
[edit]Taxonavigation: Atropetae |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Trogiidae
Genus: Cerobasis
Species (29):
C. albipes –
C. alfredi –
C. alpha –
C. amorosa –
C. annulata –
C. australica –
C. caboverdensis –
C. canariensis –
C. captiva –
C. clarionensis –
C. denticulata –
C. ericacea –
C. guestfalica –
C. harteni –
C. insularis –
C. intermedia –
C. lambda –
C. lapidicola –
C. lineata –
C. longicornis –
C. maculiceps –
C. maderensis –
C. maya –
C. nigra –
C. pineticola –
C. recta –
C. rosae –
C. socotrae –
C. treptica
Source(s) of checklist: |
Checklist based uncritically on Psocodea Species File, with addition of C. lineata |
[edit]Cerobasis Kolbe, 1882: 212
- Original status: Valid genus
- Type species: Cerobasis muraria Kolbe, 1882
- Fixation: Monotypy
- ZooBank: [1]
[edit]- Badonnel, A. 1963: Psocoptères terricoles, lapidicoles et corticicoles du Chili. Biologie de l'Amérique Australe, 2: 291–338. [in French]
- Baz, A. 1993: Revision of the Cerobasis annulata group (Psocoptera: Trogiidae) from the Canary Islands. Zoologische mededelingen, 67(27-43): 487–504. Abstract and full article (PDF) Reference page.
- García Aldrete, A.N. 1993: New species of Cerobasis and Psyllipsocus from Mexico, and a list of Mexican Trogiomorpha (Psocoptera). Insecta mundi, 7(1-2): 1–18. PDF
- Lienhard, C. 1984: Études préliminaires pour une faune des Psocoptères de la région ouest-paléarctique. I. Le genre Cerobasis Kolbe, 1882 (Psocoptera: Trogiidae). Revue suisse de zoologie 91(3): 747–764. BHL Reference page.
- Lienhard, C. 1995. New and interesting psocids (Psocoptera) from Italy, Cyprus and Yemen. Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft 68(3-4): 335–361. DOI: 10.5169/seals-402603 Reference page.
- Lienhard, C. 1996: New and interesting psocids from some Atlantic islands (Canaries, Madeira, Azores, Ascension) and from North Africa (Insecta: Psocoptera). Boletim do Museu Municipal do Funchal (História Natural), 48: 87–151. [not seen]
- Somerfield, K.G. 1980: Insects and mites in dairy products: identification. AGLINK FPP 334: 1-4. full article on BUGZ Reference page.
- Somerfield, K.G.; Manson, D.C.M.; Dale, P.S. 1980: Insects and mites associated with dried milk product storage areas in New Zealand. New Zealand journal of experimental agriculture 8: 83-85. full article on BUGZ Google books Reference page.