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협력위키생물종과 주키스(ZooKeys) 사이의 협력이 공표되었습니다. 2010년 11월에 파이투키스(PhytoKeys)도 협력에 동참했습니다. 주키스 및 파이투키스의 생물종 영상이 위키미디어 공용에 올려졌으며 위키생물종에서 사용할 수 있습니다. 저명한 생물학자Adriana Hoffmann Jacoby As a Chilean botanist and environmentalist, Adriana Hoffmann Jacoby has authored over a dozen books on the flora of Chile and has identified and classified more than 100 new species of cacti. She was Chile's Environment Minister in 2000 and 2001. She has advocated for the sustainable management and protection of Chilean forests, leading opposition to illegal logging in her role as coordinator of Defensores del Bosque Chileno (Defenders of the Chilean Forest) since 1992. Hoffmann was recognized by the United Nations in 1997 as one of the 25 leading environmentalists of the decade for her efforts to protect Chile's forests. In 1999 she won the National Environmental Prize in the category of Environmental Education, awarded by Comisión Nacional del Medio Ambiente (CONAMA). For her research into Chilean flora and her work in environmental education, Hoffmann received the Luis Oyarzún Award from the Austral University of Chile in 2003. She received a Fellow Award from the Cactus and Succulent Society of America in 2009. Hoffmann has also served on the judging panel for the United Nations Environment Programme's Sasakawa Prize.See also: Distinguished authors of previous months. |
Species of the monthAtlantic Horse MackerelSome facts on this fish: Maximum size: 40 cm. Maximum weight: 1.6 kg. Distribution: From Africa to about 66°N in the Northeast Atlantic, including the Mediterranean Sea and the Black and Baltic Seas. Life span: Up to 40 years. Diet: During winter: Bottom species. During summer: plankton, squid, small sprat and herring, and other fish fingerlings. First described: By the Swedish naturatist Linnaeus in 1758; originally named Scomber trachurus. How do you like your Trachurus trachurus: smoked, canned, fried, broiled or baked? This mackerel is an important commercial fish distributed between two main populations: the west stock which spawn in the eastern Atlantic off the coasts of western Europe, and the north stock which spawn in the North Sea. The "horse" comes from a legend telling that other smaller fish species can ride on the back of the horse mackerel over great distances. The Trachurus trachurus congregates in large schools in coastal waters, where it feeds on crustaceans, squid, and other fishes. Females lay a large quantity of eggs-about 140,000, which hatch into 5mm. long larvae. The genus Trachurus or the "Jack mackerels" contains 15 species and belongs to Carangidae, a large family of narrow-bodied marine food fishes equipped with widely forked tails. See also: Species of previous months |
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