Pecten novaezelandiae
[edit]Taxonavigation: Pectinoidea |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Pectinidae
Subfamilia: Pectininae
Tribus: Pectinini
Genus: Pecten
Species: Pecten novaezelandiae
[edit]Pecten novaezelandiae Reeve, 1852
[edit]Marine Mollusca of oxygen isotope stages of the last 2 million years in New Zealand. Part 2. Biostratigraphically useful and new Pliocene to recent bivalves. Cenozoic Mollusca of New Zealand. Assessment of size at maturity and gonad index methods for the scallop Pecten novaezelandiae. Cymatium (Gastropoda: Ranellidae) living inside the mantle cavity of the pterioidean bivalves Atrina, Pinna and Pecten. Interspecific and geographical variation in trace metal concentrations of New Zealand scallops. PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS AND BIOTRANSFORMATION OF PSP TOXINS IN THE NEW ZEALAND SCALLOP, PECTEN NOVAEZELANDIAE. NOTE: A SUB-FOSSIL FORM OF PECTEN NOVAEZELANDIAE FROM OAKURA, NORTHLAND. Polyclonal antibodies to domoic acid, and their use in immunoassays for domoic acid in sea water and shellfish. Integrated enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay screening system for amnesic, neurotoxic, diarrhetic, and paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins found in New Zealand. Uptake of palytoxin-like compounds by shellfish fed Ostreopsis siamensis (Dinophyceae).