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Gisekia africana


Taxonavigation: Caryophyllales 
Classification System: APG IV

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Plantae
Cladus: Angiosperms
Cladus: Eudicots
Cladus: Core eudicots
Ordo: Caryophyllales

Familia: Gisekiaceae
Genus: Gisekia
Species: G. africana – G. diffusa – G. haudica – G. paniculata – G. pharnaceoides – G. polylopha – G. scabridula



Gisekia L. Mant. Pl. 2: 554, 562. (1771)

  • Type species: Gisekia pharnaceoides L. Mant. Pl. 2: 554, 562. (1771)

Note: Bissinger et al., (2014) found all species to be polyphyletic and suggest they all be subsumed into an expanded polymorphic Gisekia pharnaceoides or a Gisekia pharnaceoides aggregate - see also Hernández-Ledesma et al., (2015).


  • Heterotypic
    • Koelreutera Murray, Novi Comment. Soc. Regiae Sci. Gott. 3: 67 (1773), nom. illeg.
    • Miltus Lour., Fl. Cochinch.: 302 (1790).


Native distribution areas:
  • Continental: Africa & Asia
      • Afghanistan, Algeria, Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina, Burundi, Cabinda, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Provinces, Caprivi Strip, Central African Repu, Chad, Congo, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Free State, Gabon, Ghana, Gulf States, Hainan, India, Iran, Ivory Coast, Kenya, KwaZulu-Natal, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Northern Provinces, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Rwanda, Réunion, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sinai, Socotra, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Thailand, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia, Zaïre, Zimbabwe
    • Introduced into:
      • Florida

References: Brummitt, R.K. 2001. TDWG – World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions, 2nd Edition



Primary references


Additional references


Vernacular names

한국어: 기세키아과
Tiếng Việt: Họ Cỏ lết
中文: 吉粟草科
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