Pinus subsect. Pinaster

[edit]Taxonavigation: Pinales |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Pinaceae
Genus: Pinus
Subgenus: P. subg. Pinus
Sectio: P. sect. Pinaster
Subsectio: Pinus subsect. Pinaster
Species sensu Businský (2008): P. pinaster
Species sensu Jin et al. (2021): P. brutia – P. canariensis – P. halepensis – P. heldreichii – P. pinaster – P. pinea – P. roxburghii
[edit]Pinus subsect. Pinaster Mayr ex Koehne, Deut. Dendrol.: 34 (1893).
Note: Businský (2008) s.s. and Jin et al. (2021) s.l. fundamentally differ in circumscription of this sub-section.
[edit]Primary references
[edit]- Koehne, B.A.E. 1893. Deutsche Dendrologie. Kurze Beschreibung der in Deutschland im Freien aushaltenden Nadel- und Laubholzgewächse zur schnellen und sicheren Bestimmung der Gattungen, der Arten und einiger wichtigeren Abarten und Formen. xvi + 602 pp. Ferdinand Enke, Stuttgart. Biblioteca Digital Google Books Reference page.
Additional references
[edit]- Businský, R. 2008. The genus Pinus L., pines: contribution to knowledge. A monograph with cone drawings of all species of the world by Ludmila Businská. Acta Pruhoniciana 88: 1–126. PDF (Text) Photos 1–32 Photos 33–42 Figures 1–73Reference page.
- Jin, W.-T., Gernandt, D.S., Wehenkel, C., Xia, X.-M., Wei, X.-X. & Wang, X.-Q. 2021. Phylogenomic and ecological analyses reveal the spatiotemporal evolution of global pines. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118(20, e2022302118): 1–11. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2022302118
Reference page.