Anatkina jocosa

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Taxonavigation: Membracoidea 

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Cladus: Unikonta
Cladus: Opisthokonta
Cladus: Holozoa
Regnum: Animalia
Subregnum: Eumetazoa
Cladus: Bilateria
Cladus: Nephrozoa
Cladus: Protostomia
Cladus: Ecdysozoa
Cladus: Panarthropoda
Phylum: Arthropoda
Cladus: Pancrustacea
Cladus: Allotriocarida
Subphylum: Hexapoda
Classis: Insecta
Cladus: Dicondylia
Subclassis: Pterygota
Infraclassis: Neoptera
Cladus: Eumetabola
Cladus: Paraneoptera
Superordo: Condylognatha
Ordo: Hemiptera
Subordo: Auchenorrhyncha
Infraordo: Cicadomorpha
Superfamilia: Membracoidea

Familia: Cicadellidae
Subfamilia: Cicadellinae
Tribus: Cicadellini
Genus: Anatkina
Species: Anatkina jocosa



Anatkina jocosa (Walker, 1857)


  • Tettigonia jocosa Walker, 1857
  • Tettigella cornelia (Distant, 1908)
  • Tettigella jocosa (Walker, 1857)
  • Tettigoniella cornelia Distant, 1908



Primary references

  • Walker, F.A. (1857a) Catalogue of the homopterous insects collected at Singapore and Malacca by Mr. A.R. Wallace, with descriptions of new species. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 1, 82–100, pls. 3–4.

Additional references

  • Distant, W.L. (1908g) Rhynchota. IV. Homoptera and appendix (Pt.). In The fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. London: Taylor & Francis. pp. I-XV + 1–501 pp.
  • Metcalf, Z.P. (1965a) General catalogue of the Homoptera. Fascicle VI. Cicadelloidea. Part 1. Tettigellidae. In . Washington, D.C., USDA. II+730 pp.
  • Young, D.A., Jr. (1986a) Taxonomic study of the Cicadellinae (Homoptera: Cicadellidae). Part 3. Old World Cicadellini. Technical Bulletin of the North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station, 281, 1–639.
  • Knight, W.J. (2010) Leafhoppers (Cicadellidae) of the Pacific. An annotated systematic checklist of the leafhoppers recorded in the Pacific region during the period 1758 – 2000. pp. 1–341.
  • Anatkina jocosa - Taxon details in Catalogue of Life Database retrieved from 9-14-23 version