Crotalus atrox

[edit]Taxonavigation: Viperoidea |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Viperidae
Subfamilia: Crotalinae
Genus: Crotalus
Species: Crotalus atrox
[edit]Crotalus atrox Baird & Girard, 1853: 5 [conserved name]
- Holotype: USNM 7761, collected by J.H. Clark [U.S.-Mexican Boundary Survey] between 1850–1852, via J.D. Graham.
- Type locality: “Indianola”, Calhoun County, Texas.
- Placed on the Official List of Specific Names in Zoology by Opinion 365 (1955: 217).
[edit]- Crotalus cinereous LeConte in Hallowell, 1852: 180 [suppressed by Opinion 365 (1955: 217)]
- Type material: unknown.
- Type locality: “Colorado”.
- Placed on the Official Index of Rejected and Invalid Specific Names in Zoology by Opinion 365 (1955: 217).
- Caudisona atrox var. sonoraensis Kennicott, 1861: 206
- Type material: no type designated.
- Type locality: “Sonora and vicinity.”
[edit]Primary references
[edit]- Hallowell, E. 1852. Descriptions of New Species of Reptiles inhabiting North America. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 6: 177–182. BHL
- Baird, S.F. & Girard, C. 1853. Catalogue of North American Reptiles in the Museum of the Smithsonian Institution. Part 1.–Serpents. Smithsonian Institution: Washington. xvi + 172 pp. BHL Reference page.
- Kennicott, R. 1861. On three new forms of rattlesnakes. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 13: 206–208. BHL Reference page.
- International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature. 1955. Opinion 365. Suppression under the Plenary Powers of the specific name “cinereous” LeConte, 1852, as published in the combination “Crotalus cinereous”, for the purpose of rendering the specific name “atrox” Baird and Girard, 1853, as published in the combination “Crotalus atrox”, the oldest available name for the western diamond rattlesnake (Class Reptilia, Order Squamata). pp. 215–230. In Hemming, F. (Ed.). Opinions and Declarations of the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature. Volume 11. Part 15. International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature: London. BHL Reference page.
[edit]- Uetz, P. & Hallermann, J. 2025. Crotalus atrox. The Reptile Database. Accessed on 2 May 2018.
- Frost, D.R., Hammerson, G.A. & Santos-Barrera, G. 2007. IUCN: Crotalus atrox (Least Concern). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2007: e.T64311A12763519. DOI: 10.2305/IUCN.UK.2007.RLTS.T64311A12763519.en
Vernacular names
[edit]English: Western Diamond-backed Rattlesnake
español: Cascabel diamantina del oeste
magyar: Texasi csörgőkígyó
italiano: Crotalo adamantino occidentale
polski: Grzechotnik teksaski
Türkçe: Batılı elmas sırtlı