Ophiacantha dallasii
[edit]Taxonavigation: Ophiacanthina |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Ophiacanthidae
Genus: Ophiacantha
Species: Ophiacantha dallasii
[edit]- Ophiacantha dallasii Duncan, 1879
[edit]- Ophiacantha amelata H.L. Clark, 1938 [misspelling of epithet]
- Ophiacantha ameleta H.L. Clark, 1938
- Ophiacantha gracilis (Studer, 1882)
- Synonymised by O'Hara & Stöhr (2006)
- Ophiothamnus gracilis Studer, 1882
- Synonymised by O'Hara & Stöhr (2006)
- Type locality: NW of Australia. 19°42′06.0″S 116°49′48.0″E.
- Holotype: ZMB 2531
[edit]- Clark, H.L. 1938. Echinoderms from Australia, an account of collections made in 1929 and 1932. Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology. 55: 1–597, 28 pls. BHL Reference page. [original description of Ophiacantha ameleta p. 209–210]
- Duncan P.M. 1879. On some Ophiuroidea from the Korean Seas. Journal of the Linnean Society of London, Zoology. 14(77): 445–482. BHL Reference page. [original description of Ophiacantha dallasii p. 471–473]
- O’Hara, T.D. & Stöhr, S. 2006. Deep water Ophiuroidea (Echinodermata) of New Caledonia: Ophiacanthidae and Hemieuryalidae. In: Richer de Forges, B. et al.. (Ed.) Tropical Deep-Sea Benthos 24. Mémoires du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle. 193: 33-141. ResearchGate
Reference page. [as Ophiacantha dallasii p. 51–52, source of synonymy]
- Studer, T.R. 1882. Übersicht über die Ophiuriden, welche während der Reise S.M.S. Gazelle um die Erde 1874-1876 gesammelt wurden. Abhandlungen der Königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. 1882: 1-37, pls 1-3. BHL Reference page. [original description of Ophiothamnus gracilis p. 24–25]