Bacteria (classifications)

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1. Bacteria sensu Cohn, 1872b, 1872c [= Prokaryotae, excluding Cyanobacteria]

  • Synonyms
    • Schizomycetes Nägeli, 1857
    • Bacteriaceae Cohn, 1872a
    • Schizomycetaceae de Toni and Trevisan, 1889
    • Bacteriophyta Schussnig, 1925

2. Bacteria sensu Cavalier-Smith 1981, 1983, 1998, Margulis & Chapman, 2009 [= Prokaryotae]

3. Bacteria sensu Woese et al., 1990 [= Prokaryotae, excluding Archaea]

  • Synonyms
    • Eubacteria sensu Woese & Fox, 1977
    • Neobacteria Möhn, 1984



Cohn (1872b)


Cohn, F. 1872. Ueber Bakterien, die kleinsten lebenden Wesen. Lüdritz’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung Carl Habel, Berlin, [1]. American reprint (1889): [2].


  • Micrococcus
  • Bacterium
  • Bacillus
  • Vibrio
  • Spirillum
  • Spirochaete

Cohn (1872c)


Cohn, F. 1872. Untersuchungen über Bacterien. Beiträge zur Biologie der Pflanzen, 1 (2): 127–224, [3], [4]. Translation at: Brock, T.D. (1998). Milestones in Microbiology: 1556 to 1940. ASM Press, p. 210 (PDF)


  • Tribe 1. Sphaerobacteria (sphere bacteria)
    • Genus 1. Micrococcus char. emend.
  • Tribe 2. Microbacteria (rod bacteria)
    • Genus 2. Bacterium char. emend.
  • Tribe 3. Desmobacteria (filament bacteria)
    • Genus 3. Bacillus n. g.
    • Genus 4. Vibrio char. emend.
  • Tribe 4. Spirobacteria (corkscrew bacteria)
  • Genus 5. Spirillum Ehrenberg
  • Genus 6. Spirochaete Ehrenberg

Magnin (1880)


Magnin, A. 1880. The Bacteria. Boston: Little, Brown, and Company. Translated by George M. Sternberg. [5]


  • Spherobacteria
  • Microbacteria
  • Desmobacteria
  • Spirobacteria
  • other colorless Schizophytes

de Bary (1884)


de Bary, A. 1884. Vergleichende Morphologie und Biologie der Pilze, Mycetozoa und Bakterien. Leipzig. [6]

Bacterien oder Schizomyceten

  • Endospore Bacterien
  • Arthrospore Bacterien

Hueppe (1886)


Hueppe, F. 1886. Die Formen der Bakterien und ihre Beziehungen zu de Gattungen und Arten. Wiesbaden, p. 140. [7]


  • A. Endospore Bakterien
    • Kokkaceen
    • Bakteriaceen
    • Spirobakteriaceen
  • B. Arthrospore Bakterien
    • Arthro-Kokkaceen
    • Arthro-Bakteriaceen
    • Arthro-Spirobakteriaceen
    • Leptotricheen
    • Cladotricheen

Haeckel (1889)


Haeckel, E. 1889. Natürliche Schöpfungsgeschichte, 8th ed, [8]. See p. 452, 453, 462, 508.

  • Protistenreich
    • Protophyta (Protista vegetalia)
      • Klass I. Phytarcha
        • Phytomonera
          • Ordnung 1. Probiontes
        • Chromaceae
          • Ordnung 2. Chroococceae
          • Ordnung 3. Nostochineae
      • Klass II. Diatomeae
      • Klass III. Cosmariae (Desmidieae)
      • Klass IV. Palmellariae (Palmellaceae)
      • Klass V. Siphoneae (Coeloblastae)
    • Protozoa (Protista animalia)
      • Zoarcha (Zoocytoda)
        • Zoomonera
          • Lobomonera
          • Rhizomonera
        • Bacteria
          • Sphaerobacteria
          • Rhabdobacteria
      • Cytarcha
        • Lobosa (Amoebina)
        • Gregarinae (Sporozoa)
      • Infusoria
        • Flagellata (Mastigophora)
        • Ciliata
        • Acinetae (Suctoria)
      • Rhizopoda
        • Mycetozoa (Myxomycetes)
        • Heliozoa
        • Thalamaria (Foraminifera)
        • Radiolaria
  • Pflanzenreich
  • Thierreich

Engler (1892)


Engler, Adolf. 1892. Syllabus der Vorlesungen über specielle und medicinisch-pharmaceutische Botanik [Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien, in further editions]. Gebrüder Borntraeger Verlag, Berlin, 1st ed., 143 p. [9]


Haeckel (1894)


Systematische phylogenie, 3 vols (vol. 1, Protisten und Pflanzen, 1894; vol. 2, Invertebrata, 1896; vol. 3, Vertebrata, 1895). [10].

