalier-Smith 1993 em. (Diphyllea, Collodictyon, Phagodinium) [3 orders]
- Subphylum 2 Choanozoa [*] Cavalier-Smith 1981 stat. nov. 1997 em. 1998
- Class 1 Choanoflagellatea Kent 1880 stat. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1998 (e.g. Monosiga, Diaphanoeca) [2 orders]
- Class 2 Ichthyosporea Cavalier-Smith 1998 (Dermocystidium, Ichthyophonus, Psorospermium) [2 orders]
- Class 3 Corallochytrea [+] Cavalier-Smith 1995 (Corallochytrium)
- Class 4 Cristidiscoidea [+] Page 1987 stat. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1997 (e.g. Nuclearia, Fonticula, Ministeria)
- Subphylum 1 Apusozoa Cavalier-Smith 1997 em.
- Phylum 3 Amoebozoa Lühe 1913 stat. nov. em. Cavalier-Smith 1998 [3 orders]
- Subphylum 1 Lobosa Carpenter 1861 stat. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1997 em.
- Class 1 Amoebaea [+] Ehrenberg 1830 stat nov. Cavalier-Smith 1997 (e.g. Amoeba, Acanthamoeba)
- Class 2 Testacealobosea [+] De Saedeleer stat. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1997 (e.g. Arcella, Difflugia)
- Class 3 Holomastigea Cavalier-Smith 1997 (Multicilia) (possibly belongs instead in Conosa) [1 order]
- Subphylum 2 Conosa Cavalier-Smith 1998
- Infraphylum 1 Archamoebae Cavalier-Smith 1983 stat. nov. 1998
- Class 1 Pelobiontea Page 1976 stat. nov. 1991 (e.g. Pelomyxa, Mastigamoeba) [1 order]
- Class 2 Entamoebea [+] Cavalier-Smith 1991 (e.g. Entamoeba [+])
- Infraphylum 2 Mycetozoa De Bary 1859 stat. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1998
- Class 1 Protostelea [+] Olive et Stoianovitch 1966
- Class 2 Myxogastrea Fries 1829 stat. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1993 (e.g. Physarum [+], Hyperamoeba) [1 order]
- Class 3 Dictyostelea [+] Lister 1909 stat. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1993
- Infraphylum 1 Archamoebae Cavalier-Smith 1983 stat. nov. 1998
- Subphylum 1 Lobosa Carpenter 1861 stat. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1997 em.
- Phylum 4 Heliozoa [+] Haeckel 1886 stat. nov. Margulis 1974
- Sarcomastigota incertae sedis: Discocelida Cavalier-Smith 1997 (Discocelis) [1 order]
- Phylum 1 Cercozoa Cavalier-Smith 1998 [12 orders]
- Infrakingdom 2 Retaria [+] Cavalier-Smith 1999
- Phylum 1 Foraminifera [+] Eichwald 1830 stat. nov. Margulis 1974 (incl. Reticulomyxa)
- Phylum 2 Radiolaria [+] Müller 1858 stat. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1999
- Infrakingdom 3 Discicristata Cavalier-Smith 1998
- Phylum 1 Percolozoa Cavalier-Smith 1991 [7 orders]
- Subphylum 1 Tetramitia Cavalier-Smith 1993
- Class 1 Percolomonadea Cavalier-Smith 1993 (Percolomonas) [1 order]
- Class 2 Heterolobosea Page et Blanton 1985 (e.g. Naegleria) [2 orders]
- Class 3 Lyromonadea Cavalier-Smith 1993 (Psalteriomonas, Lyromonas) [1 order]
