Petrosimonia glauca
(Redirected from Polycnemum glaucum)

[edit]Taxonavigation: Caryophyllales |
Classification System: APG IV
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Amaranthaceae s.l.
Cladus: Chenopodiaceae s.str.
Subfamilia: Salsoloideae
Tribus: Caroxyleae
Genus: Petrosimonia
Species: Petrosimonia glauca
[edit]Petrosimonia glauca (Pall.) Bunge, Anabas. Rev. 58. [Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St.-Pétersbourg, Sér. 7, 4(11)]. (1862)
[edit]- Basionym
- Polycnemum glaucum Pall., Illustr. 63. tt. 53, 54. (1803), p.p. (sine tab. 53)
- Type: (Caspian) "Haec species copiose crescit in limoso-salsuginosis circa lacunas et lacus salsos deserti Caspii, praesertim secundum Volgam..." P.S.Pallas.
- Lectotype: Russia: In squalidis ad Sarpam copiose. P.S.Pallas #s.n. BM BM001125434 (lower specimen).
- Syntypes?: BM001125438, BM001125439.
- Polycnemum glaucum Pall., Illustr. 63. tt. 53, 54. (1803), p.p. (sine tab. 53)
- Homotypic
- Heterotypic (ref. Hassler 2019)
- Petrosimonia pallasii Iljin, in Mat. Commis. Research Exped. Acad. Sc. 26 (New Sp. Fl. Kazakst.): 282. (1930), nomen nudum, in obs.; et in Komarov, Fl. URSS 6; 324. (1936), nom. inval. in syn.
[edit]Native distribution areas: |
References: Brummitt, R.K. 2001. TDWG – World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions, 2nd Edition |
[edit]Primary references
[edit]- Bunge, A.v. 1862. Anabasearum revisio. Mémoires de l'Academie Imperiale des Sciences de Saint Petersbourg. Ser. 7. 4(11): 1–104. BHL Reference page. : 58.
- Iljin, M.M. 1930. Nekotorye novye vidy flory Kazakstana. [New Species of Flora of Kazakhstan]. Mater. Kommiss. Eksped. Issl. [Mat. Commis. Research Exped. Acad. Sc.] 26: 281–285. Reference page. : 282
- Iljin, M.M. 1936. Chenopodiaceae. In: Komarov, V.L. & Shishkin, B.K. (eds.): Flora URSS 6: 2–354. (russian) BHL (english translation). Reference page. : 324
- Ledebour, C.F.v., with Meyer, C.A.v. & Bunge, A.v. 1829. Flora Altaica. Tomus 1. Classis I.–V. 440 pp. G. Reimeri, Berolini. BHL Reference page. : 385.
- Pallas, P.S. 1803. Illustrationes Plantarum Imperfecte Vel Nondum Cognitarum. Lipsiae: Martini. ULB Halle (incomplete), Gallica Reference page. : 63, tab.54.
Additional references
[edit]- Hedge, I.C. 1997. Petrosimonia glauca. In:
- Hedge, I.C., Akhani, H., Freitag, H., Kothe-Heinrich, G., Podlech, D., Rilke, S. & Uotila, P. 1997. Chenopodiaceae. In: Rechinger, K.H. (ed.): Flora Iranica Vol. 172. 371 pp., 212 tab., Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt Graz. Reference page. : 328.
- Uotila, P. 2011. Petrosimonia glauca In: Chenopodiaceae (pro parte majore). Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
[edit]- Hassler, M. 2019. Petrosimonia glauca. World Plants: Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World In: Roskovh, Y., Abucay, L., Orrell, T., Nicolson, D., Bailly, N., Kirk, P., Bourgoin, T., DeWalt, R.E., Decock, W., De Wever, A., Nieukerken, E. van, Zarucchi, J. & Penev, L., eds. 2019. Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life. Published online. Accessed: 2019 Apr. 10. Reference page.
- International Plant Names Index. 2019. Petrosimonia glauca. Published online. Accessed: Apr. 10 2019. Reference page.
- Govaerts, R. et al. 2019. Petrosimonia glauca in Kew Science Plants of the World Online. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Published online. Accessed: 2019 Apr. 10. Reference page.
- 2019. Petrosimonia glauca. Missouri Botanical Garden. Published online. Accessed: 10 Apr. 2019.
Vernacular names
[edit]русский: Петросимония сизая