[Vol. 1, p. 90-91:]

  • Pflanzen
    • Protophyta (Protista plasmodoma) [Vol. 1, p. 96]
      • Archephyta (Progonella)
        • Probiontes
        • Chromaceae (Phycochromaceae)
      • Algariae (Paulosporata)
        • Paulotomeae
        • Conjugatae
        • Diatomeae
      • Algettae (Zoosporata)
        • Mastigota
        • Melethallia
        • Siphoneae
    • Metaphyta (Histones plasmodomi) [Vol. 1, p. 256]
  • Thieren
    • Protozoa (Protista plasmophaga) [Vol. 1, p. 138]
      • Archezoa (= Zoarchega)
        • Bacteria (= Bactromonera)
          • Coccillida
          • Bacillida
          • Spirillida
        • Zoomonera (= Monera s. str.)
          • Lobomonera
          • Rhizomonera
      • Fungilli (= Sporozoa)
      • Rhizopoda
      • Infusoria
    • Metazoa (Histones plasmophagi)

Hueppe (1896)


Hueppe, F. 1896. Naturwissenschaftliche Einfuhrung in die Bakteriologie. C. W. Kreidels Verlag, Wiesbaden, p. 25. [11] Principles of bacteriology, translation by E. O. Jordan. Open Court Publishing Co., Chicago, 1899, p. 37 [12]


  • Coccaceae
  • Bacteriaceae
  • Spirobacteriaceae
  • Leptothricheae
  • Cladothricheae

Fischer (1895)


Fischer, Alfred 1895. Untersuchungen ülber Bakterien. Jahrbücher für wissenschaftliche Botanik, 27, 1–163, (PDF)


  • Haplobacteriaceï
  • Trichobacteriaceï

Fischer (1897)


Fischer, A. Vorlesungen über Bakterien. 1897. 1st ed., p. 32 [13] (2nd ed., 1903).


  • Haplobacterinae
  • Trichobacterinae

Migula (1897–1900)


Migula, W. 1897–1900. System der Bakterien. Vol. 1, 1897 [14]. Vol. 2, 1900, [15].


  • Eubacteria
  • Thiobacteria

Smith (1905)


Smith, Erwin F. 1905. Bacteria in relation to plant diseases. Vol. 1. [16]


  • Eubacteria
  • Thiobacteria
  • Myxobacteria

Heim (1906)


Heim, Ludwig. 1906. Lehrbuch der Bakteriologie. 3rd ed., p. 303. [17]..

  • Bakterien (Schizomyzeten)
    • Mikrokokken, Bazillen, Spirillen
  • Tricomyzeten
  • Blastomyzeten
  • Hyphomyzeten

Lotsy (1907)


Lotsy, J. P. 1907. Vortrage uber botanische Stammesgeschichte. Vol. 1. Algen und Pilsen, p. 329, 341, [18].


  • Schizophyceen
  • Bakterien
    • Haplobacterinae
    • Trichobacterinae
  • Myxobakterien

Kolle & Hetch (1911)


Kolle, W. & Hetch, H. 1911. Die experimentelle Bakteriologie, 3rd ed., p. 17. [19]


  • Pilze
    • Höhere Pilze
    • Spaltpilze oder Bakterien
      • Kokken
      • Bazilen
      • Spirillen
  • Algen, Flechten
    • Spaltalgen
      • Schwefelbakterien [sulfur bacteria]
      • Eisenbakterien [iron bacteria]
      • Streptothricheen

Schneider (1912)


Schneider, A. 1912. Pharmaceutical Bacteriology. [20]

Bacteria (Schizomycetes)

  • Coccaceae
  • Bacteriaceae
  • Spirillaceae
  • Spirochaetaceae
  • Mycobacteriaceae
  • Chlamydobacteriaceae
  • Beggiatoaceae

Engler & Gilg (1919)


Engler, A. & E. Gilg. 1919. Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien, 8th ed., Gebrüder Borntraeger Verlag, Berlin, 395 p. [21]

  • Schizophyta
    • Schizomycetes (Bacteria)
      • Eubacteria
      • Thiobacteria
    • Schizophyceae

Schussnig (1925)


Schussnig, B. 1925. Betrachtungen über das system der niederen Pflanzen. Verhandl. d. zool. bot. Ges. Wien., Bd. 75, p. 196–272. [22]


  • II. Stamm: Bacteriophyta
    • 1. Klasse: Eubacteria
    • 2. Klasse: Mycobacteria
    • 3. Klasse: Trichobacteria
    • 4. Klasse: Myxobacteria

Kluyver & van Niel (1936)


Kluyver, A. J., and van Niel, C. B. 1936. Prospects for a natural system of classification of bacteria. Centr. Bakt., II, 94, 369–403. [23]


  • Pseudomonadaceae
  • Micrococcaceae
  • Mycobacteriaceae
  • Bacteriaceae

Chadefaud & Emberger (1960)


Chadefaud, M. & Emberger, L. (éds.). 1960. Traité de botanique systématique. Masson et Cie., Paris. Tome I. Les végétaux non vasculaires (Cryptogamie), par M. Chadefaud, 1960, 1 vol. de 1016 pages, [24]. Tome II. Les végétaux vasculaires, par L. Emberger, deux fascicules, 1540 pages. [25], [26]