- Subphylum 2 Axostylaria Grassé 1952 stat. nov. em. Cavalier-Smith 1993
- Class Oxymonadea Grassé 1952 stat. nov. Margulis 1974 (e.g. Oxymonas, Pyrsonympha) [2 orders]
- Subphylum 3 Pseudociliata Cavalier-Smith 1993
- Class Pseudociliatea Cavalier-Smith 1981 (Stephanopogon) [1 order]
- Subphylum 1 Tetramitia Cavalier-Smith 1993
- Phylum 2 Euglenozoa Cavalier-Smith 1981 [10 orders]
- Subphylum 1 Plicostoma Cavalier-Smith 1998
- Class 1 Diplonemea Cavalier-Smith 1993 (Diplonema, Rhynchopus) [1 order]
- Class 2. Euglenoidea Bütschli 1884 stat. nov. Pascher 1931 (e.g. Euglena, Petalomonas, Peranema; three classes of Cavalier-Smith (1993a) now subclasses) [6 orders]
- Subphylum 2 Saccostoma Cavalier-Smith 1998
- Class 1 Kinetoplastea Honigberg 1963 stat. nov. Margulis 1974 (e.g. Bodo, Parabodo, Cryptaulax, Trypanosoma, Leishmania) [2 orders]
- Class 2 Postgaardea Cavalier-Smith 1998 (Postgaardi, Calkinsia) [1 order]
- Subphylum 1 Plicostoma Cavalier-Smith 1998
- Phylum 1 Percolozoa Cavalier-Smith 1991 [7 orders]
- Infrakingdom 4 Alveolata Cavalier-Smith 1991 em. 1998
- Phylum 1 Miozoa [*] Cavalier-Smith 1987 stat. nov. 1999 [18 orders]
- Subphylum 1 Dinozoa [*] Cavalier-Smith 1981 em. stat. nov. 1999
- Infraphylum 1 Protalveolata [*] Cavalier-Smith 1991 em. stat. nov. 1999
- Class 1 Colponemea Cavalier-Smith 1993 (e.g. Colponema) [1 order]
- Class 2 Perkinsea Levine 1970 (Perkinsus) [1 order]
- Class 3 Apicomonadea Cavalier-Smith 1993 (Colpodella, Dinomonas) [1 order]
- Class 4 Ellobiopsea [+] Loeblich III 1970 (e.g. Ellobiopsis)
- Infraphylum 2 Dinoflagellata Bütschli 1885 stat. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1999
- Class 1 Syndinea Chatton 1920 (e.g. Amoebophrya, Hematodinium) [1 order]
- Class 2 Oxyrrhea Cavalier-Smith 1987 (Oxyrrhis) [1 order]
- Class 3 Noctilucea Haeckel 1866 (e.g. Noctiluca) [1 order]
- Class 4 Haplozooidea Poche 1911 (e.g. Blastodinium, Amyloodinium) [1 order]
- Class 5 Peridinea Ehrenberg 1831 stat. nov. Wettstein 1901 (syn. Dinophyceae Pascher 1914; e.g. Crypthecodinium, Amphidinium, Dinophysis, Heterocapsa, Gonyaulax) [11 order]
- Infraphylum 1 Protalveolata [*] Cavalier-Smith 1991 em. stat. nov. 1999
- Subphylum 2 Sporozoa [+] Leuckart 1879 stat. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1999
- Infraphylum 1 Gregarinae [+] Haeckel 1866 stat. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1999
- Infraphylum 2 Coccidiomorpha [+] Doflein 1901 stat. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1999
- Infraphylum 3 Manubrispora [+] Cavalier-Smith 1998 stat. nov. 1999 (metchnikovellids)
- Subphylum 1 Dinozoa [*] Cavalier-Smith 1981 em. stat. nov. 1999
- Phylum 2 Ciliophora [+] Doflein 1901 stat. nov. Copeland 1956 em. auct.
