[edit]Classis: Mammalia
Ordo: Carnivora
Subordo: Ursida
Superfamilia: Ursoidea
Familiae (2): †Subparictidae – Ursidae
[edit]Ursoidea Batsch, 1788
[edit]- Ursina Batsch, 1788: 110 (as family)
- Ursoidae: Hay, 1930: 488 (as superfamily)
- Ursoidea: Tedford, 1976: 372
[edit]Primary references
[edit]- Batsch, A.J.G.C. 1788. Versuch einer Anleitung zur Kenntniss und Geschichte der Thiere und Mineralien. Erster Theil. Allgemeine Geschichte der Natur; besondre der Säugthiere, Vögel, Amphibien und Fische. Jena: Akademischen Buchandlung, 528 pp. DOI: 10.5962/bhl.title.79854.
Additional references
[edit]- Baskin, J.A. & Tedford, R.H. 1996. Small Arctoid and Feliform Camivorans. In: Prothero, D.R. & Emry, R.J. (eds.). The Terrestrial Eocene-Oligocene Transition in North America. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. pp. 486–497. DOI: 10.1017/CBO9780511665431.025.
- Dubois, A. & Bour, R. 2010. The distinction between family-series and class-series nomina in zoological nomenclature, with emphasis on the nomina created by Batsch (1788, 1789) and on the higher nomenclature of turtles. Bonn zoological Bulletin 57 (2): 149–171.
- Hay, O.P. 1929–30. Second bibliography and catalogue of the fossil Vertebrata of North America. Carnegie Institute of Washington Publication 390. Vol. I: 1–916 (1929), II. 1–1074 (1930). Wellcome Collection BHL Reference page.
- McKenna, M.C. & Bell, S.K. (eds.). 1997. Classification of mammals: above the species level. Columbia University Press: New York. xii + 631 pp. ISBN 978-0-231-11012-9. Google Books Reference page.
- Tedford, R.H. 1976. Relationship of Pinnipeds to Other Carnivores (Mammalia). Systematic Biology 25(4): 363–374. DOI: 10.2307/2412511
JSTOR Reference page.
- Penteriani, V. & Melletti, M. (eds.) 2020. Bears of the World: Ecology, Conservation and Management. Cambridge University Press. 406 pp. DOI: 10.1017/9781108692571.
Vernacular names
[edit]日本語: クマ上科