
[Bewerke]Taxonavigation: Eusuchia |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Gavialidae
Subfamiliae (2 + 1†):
Gavialinae -
Tomistominae -
Overview of genera (2)
[Bewerke]Gavialis –
+ fossil genera
[Bewerke]- Gavialidae Adams, 1854
- Type genus: Gavialis Oppel, 1811
[Bewerke]- Manual Nat. Hist.:70.
Weitere Literatur
[Bewerke]- Hoser, R. 2012: A review of the taxonomy of the living crocodiles including the description of three new tribes, a new genus, and two new species. Australasian journal of herpetology, (14): 9–16. PDF of whole issue Seite dieser Quellenangabe. [the author places the two extant genera, Gavialis and Tomistoma, in a "new tribe" Gavialini of family Crocodylidae, and he erroneously claims authorship of the "new tribe" (see ZooBank: 77BC8123-7F44-4DBE-A307-F7748196DC28)]
[Bewerke]English: Gharial
suomi: Gaviaali
français: Gavial
hrvatski: Gavijal
magyar: Gaviálfélék
日本語: ガビアル亜科
Nederlands: Gavialen
norsk: Gangesgavial
português: Gavial
svenska: Gavial
ไทย: ตะโขง
Tiếng Việt: Họ Cá sấu Ấn Độ