Monostroma crassidermum

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Taxonavigation: Ulotrichales 

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Plantae
Divisio: Chlorophyta
Subphylum: Chlorophytina
Classis: Ulvophyceae
Ordo: Ulotrichales

Familia: Monostromataceae
Genus: Monostroma
Species: Monostroma crassidermum



Monostroma crassidermum Tokida, 1954: 63, pl. 5: figs 7-13; pl. 11D

  • Type locality: "Growing on rocks in the upper sublittoral belt, and often cast ashore. W. coast: Hishitoma (T., '32), Shiranushi (T., '32). Aniwa Bay: Chishiya (T., '35), Nobori cr., '35). E. coast: Kaihyo-to (T., '35) [all southern part of Sakhalin Island, Russia].



Primary references

  • Tokida, J. 1954. The marine algae of southern Saghalien. Memoirs of the Faculty of Fisheries Hokkaido University 2: 1–264. Reference page