Cynea anthracinus holomelas
Taxonavigation: Papilionoidea |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Hesperiidae
Subfamilia: Hesperiinae
Tribus: Hesperiini
Subtribus: Moncina
Genus: Cynea
Speciesː Cynea anthracinus
Subspeciesː Cynea anthracinus holomelas
[edit]Cynea anthracinus holomelas Mabille, 1891.
Type localityː N.E. Peru, "Pebas".
[edit]♦ Pamphila holomelas Mabille, 1891ː CLXIX.
♦ Rhinthon luctatius Schaus, 1913ː 361, pl.54 fig.9. Costa Rica.
♦ Asbolis halomelis (sic) (Mabille); Draudt, [1924]ː 945. Mis-spelling.
♦ Euphyes holomelas (Mabille); Bridges, 1994ː VIII.101, IX.25.
♦ Cynea anthracinus holomelas (Mabille); Lamas, 2004ː 66
[edit]- Bridges, C.A. 1994. Catalogue of the Family-Group, Genus-Group and Species-Group Names of the Hesperioidea (Lepidoptera) of the World. Bridges, Urbana, Illinois. BHL Reference page.
- Draudt, M.W.K. 1917–1924. Die amerikanischen Tagfalter. Lycaenidae and Grypocera. In Seitz, Gross-schmetterlinge der Erde 5: 739–999, Pls.1–194. Reference page.
- Mabille, P. 1891. Description d'Hespérides Nouvelles. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 35: 59–88; 106–121; 167-187. Reference page.
- Schaus, W. 1913. New Species of Rhopalocera from Costa Rica. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1913(3): 339-367, pls 50–54. Reference page.