Shortcut: WS:PATROL

Patroller is a user status that can be given to Wikispecies users.
1680+ unpatrolled edits
--SteinsplitterBot 00:02, 8 September 2023 (UTC)
In the box at the left you can see the near live total number of unpatrolled pages, in need of being patrolled, and here is a page with live online made list.
Created files and edits by IP-addresses and users who have not yet been given autopatrolled user rights, need to be patrolled and checked that they follow Wikispecies rules and standards.
Those files have a red ! in front of them on the list at Special:RecentChanges.
At the bottom right corner those files have a link, [Mark as patrolled], which if the file is correct, can be clicked by an Admin or Patroller so the file gets patrolled.
Please consider carrying out daily patrols of new pages and edits made by users who are not autopatrolled.
O dereito do usuario Verificador dá ao usuario o dereito de:
- Ter a súa páxina edicións marcadas automaticamente como patrulladas
- Patrullar novas páxinas e marcalos como patrullada
O estado de verificador pode ser atribuído por calquer Administrador, e pode ser tirado por calquer Administrador en casos de abuso.
Lista de verificadores
Wikispecies has 37 patrollers. An automatically updated, current and always accurate list can be found at Special:ListUsers/patroller. Statistics on recent patrolling can be seen here:
Userbox en Wikispecies
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Este usuario ten os dereitos de patrullero en Wikispecies. (verifica) |
Patrollers may use the Patroller user box on their user pages. Copy and paste the following code to your user page:
{{User Patroller}}
Please consider carrying out daily patrols of new pages and edits made by users who are not autopatrolled.
Peticións para dereitos de verificador
Se desexa solicitar dereitos de patrulla para vostede ou para outro usuario, explique aquí o porque. Se se decide conceder a solicitude, alguén de admnistrición lle dará eses dereitos. Pode empregar {{subst:RFP|Username|Motivo para solicitar dereitos de patrulla}}
ao realizar para crear o formulario automaticamente. Substitúa «Username
» co seu nome de conta (dito simplemente: sen tiles), e substitúa «Reason for requesting patrol rights
» por unha explicación breve do motivo para solicitar este dereito. Non realice ningún outro cambio na cadea de código - por exemplo, non engada unha viñeta *
ao principio!
Engada a cadea de código directamente por baixo desta liña, por riba do título «peticións anteriores» e sen engadir ningún título:
Culex (talk • contribs • block log • all projects)
Hello, I've been working regularly on WS for many years now and since last year I do training workshops on WS, mostly with French speaking users from various countries. I am also a sysop on WP:FR. Culex (talk) 22:29, 2 April 2024 (UTC)
Approved. –Tommy Kronkvist (talk), 10:32, 19 April 2024 (UTC).