Peristylus goodyeroides

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Peristylus goodyeroides


Taxonavigation: Asparagales 
Classification System: APG IV

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Plantae
Cladus: Angiosperms
Cladus: Monocots
Ordo: Asparagales

Familia: Orchidaceae
Subfamilia: Orchidoideae
Tribus: Orchideae
Subtribus: Orchidinae
Genus: Peristylus
Species: Peristylus goodyeroides



Peristylus goodyeroides (D.Don) Lindl., Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl.: 299 (1835).


  • Basionym
  • Homotypic
  • Heterotypic
    • Herminium goodyeroides Lindl. ex Wall., Numer. List: n.º 7066 (1832), nom. nud.
    • Peristylus horsfieldii Blume, Mus. Bot. 2: 189 (1856).
    • Platanthera horsfieldii (Blume) Náves in F.M.Blanco, Fl. Filip., ed. 3, 4(13A): 251 (1880).
    • Habenaria grandis Benth. ex Ridl. in H.O.Forbes, Naturalist's Wanderings E. Archipel.: 519 (1885).
    • Habenaria glaucescens Ridl., J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 32: 412 (1896).
    • Habenaria goodyeroides var. affinis King & Pantl., Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta) 8: 327 (1898).
    • Peristylus warburgianus Kraenzl., Orchid. Gen. Sp. 1: 519 (1898).
    • Habenaria lauterbachii Kraenzl. ex K.Schum. & Lauterb., Fl. Schutzgeb. Südsee: 239 (1900), not validly publ.
    • Habenaria hollandiae (J.J.Sm.) Schltr., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 1: 5 (1911).
    • Peristylus hollandiae J.J.Sm., Bull. Dép. Agric. Indes Néerl. 45: 1 (1911).
    • Habenaria goodyeroides var. formosana Hayata, Icon. Pl. Formosan. 4: 126 (1914).
    • Habenaria hayatana Schltr., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 4: 129 (1919).
    • Habenaria pandurilabia Schltr., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 4: 51 (1919).
    • Habenaria tenii Schltr., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 17: 27 (1921).
    • Peristylus sphaerocentron Tang & F.T.Wang, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 1: 64 (1951).


Native distribution areas:
  • Asia-Temperate
    • China
      • China South-Central, China Southeast.
    • Eastern Asia
      • Taiwan.
  • Asia-Tropical
    • Indian Subcontinent
      • Assam, Bangladesh, East Himalaya, India, Nepal, West Himalaya.
    • Indo-China
      • Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam.
    • Malesia
      • Borneo, Jawa, Lesser Sunda Islands, Malaya, Maluku, Philippines, Sulawesi, Sumatera.
    • Papuasia
      • New Guinea.

References: Brummitt, R.K. 2001. TDWG – World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions, 2nd Edition



Primary references

  • Lindley, J. 1835. The Genera and Species of Orchidaceous Plants 299.

Vernacular names


中文: 南投闊蕊蘭, 九头狮子草, 阔蕊兰, 山砂姜
中文(简体): 阔蕊兰, 绿花阔蕊兰, 南投玉凤兰, 白缘边玉凤兰

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