Phyllonorycter sorbi
Taxonavigation: Gracillarioidea |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Gracillariidae
Subfamilia: Lithocolletinae
Genus: Phyllonorycter
Species: Phyllonorycter sorbi
[edit]Phyllonorycter sorbi (Frey, 1855)
Type locality: Switzerland, Zürich, Zürichberg, Zollikon.
Lectotype: BMNH. male ♂. genitalia slide BMNH 30499. (designated by Triberti 2007: 167)
[edit]- Lithocolletis Sorbi Frey, 1855 (original combination)
- Phyllonorycter sorbi (Frey): Bradley et al., 1969: 14
- Lithocolletis aucupariae Tutt, 1898
- Type locality: United Kingdom, England.
- Syntypes: Two syntypes. gender not stated.
- Type locality: United Kingdom, England.
- Lithocolletis aucupariella Sang, 1886 (synonymized by Bankes, 1899: 284).
- Type locality: United Kingdom, England, Weardale.
- Type: Not stated.
- Type locality: United Kingdom, England, Weardale.
- Lithocolletis padella Glitz, 1863 (synonymized by Bankes, 1899: 284).
- Type locality: Germany, Hannover.
- Type: Not stated.
- Type locality: Germany, Hannover.
- Lithocolletis paduella Tutt, 1898
- Type locality: United Kingdom, England.
- Syntypes: Two syntypes, gender not stated.
- Type locality: United Kingdom, England.
- Lithocolletis Sorbifoliella Herrich-Schäffer, 1855 (synonymized by Wocke, 1861: 126). An unjustified emendation of Lithocolletis sorbi Frey, 1855
[edit]- Frey, H., 1855: Ueber die in der Schweiz beobachteten Arten des Genus Lithocolletis. Zell. Mittheilungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zürich, 3: 600–635.
- Herrich-Schäffer, G.A.W., 1855: Systematische Bearbeitung der Schmetterlinge von Europa zugleich als Text, Revision und Supplement zu Jakob Hübner's Sammlung europäischer Schmetterlinge. 5. Die Schaben und Federmotten.: 1–394.
- Sang, J., 1886: Lithocolletis sorbi, Frey. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, 22: 262–263.
- Tutt, J.W., 1898: On the British species of Lithocolletis of the spinicolella group. Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation, 10: 164–168.