Calliostoma melliferum

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Calliostoma melliferum


Taxonavigation: Trochoidea 

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Cladus: Unikonta
Cladus: Opisthokonta
Cladus: Holozoa
Regnum: Animalia
Subregnum: Eumetazoa
Cladus: Bilateria
Cladus: Nephrozoa
Cladus: Protostomia
Cladus: Spiralia
Cladus: Lophotrochozoa
Phylum: Mollusca
Classis: Gastropoda
Subclassis: Vetigastropoda
Ordo: Trochida
Superfamilia: Trochoidea

Familia: Calliostomatidae
Subfamilia: Calliostomatinae
Genus: Calliostoma
Species: Calliostoma melliferum



Calliostoma melliferum Cavallari & Simone, 2018

Holotype: 1 shell, MZSP 53718
Type locality: Brazil, Ceará, 190 km off Fortaleza, Canopus Bank, 02°14’25”S, 38°22’50”W, 60 m (Coltro & Costa leg., viii/2005).
  • MZSP 53923, 1 spm
  • MZSP 53693, 5 spm
  • MZSP 53711, 2 shells
  • MZSP 55522, 1 spm
  • MZSP 53939, 2 shells
  • MZSP 66589, 1 shell
  • MZSP 67310, 6 shells
  • MZSP 70308, 70 shells
  • MZSP 71960, 1 shell
  • MZSP 71961, 1 shell
  • MZSP 90268, 150 shells
  • MZSP 94218, 27 shells
  • MZSP 94254, 13 shells
  • MZSP 94837, 1 shell
  • MZSP 100414, 6 shells
ZooBank: 23929DBE-D0F0-4A06-AFA5-DC43630E656A



Primary references

Wikimedia Commons For more multimedia, look at Calliostoma melliferum on Wikimedia Commons.