Freesia verrucosa

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Freesia verrucosa
Freesia verrucosa


Taxonavigation: Asparagales 
Classification System: APG IV

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Plantae
Cladus: Angiosperms
Cladus: Monocots
Ordo: Asparagales

Familia: Iridaceae
Subfamilia: Crocoideae
Tribus: Freesieae
Genus: Freesia
Species: Freesia verrucosa



Freesia verrucosa (B.Vogel) Goldblatt & J.C.Manning, 1995


  • Basionym
    • Ixia verrucosa B.Vogel in C.J.Trew, Pl. Rar.: t. 24 (1784).
  • Homotypic
    • Anomatheca verrucosa (B.Vogel) Goldblatt, J. S. African Bot. 37: 442 (1971).
  • Heterotypic
    • Gladiolus junceus L.f., Suppl. Pl.: 94 (1782), nom. illeg.
    • Lapeirousia juncea Pourr., Mém. Acad. Sci. Toulouse 3: 79 (1788).
    • Gladiolus amabilis Salisb., Prodr. Stirp. Chap. Allerton: 41 (1796).
    • Gladiolus pulchellus Salisb., Prodr. Stirp. Chap. Allerton: 39 (1796).
    • Gladiolus polystachyus Andrews, Bot. Repos. 1: t. 66 (1799).
    • Anomatheca juncea (Pourr.) Ker Gawl., Ann. Bot. (König & Sims) 1: 227 (1804).
    • Gladiolus excisus Jacq., Pl. Hort. Schoenbr. 4: 46 (1804).
    • Gladiolus paniculatus Pers., Syn. Pl. 1: 45 (1805).
    • Peyrousia juncea (Pourr.) Poir. in G.-F.Cuvier, Dict. Sci. Nat., ed. 2, 39: 364 (1826).
    • Meristostigma junceum (Pourr.) Steud., Nomencl. Bot., ed. 2, 2: 130 (1841).
    • Freesia juncea (Pourr.) Klatt in T.A.Durand & H.Schinz, Consp. Fl. Afric. 5: 187 (1894).


Native distribution areas:
  • Continental: Africa
    • Regional: Southern Africa
      • Cape Prov.

References: Brummitt, R.K. 2001. TDWG – World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions, 2nd Edition



Primary references


Additional references


Vernacular names

italiano: Fresia