Graphis albida (Cimidae)

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Taxonavigation: Cimoidea 

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Cladus: Unikonta
Cladus: Opisthokonta
Cladus: Holozoa
Regnum: Animalia
Subregnum: Eumetazoa
Cladus: Bilateria
Cladus: Nephrozoa
Cladus: Protostomia
Cladus: Spiralia
Cladus: Lophotrochozoa
Phylum: Mollusca
Classis: Gastropoda
Subclassis: Heterobranchia
Infraclassis: "Lower Heterobranchia"
Superfamilia: Cimoidea

Familia: Cimidae
Genus: Graphis
Species: Graphis albida



Graphis albida (Kanmacher, 1798)




  • Kanmacher, F. 1798. Essays on the microscope. 2nd ed. xvii + [7 unnumbered] + 724 pp., 32 pls. Dillon & Keating, London. BHL Reference page.  (p. 637, pl. XIV fig. 17)

  • Jeffreys, J.G. 1867. British conchology, or an account of the Mollusca which now inhabit the British Isles and the surrounding seas. Vol. IV. Marine shells, in continuation of the Gastropoda as far as the Bulla family. John van Voorst, London. BHL Reference page.  (p. 102)
  • Montagu, G. 1803. Testacea Britannica, or, Natural history of British shells, marine, land, and fresh-water, including the most minute: systematically arranged and embellished with figures. J. White: London, England. Volume 1: xxxvii + 1–291 pp; Volume 2: pp. 293–606, pl. 1–16. BHL Reference page.  (pp. 299–300)

Vernacular names
