Sphaenognathus munchowae
[edit]Taxonavigation: Scarabaeoidea |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Lucanidae
Subfamilia: Lucaninae
Tribus: Chiasognathini
Genus: Sphaenognathus
Subgenus: Sphaenognathus (Australognathus)
Species: Sphaenognathus munchowae
[edit]- Sphaenognathus munchowae Moore & Monteith, 2004
- Original status: valid species
- Primary type: holotype
- Fixation: designated
- Description: [adult] male
- Repository: QM QMT108919
- Type locality: 'CENTRAL QUEENSLAND ... Mahogany Forest, Mt Moffatt NP, 24˚56'S 148˚04'E, 1200 m' - Moore & Monteith (2004: 695)
- Latitude and longitude: -24.560000, 148.040000
- Secondary types: paratypes
- Placement in Australognathus: Moore & Monteith, 2004
[source: Moore & Monteith (2004: 695)]
[edit]cited sources
[edit]- Moore, B.P.; Monteith, G.B. 2004: A second Australian species of the Gondwanan stag beetle genus Sphaenognathus Buquet (Coleoptera: Lucanidae). Memoirs of the Queensland Museum, 49(2): 693–699. ISSN: 0079-8835 PDF PDF