Spencer Fullerton Baird

Spencer Fullerton Baird (1823–1887), U.S. ornithologist and ichthyologist.
Taxon names authored
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[edit]- Baird, W.M. & Baird, S.F. 1843. Descriptions of two Species, supposed to be new, of the Genus Tyrannula Swainson, found in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 1: 283–285. BHL Reference page.
[edit]- Baird, S.F. & Girard, C.F. 1853. Descriptions of new species of fishes collected by Mr. John H. Clark, on the U. S. and Mexican Boundary Survey, under Lt. Col. Jas. D. Graham. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 6: 387–390. Reference page.
- Baird, S.F. & Girard, C.F. 1853. Descriptions of new species of fishes, collected by captains R. B. Marcy, and Geo. B. M'Clellan, in Arkansas. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 6: 390–392. JSTOR
. BHL Reference page.
- Baird, S.F. & Girard, C. 1853. Descriptions of some new fishes from the River Zuni. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 6: 368–369. BHL Reference page.
- Baird, S.F. & Girard, C. 1853. Catalogue of North American Reptiles in the Museum of the Smithsonian Institution. Part 1.–Serpents. Smithsonian Institution: Washington. xvi + 172 pp. BHL Reference page.
[edit]- Baird, S.F. 1854. Descriptions of new genera and species of North American Frogs. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 7: 59–62. BHL Reference page.
- Baird, S.F. & Girard, C.F. 1854. Descriptions of new species of fishes collected in Texas, New Mexico and Sonora, by Mr. John H. Clark, on the U.S. and Mexican Boundary Survey, and in Texas by Capt. Stewart van Vliet, U.S.A. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 7: 24–29. BHL Reference page.
[edit]- Baird, S.F. 1855: Report on the fishes observed on the coast of New Jersey and Long Island during the summer of 1854. Smithsonian Institution Annual Report 9 (for 1854): 317–352 + 2nd 337. Reference page.
- Baird, S.F. 1855. Characteristics of some New Species of Mammalia, collected by the U.S. and Mexican Boundary Survey, Major W.H. Emory, U.S.A. Commissioner. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 7: 331–333. BHL Reference page.
- Baird, S.F. 1855. Characteristics of some New Species of North American Mammalia, collected chiefly in connection with the U.S. Surveys of a Railroad Route to the Pacific. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 7: 333–336. BHL Reference page.
[edit]- Baird, S.F. 1857. Mammals. In: Reports of explorations and surveys, to ascertain the most practicable and economical route for a railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean 8, Part I. BHL Reference page.
[edit]- Baird, S.F. 1858. Reports of explorations and surveys, to ascertain the most practicable and economical route for a railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean. Vol. 9: i–lvi, 1–1005. Washington. DOI: 10.5962/bhl.title.11139 BHL. Part II, with the cooperation of Cassin, J. & Lawrence, G.N. Birds. BHL Reference page.
[edit]- Baird, S.F. 1865. Review of American Birds in the Museum of the Smithsonian Institution. Part 1. North and Middle America. Smithsonian miscellaneous collections 181: vi–478 pp. BHL Reference page.
[edit]- Baird, S.F. & Ridgway, R. 1874. On some new forms of American Birds. Bulletin of the Essex Institute 1873, 5(12): 197–201. BHL Reference page.