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Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Chromista
Subregnum: Harosa
Infraregnum: Alveolata
Phylum: Myzozoa
Subphylum: Dinozoa
Infraphylum: Dinoflagellata
Classis: Dinophyceae
Subclasses (disused): Dinophycidae – Ellobiophycidae – Peridiniphycidae

Ordines: Actiniscales – Amphilothales – Blastodiniales – Brachidiniales – Coccidiniales – Desmomastigales – Dinophysiales – Gonyaulacales – Gymnodiniales – Lophodiniales – Noctilucales – Oxyrrhinales – Peridiniales – Phytodiniales – Prorocentrales – Pyrocystales – Suessiales – Syndiniales – Thoracosphaerales – Dinophyceae incertae sedis

Ordo (Synonymy): Brachydiniales

Ordo (nomen dubium): Thalassomycetales


Dinophyceae Pascher, 1914

Similar group:


  • Noctilucophyceae Harting, Leerb. Grondbeg. Dierk. 3(1): 1496. 1870 (“Noctilucaria”).
  • Peridiniophyceae Knoblauch in Warming, Handb. Bot.: 9. 1890 (“Peridinea”).
  • Pyrocystophyceae O. Paulsen in K. Brandt & C. Apstein, Nord. Plankton 2(18): 110. 1908 (“Pyrocysteae”).
  • Gymnodiniophyceae K. Fritsch in Wiesner, Elem. Wiss. Bot. ed. 3, 2: 211. 1909 (“Gymnodinieae”).
  • Prorocentrophyceae K. Fritsch in Wiesner, Elem. Wiss. Bot. ed. 3, 2: 211. 1909 (“Prorocentreae”).
  • Haplozoophyceae Poche, Arch. Naturgesch. Suppl. 1(1): 75. 1911 (“Haplozooidea”).
  • Amphilothophyceae Lindemann in Engler & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. ed. 2, 2: 39. 1928 (“Amphilothales”).
  • Dinophysiophyceae Lindemann in Engler & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. ed. 2, 2: 39, 72. 1928 (“Dinophysiales”).
  • Kolkwitziellophyceae Lindemann in Engler & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. ed. 2, 2: 39, 70. 1928 (“Kolkwitziellales”).
  • Desmocapsophyceae J. Schiller in Rabenhorst, Krypt.-Fl. Deutschl. ed. 2, 10 (3, 1): 10. 1931 (“Desmocapsales”).
  • †Hystrichosphaerophyceae Mädler, Beih. Geol. Jahrb. 58: 317. 1963 (“Hystrichophyta”).
  • Ellobiopsidophyceae A. R. Loeblich Jr. in Proc. N. Amer. Paleontol. Conv. Chicago 1969, [G]: 901. 1970 (“Ellobiophyceae”).
  • Syndiniophyceae A. R. Loeblich Jr., J. Protozool. 23: 25. 1976.
  • ‘Syndina’ Cavalier-Smith, Microbiol. Rev. 57: 987. 1993, pro zool. supercl.
  • Blastodiniophyceae Fensome, F. J. R. Taylor, Norris, Sarjeant, Wharton & Williams, Micropaleontol. Spec. Publ. 7: 170. 1993 (“Blastodiniphyceae”).
  • ‘Hemidinia’ Cavalier-Smith, Microbiol. Rev. 57: 987. 1993, pro zool. supercl.


Alternative classifications[edit]

Pascher (1914)[edit]

Pascher, A. 1914. Über Flagellaten und Algen. Ber. Dt. Bot. Ges., 32: 136–160, [1].

[See Algae]

Pascher (1931)[edit]

Pascher, A. 1931. Systematische Übersicht über die mit Flagellaten in Zusammenhang stehenden Algenreihen und Versuch einer Einreihung dieser Algenstämme in die Stämme des Pflanzenreiches. Beihefte zum Botanischen Centralblatt, 48 (Abteilung II, 2): 317–332, BibDigital.

[See Plantae (L.)]

Fritsch (1935)[edit]

Fritsch, F.E. 1935. The Structure and Reproduction of the Algae. Vol. I, Introduction, Chlorophyceae. Xanthophyceae, Chrysophyceae, Bacillariophyceae, Cryptophyceae, Dinophyceae, Chloromonadineae, Euglenineae, Colourless Flagellata.[2]. From Sharma (1986), [3], [4].


Sarjeant & Downie (1966)[edit]

Sarjeant, W.A.S. & Downie, C. 1966. The classification of dinoflagellate cysts above generic level. Grana Palynologica, 6(3), 503-527, [5].

Sarjeant & Downie (1974)[edit]

Sarjeant, W.A.S. & Downie, C. 1974. The classification of dinoflagellate cysts above generic level: a discussion and revisions. In: Symposium on Stratigraphic Palynology, Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, Special Publication, 3, p. 9-32, [6].

Sarjeant (1974)[edit]

Sarjeant, W.A.S. 1974. Appendix C - Present classification of fossil dinoflagellates. In: Sarjeant, W.A.S. (1974). Fossil and living dinoflagellates. Academic Press: London, p. 138-146, [7].

Artzner et al. (1979)[edit]

Artzner, D.G., Davies, E.H., Dörhöfer, G., Fasola, A., Norris, G. & Poplawski, S. 1979. A systematic illustrated guide to fossil organic-walled dinoflagellate genera. Royal Ontario Museum, Life Sciences Division, Miscellaneous Publication, p. 1-119, [8].

Dodge in Spector (1984)[edit]

Dodge, J.D. 1984. Dinoflagellate taxonomy. In: Spector, D.L. (ed.). Dinoflagellates. Academic Press, Orlando, FL, [9].

Popovský & Pfiester (1990)[edit]

Popovský, J. & Pfiester, L.A. 1990. Dinophyceae (Dinoflagellida). In: Ettl, H., Gerloff, J., Heynig, H. & Mollenhauer, D. (eds.): Süßwasserflora von Mitteleuropa, Band 6. Stuttgart: Gustav Fischer Verlag, 272 p., [10].

[See Algae]

Taylor in Margulis et al. (1990)[edit]

Taylor, F.J.R. 1990. 24. Phylum Dinoflagellata:. In: Margulis, L., Corliss, J.O., Melkonian, M. & Chapman, D.J. (ed.). Handbook of Protoctista. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Boston, p. 419-437. See Brands, S.J. (1989-2015), [11].

Kingdom Protoctista

Dodge & Lee, in Lee et al. (2000)[edit]

Dodge, J.D. & Lee, J.J. 2000. Phylum Dinoflagellata. In: Lee, J.J., Leedale, G.F. & Bradbury, P. An Illustrated Guide to the Protozoa. Society of Protozoologists/Allen Press: Lawrence, Kansas, U.S.A, 2nd ed., vol. 1, p. 656-689, [12]. See Brands, S.J. (1989-2015), [13].

In “protozoa”, “alveolates

Pugachev et al. (2011)[edit]

Pugachev, O.N. ed. (О.Н. Пугачев). 2011. Protista 3: Guide-book on zoology. (Протисты 3: руководство по зоологии). St. Petersburg: KMK Scientific Press, 474 pp. (in Russian, with English summaries), [14].


Ruggiero et al. (2015)[edit]

  • Ruggiero, M.A., Gordon, D.P., Orrell, T.M., Bailly, N., Bourgoin, T., Brusca, R.C., Cavalier-Smith, T., Guiry, M.D. & Kirk, P.M. 2015. A Higher Level Classification of All Living Organisms. PLoS ONE 10(4): e0119248, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0119248.