[edit]Taxonavigation: Eusuchia |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Gavialidae
Subfamilia: Tomistominae
Genera: Tomistoma – †Dollosuchoides – †Gavialosuchus – †Kentisuchus – †Megadontosuchus – †Paratomistoma – †Penghusuchus – †Toyotamaphimeia
[edit]Tomistominae Kälin, 1955
[edit]- Traité Paléontologie 5: 772.
- Brochu, C.A. 2007: Systematics and taxonomy of Eocene tomistomine crocodylians from Britain and northern Europe. Palaeontology, 50: 917–928. DOI: 10.1111/j.1475-4983.2007.00679.x
- Shan, H.-y.; Wu, X.-c.; Cheng, Y.-n.; Sato, T. 2009: A new tomistomine (Crocodylia) from the Miocene of Taiwan. Canadian journal of earth sciences, 46: 529–555. DOI: 10.1139/E09-036
Vernacular names
[edit]English: False Gharial
suomi: Sundagaviaali
français: Faux-gavial de Malaisie
latviešu: Gaviālkrokodilu apakšdzimta
português: Falso-gavial
ไทย: ตะโขง