Eumaeus toxana
[edit]Taxonavigation: Papilionoidea |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Lycaenidae
Subfamilia: Theclinae
Tribus: Eumaeini
Genus: Eumaeus
Species: Eumaeus toxana
[edit]Eumaeus toxana (Boisduval, 1870).
Type locality: Colombia.
Holotype: ♂ BMNH: "Toxana Bd., Ex Museo Dr. Boisduval, Ex Oberthur Coll. Brit. Mus. 1927-3". images.
[edit]- Eumenia toxana Boisduval, 1870: 13.
- =Eumaeus minyas (Hubner); Dyar, 1903: 35.
- Eumaeus minyas brasiliensis (forma) Draudt, 1919. Brazil, Amazonas.
- Eumaeus minyas obsoleta Lathy, 1926: 39. Lectotype MNHN Paris [1], TL: Sara, Bolivia.
- Eumaeus giganteus Rober, 1927: 105. Holotype BMNH [2], TL: Ecuador.
- Eumaeus minijas splendidissima Bryk, 1953: 132. Holotype: UZIU [3], TL: Roque, Moyobamba, Peru.
- Eumaeus sara Constantino & K. Johnson, 1997. Synonymy in Lamas, 2004: 118.
- Eumaeus toxana (Boisduval); Lamas, 2004: 118.
[edit]- Boisduval, J.-A. 1870. Considerations sur les Lépidoptères envoyés du Guatemala à M. de l'Orza. 100 pp., Rennes. Web Reference page.
- Bryk, F. 1953. Lepidoptera aus dem Amazonasgebiete und aus Peru gesammelt von Dr. Douglas Melin und Dr. Abraham Roman. Arkiv för Zoologi (ns) 5: l–268. 9 figs. Reference page.
- Draudt, M.W.K. 1917–1924. Die amerikanischen Tagfalter. Lycaenidae and Grypocera. In Seitz, Gross-schmetterlinge der Erde 5: 739–999, Pls.1–194. Reference page.
- Dyar, H. G. [1903]. A List of North American Lepidoptera and Key to the Literature of this Order of Insects. Bulletin of the United States National Museum 52: i–xix, 1–723. BHL. Reference page.
- Lamas, G. 2004. (ed.) Checklist: Part 4A. Hesperioidea - Papilionoidea. In Heppner, J.B. (ed.) Atlas of Neotropical Lepidoptera. Vol.5A, Pt.4A. Assn. for Tropical Lepidoptera/Scientific Publishers, Gainesville. 439pp. Reference page.
- Lathy, P.I., 1926. Notes of the American Theclinae (Lepidoptera). Annals and Magazine of Natural History 9 (17): 35–47. Reference page.
- Röber, J., 1927. Neue exotische Falter. Int. ent. Zeit. 20: 400-403, 412-414, 419-421, 428-430, 1 pl; 21: 97-100, 105-107, 1 fig. Reference page.