Elymus hystrix

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Elymus hystrix
Elymus hystrix


Taxonavigation: Poales 
Classification System: APG IV

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Plantae
Cladus: Angiosperms
Cladus: Monocots
Cladus: Commelinids
Ordo: Poales

Familia: Poaceae
Subfamilia: Pooideae
Tribus: Hordeeae
Genus: Elymus
Species: Elymus hystrix
Varieties: E. h. var. hystrix – E. h. var. piedmontanus



Elymus hystrix L., 1753




  • Homotypic
    • Asperella hystrix (L.) Humb. in Bot. Mag. (Römer & Usteri) 3(7): 5 (1790)
    • Asprella echidnea Raf. in Amer. Monthly Mag. & Crit. Rev. 4: 190 (1819), nom. superfl.
    • Asprella hystrix (L.) Link in Enum. Hort. Berol. Alt. 1: 100 (1821)
    • Elymus pseudohystrix Schult. in Mant. 2: 427 (1824), nom. superfl.
    • Gymnostichum hystrix (L.) Schreb. in Beschr. Gräs. 2: 127 (1810)
    • Gymnostichum patulum (Moench) Lunell in Amer. Midl. Naturalist 4: 228 (1915), nom. superfl.
    • Hordeum hystrix (L.) Schenck in Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 40: 109 (1907), nom. illeg.
    • Hystrix elymoides Mack. & Bush in Man. Fl. Jackson County: 39 (1902), nom. superfl.
    • Hystrix hystrix (L.) Millsp. in Fl. W. Virginia: 474 (1892), not validly publ.
    • Hystrix patula Moench in Methodus: 295 (1794)
    • Zeocriton hystrix (L.) P.Beauv. in Ess. Agrostogr.: 114 (1812)


Native distribution areas:
  • Continental: Northern America
    • Regional: Northern Central & Eastern USA
      • Alabama, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode I., South Dakota, Tennessee, Vermont, West Virginia, Wisconsin

References: Brummitt, R.K. 2001. TDWG – World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions, 2nd Edition



Primary references


Additional references


Vernacular names

English: eastern bottlebrush grass 
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