Pyrenidium aggregatum
[edit]Taxonavigation: Pleosporales |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Dacampiaceae
Genus: Pyrenidium
Species: Pyrenidium aggregatum
[edit]Pyrenidium aggregatum K. Knudsen & Kocourk., 2010
Life habit: Lichenicolous fungus (parasite on living lichens) (on Phaeophyscia and Physcia)
Mycobank #518068.
Diagnosis: Similis Pyrenidio actinello differt ascosporis (15-)16.1-17.8-19.5(-21) x (6.5-)6.7-7.3-7.8(-8.5) μm et gallas formanti.
Type: U.S.A. PENNSYLVANIA. LYCOMING CO.: Tiadaghton State Forest, N-facing slopes above S shore of unnamed tributary to Francis Branch of Slate Run, along Francis Rd., 41°32’50”N 77°32’55”W, 1000 ft, on Phaeophyscia rubropulchra on Acer, 15.v.2009, J.C. Lendemer 17222 (NY, holotype; UCR, UGDA, hb. Kocourková, isotypes)
Etymology: The name refers to the aggregation of ascomata in galls on the thallus of the host
Ecology and Substrate On Phaeophyscia rubropulchra, often on Acer, Phaeophyscia adiastola on sandstone, and on Physcia atrostriata, in well-established mesic forests, freshwater swampland, and in a mangrove swamp
Distribution: Eastern North America, from Pennsylvania to Florida
[edit]- Knudsen, K. and Kocourková, J. (2010) Pyrenidium aggregatum, a new species from North America. Opuscula Philolichenum 8: 71–74. (PDF file) (Plate 1. Pyrenidium aggregatum, fig. 1, galls; fig. 2, geographic distribution; fig. 3 conidia; fig. 4, ascospores)
- Lawrey, J.D. and Diederich, P. (2010) Lichenicolous fungi – worldwide checklist, including isolated cultures and sequences available. Internet (1/12/2011)