Pavetta refractifolia
(Redirected from Pavetta handenina)
[edit]Taxonavigation: Gentianales |
Classification System: APG IV
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Rubiaceae
Subfamilia: Dialypetalanthoideae
Tribus: Pavetteae
Genus: Pavetta
Subgenus: P. subg. Pavetta
Species: Pavetta refractifolia
[edit]Pavetta refractifolia K.Schum., Pflanzenw. Ost-Afrikas C: 388 (1895)
- Typus:
- Lectotypus: Stuhlmann 6850 (1890–1894; B [destroyed]) fide Bremekamp (1934) et Bridson (1978).
- Syntypus: Stuhlmann 2615 (1890–1892).
- Note: Bremekamp (1934) did not cite this syntype.
- Type locality:
- Lectotypus: [Tanzania.] Sansibar: Usaramo[Uzaramo District], Kikulu[Kikuli].
- Syntypus: [The Democratic Republic of the Congo.] Seengebiet: Muansa am Duki-Flusse.
[edit]- Heterotypic
- Pavetta cephalotes Bremek., Kew Bull. 11(1): 176 (1956); reduced to P. refractifolia by Bridson (1978)
- Typus: R.C. Musomi in H.J. van Rensberg 596 ([4 February 1949]; Holotypus: K [K000287108(JSTOR)]; Photograph: BR [BR0000016155329]).
- Type locality: Tanganyika[Tanzania]. Central Province[Dodoma Region]: Mpwapwa, in deciduous thicket vegetation along gulley-banks.
- Pavetta handenina Bremek., Kew Bull. 11(1): 177 (1956); reduced to P. refractifolia by Bridson (1978)
- Typus: R.B. Drummond & J.H. Hemsley 1460 (9 March 1953; Holotypus: K [K000287106(JSTOR)]; Isotypus: U 0006128(JSTOR); Photograph: BR [BR0000016155336]).
- Type locality: Tanganyika[Tanzania]. Handeni District: 20 km. from Handeni on Mziha road, 600 m, in Brachystegia woodland.
- Pavetta cephalotes Bremek., Kew Bull. 11(1): 176 (1956); reduced to P. refractifolia by Bridson (1978)
Misapplied names
[edit]- Pavetta cooperi auct. non Harv. & Sond.: Bremek., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 37: 158 (1934), pro parte, quoad Swynnerton 763 (collected at Mologolo[Morogoro], Tanganyika[Tanzania]; deposited in BM) et ?Bralz 3123 (collected in Dar es Salaam; once deposited in B [destroyed]); Brenan, Check-List Tanganyika Trees & Shrubs: 512 (1949)
- Note: vide Bridson (1978).
[edit]Native distribution areas: |
References: Brummitt, R.K. 2001. TDWG – World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions, 2nd Edition |
[edit]Primary references
[edit]- Engler, A. (ed.) 1895. Die Pflanzenwelt Ost-Afrikas und der Nachbargebiete. Theil C: Verzeichniss der bis jetzt aus Ost-Afrika bekannt gewordenen Pflanzen. III+433+40 pp., 45 tt. Dietrich Reimer, Berlin. BHL Reference page.
Additional references
[edit]- Bremekamp, C.E.B. 1934. A monograph of the genus Pavetta L. Repertorium specierum novarum regni vegetabilis 37(1–13): 1–208. Biblioteca Digital Reference page. [see pages 158–159.]
- Bremekamp, C.E.B. 1956. New species of Oldenlandia, Conostomium and Pavetta from Tropical Africa. Kew Bulletin 11(1): 169–178. DOI: 10.2307/4109411
Reference page.
- Bridson, D.M. 1978. Studies in Pavetta (Rubiaceae subfam. Cinchonoideae) for part 2 of 'Flora of Tropical East Africa: Rubiaceae'. Kew Bulletin 32(3): 609–652. DOI: 10.2307/4109670
Reference page. [see page 619.]
[edit]- Govaerts, R. et al. 2022. Pavetta refractifolia in Kew Science Plants of the World Online. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Published online. Accessed: 2022 July 20. Reference page.
- International Plant Names Index. 2022. Pavetta refractifolia. Published online. Accessed: 20 July 2022. Reference page.