Prunus itosakura
[edit]Taxonavigation: Rosales |
Classification System: APG IV
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Rosaceae
Subfamilia: Amygdaloideae
Tribus: Amygdaleae
Genus: Prunus
Subgenus: P. subg. Cerasus
Species: Prunus itosakura
[edit]Prunus itosakura Siebold, Verh. Batav. Genootsch. Kunst. 12: 68 (1830).
Homotypic synonyms
[edit]- Cerasus itosakura (Siebold) H.Ohba & S.Akiyama in S.Akiyama et al., Journ. Japan. Bot. 89(5): 291 (2014). (isonym)
Heterotypic synonyms
[edit]- Prunus pendula Siebold ex Maxim., Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. St.-Pétersbourg, ser. 3, 29(1): 98 (1883). (nom. illeg.) (later homonym)
- Prunus subhirtella var. pendula (Siebold ex Maxim.) Yo.Tanaka, Useful Pl. Japan. 2: 153 (1895). (nom. illeg.)
- Prunus itosakura α.[=var.] pendula (Siebold ex Maxim.) Koidz., Bot. Mag. [Tokyo] 23(273): 180 (1909). (nom. illeg.)
- Prunus aequinoctialis var. pendula (Siebold ex Maxim.) Miyoshi, Bot. Mag. [Tokyo] 34(407): 162 (1920). (nom. illeg.)
[edit]- Prunus pendula var. ascendens Makino, Bot. Mag. [Tokyo] 7(75): 103 (1893).
- Prunus subhirtella var. ascendens (Makino) E.H.Wilson, The Cherries of Japan.: 10 (1916).
- Prunus subhirtella var. pendula f. ascendens (Makino) Ohwi, [Flora of Japan.: 657 (1953).] Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus. [Tokyo] (33): 76 (1953).
- Cerasus subhirtella var. ascendens (Makino) X.R.Wang & C.B.Shang in X.R.Wang, Journ. Nanjing Forest. Univ. 24(6): 45 (2000).
[edit]- Prunus × subhirtella Miq., Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugduno-Batavi 2(4): 91 (1865).
- Formula hybridae: Prunus itosakura Siebold × Prunus incisa Thunb. ex Murray
[edit]- Li, M., Song, Y-F., Sylvester, S.P. & Wang, X-R. 2022. Comparative analysis of the complete plastid genomes in Prunus subgenus Cerasus (Rosaceae): Molecular structures and phylogenetic relationships. PLoS ONE 17(4): 1932–6203. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0266535
Reference page.
- Akiyama, S., Thijsse, G., Esser, H.-J. & Ohba, H. 2014. Siebold and Zuccarini’s Type Specimens and Original Materials from Japan, Part 5. Angiosperms. Dicotyledoneae 4. The Journal of Japanese Botany 89(5): 279–330. DOI: 10.51033/jjapbot.89_5_10530
Reference page.
- Kitamura, S. 1971. Short reports of Japanese Dicotyledons. Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica 25(1): 1–3. DOI: 10.18942/bunruichiri.KJ00001078063 J-Stage (PDF) Reference page.
- Koidzumi, G. 1909. Notes on Japanese Rosaceae. The Botanical Magazine [Tokyo] 23(272): 165–174, 23(273): 175–184. DOI: 10.15281/jplantres1887.23.272_165 J-Stage (PDF) BHL, DOI: 10.15281/jplantres1887.23.273_175 J-Stage (PDF) BHL Reference page.
- Makino, T. 1893. Notes on Japanese Plants. XVII. The Botanical Magazine [Tokyo] 7(75): 102–105. DOI: 10.15281/jplantres1887.7.102 J-Stage (PDF) Reference page.
- Masamune, G. & Suzuki, S. 1936. Nomenclature of Cerasus in Japan. [日本産サクラ屬の學名に就いて]. Journal of the Taihoku Society of Agriculture and Forestry 1(3): 316–318. NTU (Online) Reference page.
- Maximowicz, C.J. 1883. Diagnoses plantarum novarum asiaticarum. V. Bulletin de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de Saint-Pétersbourg, Ser. 3, 29(1): 51–228. BHL Reference page.
- Miyoshi, M. 1920. Untersuchungen über japanische Kirschen I. The Botanical Magazine [Tokyo] 34(407): 159–177. DOI: 10.15281/jplantres1887.34.407_159 J-Stage (PDF) Reference page.
- Ohba, H. 1992. Japanese Cherry Trees under the Genus Cerasus (Rosaceae). The Journal of Japanese Botany 67(5): 276–281. DOI: 10.51033/jjapbot.67_5_8728 JJB (PDF) Reference page.
- Ohba, H. & Ikeda, H. 2016. Two New Combinations under Cerasus itosakura (Rosaceae). The Journal of Japanese Botany 91(3): 184–185. JJB (abstract PDF) Reference page.
- Ohwi, J. 1953. Flora of Japan. 1383 pp., 6 pls. Shibundo, Tokyo. [in Japanese]. Reference page.
- Ohwi, J. 1953. New names and new combinations adopted in my "Flora of Japan". Bulletin of the National Science Museum [Tokyo] 33: 66–90. NDL Digital Collection
Reference page.
- Ohwi, J. 1954. 日本及びその附近よりの植物 [Notes on some plants from Japan and its neighbours]. The Journal of Japanese Botany 29(12): 363–369. (Japanese & Latin) DOI: 10.51033/jjapbot.29_12_3815
. Reference page.
- Otto, C.F.E. 1879. Cerasus Spachiana A. Lav. Hamburger Garten- und Blumenzeitung 35(2): 57. BHL Reference page.
- von Siebold, P.F. 1830. Synopsis Plantarum Oeconomicarum universi regni Japonici. Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen 12: i–iv, 1–74. BHL Reference page.
- Tanaka, Y. 1895. Useful Plants of Japan Described and Illustrated. 1: 1–88, 2: 89–162, 3: 163–223. Google Reference page.
- Wang, X.-R. 2000. Studies on Classification of the Group of Cerasus subhirtella (Miq.) Sok. and its Usage. Journal of Nanjing Forestry University 24(6): 44–46. DOI: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.2000.06.010 Nanjing Forestry University (PDF) Reference page.
- Wilson, E.H. 1916. The Cherries of Japan.: i–xiv, 1–68, pls. I–VIII. The University Press, Cambridge. HathiTrust Reference page.
Vernacular names
[edit]日本語: Shidare-zakura, ito-zakura, シダレザクラ, イトザクラ, 枝垂桜, 糸桜
Nederlands: Winterbloeiende kers
Nederlands: Winterbloeiende kers