Vectibalanus unguiformis
(Redirected from Vectibalanus unguiformis unguiformis)
[edit]Taxonavigation: Balanoidea |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Archaeobalanidae
Subfamilia: Archaeobalaninae
Genusː †Vectibalanus
Speciesː Vectibalanus unguiformis
†Subspecies: V. u. cylindrica – V. u. unguiformis
[edit]- Vectibalanus unguiformis (Sowerby, 1846): pl. 648, fig 1
- Original genus: Balanus
- Original status: valid species, illustration only
- Geological age: upper Eocene
- Type localityː Probably Venus Bed, Solent Group, Headon Hill Formation, Colwell Bay Member, Colwell Bay, Isle of Wight
- Typusː Lectotype cluster of shells on Cordiopsis Sowerby, 1846 Pl. 648, fig. 1, selected by Gale, 2021ː 168
- Distributionː England, Paris Basin; American localities misidentified
- ZooBank: 9C24245D-A913-4EC0-BA8A-5F93860F1268
[edit]- Balanus perplexus Nyst, 1853
[edit]- Sowerby, J. de C. 1846: The Mineral Conchology of Great Britain. London. pt. 113: 57-80, pl. 644-648. BHLReference page. [See pl. 648, fig 1, original diagnosis]
- Darwin, C. 1854. A monograph on the sub-class Cirripedia with figures of all species. Vol. 2: The Balanidae, The Verrucidae. BHL London: Ray Society. Reference page. [See p. 296]
- Gale, A.S. 2020. Acorn barnacles (Crustacea, Thoracica, Balanomorpha) from the Eocene and Oligocene of the Isle of Wight and Hampshire (United Kingdom) and Manche, northern France. Acta Geologica Polonica 71(2)ː 153–174. DOI: 10.24425/agp.2020.132263
pdf Reference page. [See p. 166, generic re-assignment as Vectibalanus unguiformis
- Newman, W.A. & Ross, E. 1976. Revision of the balanomorph barnacles; including a catalog of the species. Memoirs of the San Diego Society of Natural History, (9) BHL Reference page. [See p. 50, as Chirona (Chirona) unguiformis]
- Zullo, V.A. 1966. Thoracic cirripedia from the Continental Shelf off South Carolina, USA. Crustaceana 11(3): 229–244. JSTOR Reference page. [See p. 202, as Balanus (Hesperibalanus) unguiformis]
- Zullo, V.A. 1984: New genera and species of balanoid barnacles from the Oligocene and Miocene of North Carolina. Journal of paleontology 58(5): 1312-1338. JSTOR Reference page. [See p. 1336, as Archaeobalanus unguiformis]