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Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Protozoa
Subregnum: Eozoa
Infraregnum: Excavata
Phylum: Metamonada
Subphylum: Trichozoa
Superclassis: Parabasalia
Genus: Teratonympha



Teratonympha Koidzumi, 1921





Primary references

  • Dogiel, V.A. (Догель, В.А.) 1917. Cyclonympha strobila n. gen., n. sp., новый представитель семейства Trichonymphidae [Cyclonympha strobila n. gen., n. sp., nouveau représentant de la famille des Trichonymphidae]. Zhurnal mikrobiologii 4(1–2): 47–56, pl. III. (Russian) Google Books Open access Reference page
  • Koidzumi, M. 1916, 1917. Studies on the protozoa harboured by the termites of Japan. [In Japanese: 白蟻ニ寄生スル原生動物、所謂「トリコニムフ」類ノ研究] Report of Investigations on Termites (Govt. Inst. of Sci., Formosa) [『白蟻調査報告』台湾総督府研究所]; 5: 55–82 (Online;) 6: 93–175 Online.

Additional references
