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Help:Project Templates

From Wikispecies

Because taxonomy is a flexible scientific area, wikispecies needs to be able to make changes quickly. For this we rely heavily on taxon-templates. Using templates all the way down to genus level is a necessity to keep wikispecies flexible. Without templates, every page gets data hard-coded into its pages, and when taxonomical changes take place, every single page needs to be changed. When templates are used, a single change to the template, should be sufficient to affect all pages using it.

How it works. Imagine we have this tree:

Main Page

Superregnum: Eukaryota

Regnum: Fungi

Divisio: Glomeromycota

Classis: Glomeromycetes

Ordo: Glomerales

Familia: Glomeraceae

Genus: Glomus

Species: Glomus aggregatum

Making this tree flexible we use templates on each level.

Template:Main Page

[[Main Page]] <br />

(The __NOTOC__ prevents the automatic creation of a Table Of Contents)


{{Main Page}}
 Superregnum: [[Eukaryota]] <br />


 Regnum: [[Fungi]] <br />


 Divisio: [[Glomeromycota]] <br />


 Classis: [[Glomeromycetes]] <br />


 Ordo: [[Glomerales]] <br />


 Familia: {{fbr|Glomeraceae}}


 Genus: {{gbr|Glomus}}

When constructing a page, one would only have to call its parent template, and construct a list of its children.

Besides the important taxon-templates, there's a whole range of other templates that can make life easier. Take a look at Wikispecies:Templates, for a list of templates. Use the templates at will, and discuss why you added the template, on the talk page of the same taxon.

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