Monde vivant

  • Protocaryotes (= Schizophytes)
    • Cyanoschizophytes (= Cyanophycées, Schyzophycées, Myxophycées, ou Algues bleues)
      • Chroococcales, Pleurocapsales, Stigonémales, Chamaesiphonales, Nostocales
    • Bactérioschizophytes (= Bactéries, ou Schizomycètes)
      • Hémibactéries, Eubactéries, Virobactéries
  • Eucaryotes

Buchanan et al. (1974)


Buchanan, R. E. & Gibbons, N. R. (eds.). 1974. Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, 8th edn. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins. [27]

Kingdom Prokaryotae

  • Division Photobacteria
    • Class I. Blue-green photobacteria
    • Class II. Red photobacteria
    • Class III. Green photobacteria
  • Division Scotobacteria
    • Class I. The bacteria
    • Class II. Obligate intracellular Scotobacteria in eucaryotic cells (Rickettsias)
    • Class III. Scotobacteria without cell walls (Mollicutes)

Cavalier-Smith (1981)


Eukaryote kingdoms: seven or nine?, [28].

  • Superkingdom Prokaryota
    • Kingdom Bacteria
      • Subkingdom Eubacteria
      • Subkingdom Archaebacteria
  • Superkingdom Eukaryota

Parker et al. (1982)


Parker, S. P. (ed.). 1982. Synopsis and classification of living organisms. 2 vols. McGraw-Hill, New York, [29], [30]. See Brands (1989–2005), [31]

Superkingdom Prokaryotae

Möhn (1984)


Möhn, E. 1984. System und Phylogenie der Lebewesen. Band 1. Physikalische, chemische und biologische Evolution. Prokaryonta. Eukaryonta (bis Ctenophora). E. Schweizerbartsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart, [32]. From Minelli (1993), pp. 215–387, [33].

Superkingdom Prokaryonta

Superkingdom Eukaryonta

Woese et al. (1990)

  • Archaea
  • Bacteria
  • Eukarya

Holt et al. (1994)


Holt. J. G., and N. R. Krieg. 1994. Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, 9th ed. The Williams & Wilkins Co., Baltimore, Md. [34], [35]

"Four major categories of bacteria"

Cavalier-Smith (1998)


A revised six-kingdom system of life. (PDF)

Empire or Superkingdom Prokaryota Dougherty, 1957 stat. nov. Allsopp 1969

[* Probably paraphyletic.

† Almost certainly paraphyletic.

‡ All the phyla here should be treated as divisions.

§ Originally treated as separate phyla (Cavalier-Smith, 1992a).]

Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd ed. (2001–2012)


From Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd ed., 5 vols. Springer-Verlag, New York, NY. After Madigan et al. 2012. [36]

Domain Archaea [vol. 1]

Domain Bacteria

Cavalier-Smith (2006a)


Cavalier-Smith, T. (2006). Rooting the tree of life by transition analyses. Biology Direct 1: 19, [37].

[*Probably paraphyletic taxa are marked with an asterisk.]

Cavalier-Smith (2006b)


Cavalier-Smith, T. (2006). Cell evolution and Earth history: stasis and revolution. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 361 (1470): 969–1006, [38], [39].

Kingdom Bacteria

Garrity et al. (2007)


Garrity, G.M., Lilburn, T.G., Cole, J.R., Harrison, S.H., Euzeby, J., and Tindall, B.J. 2007. Taxonomic Outline of the Bacteria and Archaea, Release 7.7. Michigan State University Board of Trustees, [40].

Margulis & Chapman (2009)


Kingdoms & Domains, 4th ed.

Superkingdom Prokarya

Ruggiero et al. (2015)


Ruggiero, M.A., Gordon, D.P., Orrell, T.M., Bailly, N., Bourgoin, T., Brusca, R.C., Cavalier-Smith, T., Guiry, M. D. & Kirk, P. M. 2015. A Higher Level Classification of All Living Organisms. PLoS ONE 10(4): e0119248 [41]

Superkingdom Prokaryota

Parte (2016)


Parte, A.C. (2016). List of Prokaryotic Names with Standing in Nomenclature (LPSN). Created by J.P. Euzéby in 1997. Curated by A.C. Parte since 2013. Avaiable on: Retrieved 5 April 2016.

Domain Bacteria

Parte et al. (2024)


See also



  • Buchanan, R. E. 1917. Studies in the Nomenclature and Classification of the Bacteria: II. The Primary Subdivisions of the Schizomycetes. J. Bacteriol. 2 (2): 155–64, [42]
  • Buchanan, R. E. 1925. General systematic bacteriology: history, nomenclature, groups of bacteria. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins Company, [43]
  • Cohn, F. 1872a. Organismen in der Pockenlymphe. Virchows Archiv für pathologische Anatomie und Physiologie und für klinische Medizin, 55 (1), 229–238, [44]
  • Pelentier, B. 2007–2015. Empire Biota: a comprehensive taxonomy, [45]