- Phylum 1 Miozoa [*] Cavalier-Smith 1987 stat. nov. 1999 [18 orders]
- Neozoa incertae sedis:
- Class 1 Telonemea Cavalier-Smith 1993 (Telonema, Nephromyces, Kathablepharis, Leucocryptos) [3 order]
- Class 2 Ebridea Lemmerman 1901 em. Deflandre 1936 stat. nov. Loeblich III 1970 (e.g. Ebria, Hermesinum) [1 order]
- Infrakingdom 1 Sarcomastigota [**] Cavalier-Smith 1983 stat. nov. em. 1999
Kingdom 2 Plantae Haeckel 1866 [9 orders]
- Subkingdom 1 Biliphyta [*] Cavalier-Smith 1981
- Infrakingdom 1 Glaucophyta Cavalier-Smith 1998
- Phylum Glaucophyta Skuja 1954 (unnecessary syn. Glaucocystophyta Kies et Kremer 1986) [1 order]
- Class Glaucophyceae Bohlin 1901 (e.g. Cyanophora, Cyanoptyche) [1 order]
- Phylum Glaucophyta Skuja 1954 (unnecessary syn. Glaucocystophyta Kies et Kremer 1986) [1 order]
- Infrakingdom 2 Rhodophyta [+] Cavalier-Smith 1998
- Phylum Rhodophyta [+] Wettstein 1922 (red algae)
- Infrakingdom 1 Glaucophyta Cavalier-Smith 1998
- Subkingdom 2 Viridiplantae Cavalier-Smith 1981 (green plants)
- Infrakingdom 1 Chlorophyta Cavalier-Smith 1993
- Phylum Chlorophyta auct. [8 orders]
- Subphylum 1 Chlorophytina Cavalier-Smith 1998
- Infraphylum 1 Prasinophytae [*] Cavalier-Smith 1998
- Class 1 Micromonadophyceae [*] Mattox et Stewart 1984 em. (e.g. Mamiella, Pyramimonas, Mesostigma) [3 orders]
- Class 2 Nephrophyceae Cavalier-Smith 1993 (e.g. Nephroselmis, Pseudoscourfieldia) [1 order]
- Infraphylum 2 Tetraphytae Cavalier-Smith 1998
- Class 1 Chlorophyceae (e.g. Chlamydomonas, Tetraselmis) [4 orders]
- Class 2 Trebouxiophyceae [+] (e.g. Chlorella)
- Class 3 Ulvophyceae [+] (e.g. Ulva, Bryopsis, Codium, Acetabularia)
- Infraphylum 1 Prasinophytae [*] Cavalier-Smith 1998
- Subphylum 2 Phragmophytina [*] [+] Cavalier-Smith 1998 (Charophyceae; Chaetophyceae)
- Subphylum 1 Chlorophytina Cavalier-Smith 1998
- Phylum Chlorophyta auct. [8 orders]
- Infrakingdom 2 Cormophyta [+] Endlicher 1836 (syn. Embryophyta auct.) stat. nov. Cavalier-Smith 1998
- Phylum 1 Bryophyta [+] Braun 1864 em. Eichler 1883 (hornworts, liverworts, mosses)
- Phylum 2 Tracheophyta [+] (vascular plants: pteridophytes, seed plants)
- Infrakingdom 1 Chlorophyta Cavalier-Smith 1993
Kingdom 3 Chromista Cavalier-Smith 1981 [2 orders]
- Subkingdom 1 Cryptista Cavalier-Smith 1989
- Phylum Cryptophyta Cavalier-Smith 1986 [3 orders]
- Class 1 Cryptomonadea Stein 1878 syn. Cryptophyceae Pascher 1914 (e.g. Cryptomonas, Guillardia, Chilomonas) [2 orders]
- Class 2 Goniomonadea Cavalier-Smith 1993 (Goniomonas) [1 order]
- Phylum Cryptophyta Cavalier-Smith 1986 [3 orders]
- Subkingdom 2 Chromobiota Cavalier-Smith 1991
- Infrakingdom 1 Heterokonta Cavalier-Smith 1986 stat. nov. 1995 em.
