Trypanoplasma lomakini

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Taxonavigation: Parabodonida 

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Protozoa
Subregnum: Eozoa
Infraregnum: Euglenozoa
Phylum: Euglenozoa
Subphylum: Glycomonada
Classis: Kinetoplastea
Subclassis: Metakinetoplastina
Ordo: Parabodonida

Familia: Trypanoplasmataceae
Genus: Trypanoplasma
Species: T. lomakini



Trypanoplasma lomakini (Khaibulaev) Lom in Lumsden & D.A.Evans, Biol. Kinetoplastida 2: 322 (1979)


  • Basionym
    • Cryptobia lomakini Khaibulaev, Parazitologiya 5: 554, text-fig. 4, pl. 4 (1971)



Primary references

  • Khaibulaev, K.Kh. 1971. Новые виды трипанозом крови рыб Каспийского моря [New species of blood trypanosomes in the blood of fishes of the Caspian Sea]. Parazitologiya 5(6): 551–555. (Russian) PDF Open access Reference page

Additional references

  • Lom, J. 1979. Biology of the trypanosomes and trypanoplasms of fish. pp. 269–337. In: Lumsden, W.H. R & Evans, D.A. (Eds.), Biology of the Kinetoplastida. Vol. 2. London–New York–San Francisco: Academic Press. Reference page