Agonopterix alstromeriana

[edit]Taxonavigation: Gelechioidea |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Depressariidae
Genus: Agonopterix
Species: Agonopterix alstromeriana
[edit]Agonopterix alstromeriana (Clerck, 1759) [See "Note" far below about spelling of ("alstromeriana" verus "alstroemeriana")].
Type locality: Unknown, likely Sweden. (Said to be from Orchards "Pomariis" in Linnaeus, 1761: 348)
Typus: Unknown, possibly only image of Clerck
[edit]- Phalaena alströmeriana Clerck, 1759: pl. 10, f.1. [LINK] [LINK]. Protonym. (Note: Not in Linnaeus, 1759. See overview of earlier works in Werneburg, 1864 Part 1: pp. 228-229, plus pp. 458-459, also Part 2: p. 2).
- Ph. TORTRIX alstroͤmiana per Linnaeus, 1761: 348. Number 1335. ([?] Incorrect subsequent spelling - unavailable?)
- PHAL. TORTRIX Alstroemeriana (Clerck); Müller, 1764: 53. Number 469. (REF. [?] emendation - unjustified See Note: below, but deemed to be a justified emendation due to prevailing usage? Or [?] Incorrect subsequent spelling, deemed to be a correct original spelling due to prevailing usage? Cited as "Müller Faun. Frid. pag. 53. N.46g Tortr. Alstroemeriana" in Treitschke, 1832: 256.)
- Ph. Tortrix alstrœmeriana (Clerck); Linnaeus, 1766: 879. Number 314. (Cited as "Linne, S.N. 1.2. 879. 314. Pyr. alstroemeriana" in Treitschke, 1832: 256.)
- Ph. Tor. Alstroemeriana (Clerck); Müller, 1776: 131. Number 1514. Cited as "Müller Dan. prod. p.131. N. 1514.-" in Treitschke, 1832: 256.)
- Pyralis alstroemeriana (Clerck); Fabricius 1794: 275 Number 141. (Includes Phalaena moniliena as junior synonym. Cited as "Fabr. Ent. Syst. III. 2. 275. 141. Pyr. alstroemeriana" in Treitschke, 1832 256.)
- Agonopterix Alstroemerella Hübner, 1825: 410. inc.
- Alstroemeriana L. Syst Phal 314
- Monilella Schiff. Ver Tin CII
- Puella Hubn Tin 82. [Tab.12, fig.82]
- Haemylis Alstroemerella (Hübner) in Treitschke, 1832: 255; Treitschke 1835(?) (after Ochsenheimer): 280. (The former citation lists many early works for alstroemeriana with variant spellings and synonyms).
- Depressaria alstroemeriana (Clerck) in South, 1884: 31, including:
- alstroemiana L.
- alstroemeri Haw.
- monilella Schiff.
- albidella Ev.
(See also e.g. the much later explicit usage as Depressaria alstromeriana stating "alstroemeriana misspelling" in Shaffer (2008) Channel Islands Lepidoptera, p.188)
- Agonopterix alstroemeriana (Clerck) e.g. see Berenbaum & Passoa, 1983 ARCHIVE
Note: The etymology can be an adjectival honorific for "Alströmer" who could be Clas Alströmer (a Swedish Naturalist and student at Uppsala of Linnaeus). Similarly, other species first detailed on the same image plate of Clerck seem to honour Peter Forsskål (e.g. see BHL Clerck, 1759: Plate Linnaeus, 1759: 531, while another can be for Pehr Löfling, etc. Two common rival spellings exist in the literature ("alstromeriana" verus "alstroemeriana") the latter in Müller, 1764, and later Linnaeus, 1766, etc. This can be due to later interpretation of the lettering choice (i.e. diacritic usage) by Clerck, leading to replacement of "ö" or "oͤ" with "œ" or "oe". Some perspective may be derived from ICZN guideline "In the case of a diacritic or other mark, the mark concerned is deleted, except that in a name published before 1985 and based upon a German word, the umlaut sign is deleted from a vowel and the letter "e" is to be inserted after that vowel (if there is any doubt that the name is based upon a German word, it is to be so treated)." However, while the "ö" within "Alströmer" may appear to be an umlaut, the source can be clearly seen as Swedish rather than German (although indeed Swedish is part of Germanic language family), where it should be treated as unique letter, hence an interpretation of ICZN guideline can be that any such amendment (e.g. with "œ" or "oe") is superfluous. However, such alteration of the name emerged in the earliest publications on the taxon, and has long persisted in the literature. It therefore seems likely a strong case can be made to prefer the spelling "alstroemeriana" due to prevailing usage.