- Superphylum 1 Sagenista Cavalier-Smith 1998
- Phylum Sagenista Cavalier-Smith 1995 [4 orders]
- Subphylum 1 Bicoecia Cavalier-Smith 1989
- Class Bicoecea Cavalier-Smith 1986 (e.g. Bicosoeca, Cafeteria, Pirsonia, Caecitellus) [3 orders]
- Subphylum 2 Labyrinthista [+] Cavalier-Smith 1986 stat. nov. 1989 (e.g. Labyrinthula [+], Thraustochytrium [+])
- Sagenista incertae sedis: Class Cyathobodonea Cavalier-Smith 1993 em. sole order Pseudodendromonadida Hibberd 1985 (Cyathobodo, Pseudodendromonas, Adriamonas) [1 order]
- Subphylum 1 Bicoecia Cavalier-Smith 1989
- Phylum Sagenista Cavalier-Smith 1995 [4 orders]
- Superphylum 2 Gyrista Cavalier-Smith 1998
- Phylum 1 Ochrophyta [*] Cavalier-Smith 1986 stat. nov. 1995 [12 orders]
- Subphylum 1 Phaeista Cavalier-Smith 1995
- Infraphylum 1 Hypogyrista Cavalier-Smith 1995
- Class 1 Pelagophyceae Andersen et Saunders 1993 (e.g. Pelagomonas, Sardnochrysis [+]) [1 order]
- Class 2 Actinochrysea Cavalier-Smith 1995 (e.g. Pedinella, Ciliophrys, Dictyocha) [3 orders]
- Infraphylum 2 Chrysista Cavalier-Smith 1986 stat. nov. 1995
- Class 1 Raphidophyceae Chadefaud ex Silva 1980 (e.g. Heterosigma) [1 order]
- Class 2 Eustigmatophyceae [+] Hibberd et Leedale 1971 (e.g. Vischeria)
- Class 3 Chrysophyceae Pascher ex Hibberd 1976 (e.g. Ochromonas) [4 orders]
- Class 4 Oikomonadea Cavalier-Smith 1996 (Oikomonas) [1 order]
- Class 5 Chrysomerophyceae [+] Cavalier-Smith 1995 (Chrysomeris)
- Class 6 Phaeothamniophyceae [+] Andersen et Bailey 1998 (e.g. Stichogloea, Phaeothamnion)
- Class 7 Xanthophyceae Allorge ex Fritsch 1935 (e.g. Chloromeson) [1 order]
- Class 8 Phaeophyceae [+] Kjellman 1891
- Infraphylum 1 Hypogyrista Cavalier-Smith 1995
- Subphylum 2 Khakista subphyl. nov. (diagnosis: Chloroplastum cum lamella cingenti et annulus e desoxyribo-nuclei-acidis. Sine radicibus ciliorum; pars transitoria ciliorum sine helice. With girdle lamella and annular chloroplast DNA but no transition helix or flagellar roots)
- Class 1 Bolidophyceae Guillou et Chretiennot-Dinet 1999 [1 order]
- Class 2 Diatomeae [+] Dumortier 1821 stat. nov.
- Subphylum 1 Phaeista Cavalier-Smith 1995
- Phylum 2 Bigyra Cavalier-Smith 1998 [4 orders]
- Subphylum 1 Bigyromonada Cavalier-Smith 1998
- Class Bigyromonadea Cavalier-Smith 1998 (Developayella Tong 1995) [1 order]
- Subphylum 2 Pseudofungi [+] Cavalier-Smith 1986 em. 1989 (oomycetes, hyphochytrids)
- Subphylum 3 Opalinata Wenyon 1926 stat. nov. em. Cavalier-Smith 1993, 1997
- Class 1 Proteromonadea Cavalier-Smith 1997 (Proteromonas) [1 order]
- Class 2 Blastocystea [+] Cavalier-Smith 1997 (Blastocystis [+])
- Class 3 Opalinea Wenyon 1926 (e.g. Karotomorpha, Opalina) [2 orders]
- Subphylum 1 Bigyromonada Cavalier-Smith 1998
- Phylum 1 Ochrophyta [*] Cavalier-Smith 1986 stat. nov. 1995 [12 orders]
- Superphylum 1 Sagenista Cavalier-Smith 1998
- Infrakingdom 2 Haptophyta Cavalier-Smith 1995
- Phylum Haptophyta Cavalier-Smith 1986 [4 orders]
- Class 1 Pavlovophyceae Cavalier-Smith 1993 (e.g. Pavlova) [2 orders]
- Class 2 Prymnesiophyceae Hibberd 1976 (e.g. Prymnesium) [2 orders]
- Phylum Haptophyta Cavalier-Smith 1986 [4 orders]
- Infrakingdom 1 Heterokonta Cavalier-Smith 1986 stat. nov. 1995 em.
