Psoroma tenue var. tenue

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Taxonavigation: Collematineae 

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Fungi
Subregnum: Dikarya
Divisio: Ascomycota
Subdivisio: Pezizomycotina
Classis: Lecanoromycetes
Subclassis: Lecanoromycetidae
Ordo: Peltigerales
Subordo: Collematineae

Familia: Pannariaceae
Genus: Psoroma
Species: Psoroma tenue
Varietas: Psoroma tenue var. tenue



Psoroma tenue Henssen, 1981 var. tenue

Type species: (Psoroma tenue var. tenue) Holotype: ARGENTINA, Tierra del Fuego, Parque Nacional de la Tierra del Fuego, Laguna Escondida, on loamy soil near the lake shore overgrowing Cephaloziella and plant debris, at c. 270 m s. m. 1973 Henssen & Vobis 24439b (MB); isotypes: BM, LPS. Paratype: near the type locality at Hosteria Petrel, on soil overgrowing plant debris in a stand of Nothofagus at the lake shore, 1973 Henssen & Vobis 24460w (MB).


  • Henssen & Renner, Mycotaxon 13 (3): 437 (1981)
  • Henssen, A. and Renner, B. (1981) Studies in the lichen genus Psoroma I. Psoroma tenue and Psoroma cinnamomeum. - Mycotaxon 13: 433–449. (Recent Literature on Lichens) (Complete article) (Illustrations: Fig. 1. Drawing of apothecia of Psoroma tenue var. tenue; Fig. 2. Habit photographs of Psoroma species; Fig. 3. Thallus anatomy of Psoroma species; Fig. 4. Apothecial structure in Psoroma tenue var. tenue; Fig. 5. Anatomy in Psoroma species; Fig. 6. Drawing of Psoroma cinnamomeum, young apothecia)
  • Photo Gallery, Lichen Herbarium, Botanical Museum, Univ. of Olso, Norway - Psoroma tenue

Vernacular names

English: Bowl lichen