Vernacular names
[edit]Primary references
[edit]- Clerck, C.A. [1709–1764]. Icones insectorum rariorum cum nominibus eorum trivialibus, etc. Holmiae. 1: [30] pp. 55 pls. Online. Reference page.
- Fabricius, J.C. 1794. Entomologia Systematica emendata et aucta. Secundun classes, ordines, genera, species, adjectis synonimis, locis, observationibus, descriptionibus. Tomus III. Pars II. C. G. Proft, Hafniae, 349 pp. BHL. Reference page.
- Hübner, J. 1825. Verzeichniß bekannter Schmettlinge 20–27: 305–431. BHL Reference page.
- Linnaeus, C. 1761. Fauna Svecica sistens animalia Sveciæ Regni: mammalia, aves, amphibia, pisces, insecta, vermes. Distributa per classes & ordines, genera & species, cum differentiis specierum, synonymis auctorum, nominibus incolarum, locis natalium, descriptionibus insectorum. Editio altera, auctior. Laurentii Salvii (Stockholm). 578 pp. BHL DOI: 10.5962/bhl.title.46380
Reference page.
- Linnaeus, C. 1766. Systema naturae per regna tria naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis (Regnum Animale). Editio duodecima (12th Ed.), reformata. Tomus 1 (Volume 1), Pars 1 (Part 1): 1–532. Holmiæ [Stockholm]. Impensis Direct Laurentii Salvii. BHL Reference page.
- Müller, O.F. 1764. Fauna insectorum fridrichsdalina, sive Methodica descriptio insectorum agri fridrichsdalensis, cum characteribus genericis et specificis, nominibus trivialibus, locis natalibus, iconibus allegatis, novisque pluribus speciebus additis. xxiv + 96. Hafniae et Lipsiae [Copenhagen & Leipzig]: Frid. Gleditsch. Internet Archive Reference page.
- Müller, O.F. 1776. Zoologiae Danicae prodromus, seu animalium Daniae et Norvegiae indigenarum characteres, nomina, et synonyma imprimis popularium. Hallager: Havniae [=Copenhagen]. i–xxxii + 1–282 pp. BHL Reference page.
- Treitschke, F. 1832. Die Schmetterlinge von Europa. Neunter Band, Zweyte Abtheilung [Vol. 9(1)]. E. Fleischer, Leipzig. 272 pp. BHL DOI: 10.5962/bhl.title.50612
Reference page.
- Treitschke, G.F. 1835a. Die Schmetterlinge von Europa. Band 10 (Suppl. 3). Herminia–Orneodea. Leipzig: Ernst Fleischer. 302 pp. Full article (BHL) Reference page.
Additional references
[edit]- Werneburg, A. 1864. Beiträge zur Schmetterlingskunde. Erster Band (Vol. 1). 595 pp. + preface and appended corrections. Verlag von H. Neumann, Erfurt, Germany. PDF (=Google Books, with Vol.2 appended) Reference page.
- Werneburg, A. 1864. Beiträge zur Schmetterlingskunde. Zweiter Band (Vol. 2). 350 pp. + preface. Verlag von H. Neumann, Erfurt, Germany. PDF (=Google Books) Reference page.
[edit]- BHL bibliography (Predominantly as later combination Depressaria alstroemeriana)
- BHL bibliography (Predominantly using subsequent spelling Agonopterix alstroemeriana)
- BHL bibliography
- Agonopterix alstromeriana – Taxon details on Encyclopedia of Life (EOL).
- Global Biodiversity Information Facility. 2019. GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset. Taxon: Agonopterix alstromeriana.