[edit]Taxonavigation: Balanoidea |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Pyrgomatidae
Subfamilia: Ceratoconchinae
Genus: Ceratoconcha
Species (4 + 23†):
†C. barbadensis –
†C. cladangiae –
†C. conicocystata –
†C. creusioides –
†C. darwiniana –
†C. diploconus –
C. domingensis –
C. floridana –
†C. fuchsi –
†C. jungi –
†C. kojumdgievae –
†C. krambergeri –
†C. lata –
†C. minuta –
†C. miocaenica –
†C. multicostata –
†C. noszkyi –
C. paucicostata –
†C. phryxa –
†C. prefloridana –
†C. quadratoradiata –
C. quarta –
†C. rangi –
†C. sanctacrucensis –
†C. sturi –
†C. trolli
Check (2):
C. quarta
(considered junior synonym of C. floridana)
[Source: WoRMS
[edit]- Ceratoconcha Kramberger-Gorjanovic, 1889: 50
- Gender: [feminine]
- Original status: valid genus of rudist bivalve
- Type species:: Creusia krambergeri Baluk & Radwanski, 1967: 145 (new name), by monotypy (See Ross; Newman, 1973, p. 166 for history)
- ZooBank: FE4E4158-F18D-4411-9217-EB92BBD0CAF2
[edit]- Andromacheia Kolosvary, 1949: 4
- Type species: Andromacheia noszkyi
- Synonymized in Ross & Newman, 1973: 166
- ZooBank: E53551C4-7DBF-46BF-9F7C-21E94F45BBB2
- Paracreusia Abel, 1927: 101
- Type species: Paracreusia trolli, OD and monotypy
- Synonymized in Ross & Newman, 1973: 166
- ZooBank: 64AA0B1A-27CA-4295-813A-3F7379496142
- Withersia Baluk & Radwanski, 1967: 485
- Type species: Creusia barbadensis Withers, 1926
- Synonymized in Ross & Newman, 1973: 166
- ZooBank: 40237229-E893-444B-85D3-776222CD43E0
[edit]- Kramberger-Gorjanovic, D. 1889. Über einer tertiären Rudisten aus Podsused bei Agram. Glasnik Hrvatskoga Prirodoslovnoga Drǔstva 4(1): 48–55 (German). BHL Reference page. [See p. 50, original designation, as a rudist]
- Abel, O., 1927. Paracreusia Trolli n. g. n. sp. eine auf Stockkorallen schmarotzende Balane aus dem Miozinen Mediterranmeer. Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 77: 101–103. Reference page. [See p. 101, original mention. NOTE: not seen, article is so short, is not enough space for adequate description]
- Abel, O. 1927. Parasitische Balanen auf Stockkorallen aus dem Mediterranen Miozänmeer. Palaeobiologica 1: 13–28.
pdf Reference page. [See p. 17, presented as new taxa, and provided with extensive description and discussion]
- Bałuk, W. & Radwański, A. 1967. Genus Creusia Leach, 1817, (Cirripedia) in the Croatian Miocene. Geološki vjesnik Zagreb, 20: 137–152. Reference page.
- Bałuk, W. & Radwanski, A. 1967. Miocene cirripeds domiciled in corals. Acta palaeontologica Polonica, 12(4): 457–521. article pdfReference page. [See p. 485, as Withersia, junior synonym]
- Kolosváry, G. 1949: Új balanidák a hazai harmadkorból [New balanids from the Hungarian Tertiary age]. Földtani Közlöny 79(1-4): 1–8. BHL Reference page. [See p. 4, as Andromacheia, junior synonym]
- Kramberger-Gorjanovic, D. 1889. Berichtigung bezüglich Ceratoconcha costatua aus dem Miocän von Podsused. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Geologischen Reichsanstalt 6: 142. BHL Reference page. [re-assigns type species to Pyrgoma]
- Newman, W.A. & Ross, E. 1976. Revision of the balanomorph barnacles; including a catalog of the species. Memoirs of the San Diego Society of Natural History, (9) BHL Reference page. [See p. 58]
- Ross, A. & Newman, W.A. 1973. Revision of coral-inhabiting barnacles (Cirripedia: Balanidae). Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History 17: 137-174. BHLReference page. [See p. 166]
- Ross, A. & Newman, W.A. 2000. Coral barnacles: Cenozoic decline and extinction in the Atlantic/East Pacific versus diversification in the Indo-West Pacific. Proceedings of the 9th International Coral Reef Symposium 1, Bali, Indonesia. ISBN 9789798105975
Reference page. [See Table 1, and discussion]