Lee et al. (2000)
[modifica]From Lee, J.J., Leedale, G.F. & Bradbury, P. (2002 dated 2000) An Illustrated Guide to the Protozoa. Lawrence, Kansas, U.S.A: Society of Protozoologists; 2nd ed., [47].
"protozoa" [p. iv]
- "ameboid & flagellated protists"
- Pelobiontida (e.g., Pelomyxa, Mastigella)
- Heterolobosea (e.g., Vahlkampfia, Tetramitus)
- "flagellated protists"
- Cryptomonadida (e.g., Cryptomonas, Rhodomonas)
- Diplomonadida (e.g., Giardia, Hexamita)
- Euglenozoa (e.g., Euglena, Trypanosoma)
- Hemimastigophora (e.g., Spironema, Hemimastix)
- oxymonads (e.g., Oxymonas, Pyrsonympha)
- Parabasalia (e.g., Trichomonas, Trichonympha)
- Pedinophyceae (e.g., Pedinomonas)
- Prasinophyceae (e.g., Tetraselmis, Mesostigma)
- Prymnesiida (e.g., Prymnesium, Coccolithus)
- "residual heterotrophic flagellates" (e.g., Reclinomonas, Jakoba) [see Incertae sedis Eukaryota]
- Retortamonadida (e.g., Retortamonas, Chilomastix)
Patterson (2000)
[modifica]From Flagellates: Heterotrophic Protists With Flagella, [48].
- Ancyromonas
- Apusomonads
- Cercomonads
- Collodictyon
- Cryothecomonas
- Dimorphids
- Diphylleia
- Discocelis
- Ebriids
- Excavates
- Euglenozoa
- Hamates
- Kathablepharids
- Ministeria
- Multicilia
- Oxymonads
- Parabasalids
- Pelobionts
- Phalansterium
- Plasmodiophorids
- Spironemids
- Spongomonads
- Stephanopogon
- Telonema
- Thaumatomonads
Jeuck & Arndt (2013)
[modifica]Jeuck, A., & Arndt, H. (2013). A short guide to common heterotrophic flagellates of freshwater habitats based on the morphology of living organisms. Protist, 164 (6): 842–860, [49].
"common heterotrophic flagellates" [fig. 1]
- Stramenopiles: bicosoecids, chrysomonads, ciliophryids
- Alveolata: dinoflagellates
- Rhizaria
- Amoebozoa: Multicilia, phalansteriids
- Opisthokonta: choanoflagellates
- Excavata
- Discoba: jakobids, free-living kinetoplastids, euglenids
- Metamonada: diplomonads, Preaxostyla
- "protists of uncertain position": cryptophyceans, kathablepharids, apusomondas, ancyromonads, collodictyonids, spironemids, Phyllomonas
[modifica]- Abstracts of the Second International Symposium on the Biology of Free-living Heterotrophic Flagellates: 14th – 20th August 1994 – St. Petersburg, Russia. Europ. J. Protistol. 31, 109-118 (1995), [50].
- Cohn, F. (1853). Beiträge zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Infusorien. Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Zoologie, bd. 4, 253-281, [51].
- Karpov S.A. (editor). The biology of free-living heterotrophic flagellates: the proceedings of the Second International Symposium, St. Petersburg, 14-20 August 1994. Cytology, 1995, 37 (11): 951–1096. Nauka, St.Petersburg, [52].