
[edit]Taxonavigation: Noctuoidea |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Notodontidae
Subfamilia: Thaumetopoeinae
Genera: Adrallia - Aglaosoma - Anaphe - Arctiomorpha - Axiocleta - Coenostegia - Cynosarga - Epanaphe - Epicoma - Epicomana - Fanambana – Gazalina - Helianthocampa - Hypsoides - Lomatosticha - Marane - Mesodrepta - Nesanaphe - Ochrogaster - Oligoclona - Oxymetopa - Paradrallia - Pseudohypsoides - Sthenadelpha - Tanystola - Teara - Tearina - Thaumetopoea - Themerastis - Traumatocampa - Trichiocercus - Zastonia
[edit]Thaumetopoeinae Aurivillius, 1889
Type-genus: Thaumetopoea Hübner, 1820
[edit]- Cnethocampides Wallengreen, 1861 Cnethocampa is an objective synonym of Thaumetopoea and Thaumetopoeinae the replacement name for Cnethocampinae
Type genus: Cnethocampa Stephens, 1828 [=Thaumetopoea Hübner, 1820].
[edit]- Freina de, J.J. & Witt, T.J. 1985: Taxonomische Veränderungen bei den Bombyces und Sphinges Europas und Nordwestafrikas. Helianthocampa gen. nov.; Traumatocampa galaica (Palanca Soler et al. 1982) comb. nov. et. syn. nov. (Lepidoptera, Thaumetopoeidae, Thaumetopoeinae). Nota lepidopterologica (n.f.), 8(2): 175–183. Reference page.
- Doǧanlar, M., Doǧanlar, O. & Doǧanlar, F. 2005. Morphology and systematics of european species of Traumatocampa Wallengren, 1871 with desriptions of two new species from the Mediterranean region of Turkey (Lepidoptera: Thaumetopoeidae). Entomofauna 26(13): 229–240. Full articleReference page.
- Schintlmeister, A., 2013: World Catalogue of Insects: Notodontidae & Oenosandridae (Lepidoptera), Volume 11: 1–608.