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Tetratrichomonas prowazeki

From Wikispecies



Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Protozoa
Subregnum: Eozoa
Infraregnum: Excavata
Phylum: Metamonada
Subphylum: Trichozoa
Superclassis: Parabasalia
Classis: Trichomonadea
Ordo: Trichomonadida
Familia: Trichomonadidae
Genus: Tetratrichomonas
Species: Tetratrichomonas prowazeki



Tetratrichomonas prowazeki (Aléxéieff) Aléxéieff, Compt.-Rend. Hebd. Séances Mém. Soc. Biol. 71: 541 (1911)

Notice: the correct spelling in botany - Tetratrichomonas prowazekii (Aléxéieff) Aléxéieff


  • Basionym
  • Trichomonas prowazeki Aléxéieff, Compt.-Rend. Hebd. Séances Mém. Soc. Biol. 67: 713 (1909)
  • Homotypic
  • Tetratrichomonas prowazeki (Aléxéieff) B.Parisi, Arch. Protistenk. 19: 233 (1910), nom. inval. (associated with subgeneric name, not genus).

