Handianus cerasi
[edit]Taxonavigation: Membracoidea |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Cicadellidae
Subfamilia: Deltocephalinae
Tribus: Athysanini
Genus: Handianus
Subgenus: Handianus (Dlabolia)
Species: Handianus (Dlabolia) cerasi
[edit]Handianus (Dlabolia) cerasi Emeljanov, 1964
[edit]- Handianus cerasi Emeljanov, 1964
[edit]Primary references
[edit]- Emeljanov, A.F. (1964c) Suborder Cicadinea (Auchenorrhyncha). [Подотряд цикадовые]. In G.Y. Bei-Bienko (Ed.). Keys to the Insects of the European USSR. Vol. 1, pp. 337–437. [in Russian; translated into English in Keys to the Insects of the European USSR, Israel Program for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem, 1967, Vol. 1, pp. 421–551]
- Emeljanov, A.F. (1964f) New Auchenorrhyncha from Kazakhstan (Homoptera). [Новые цикадовые из Казахстана (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha)]. Trudy Zoologicheskogo Instituta Akademii Nauk SSSR, 34, 3–51. [in Russian]
Additional references
[edit]- Nast, J. (1972a) Palaearctic Auchenorrhyncha (Homoptera). An annotated check list. Polish Scientific Publishers, Warszawa, 550 pp.
- Nast, J. (1987a) The Auchenorrhyncha (Homoptera) of Europe. Annales Zoologici, Warszaw, 40, 535–661.
- Mitjaev, I.D. (1989a) Fauna of Cicadina of the mountain systems of southern and eastern parts of Kazakhstan [Фауна цикадовых горных систем южной и восточной части Казахстана]. Deponent VINITI ( All-Union Institute for Scientific and Technical Information, USSR), 2153-V89, 1–140. [in Russian]