Tuber melanosporum

[edit]Taxonavigation: Pezizales |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Tuberaceae
Genus: Tuber
Species: Tuber melanosporum
[edit]Tuber melanosporum Vittad., Monogr. Tuberac. (Milano): 36 (1831)
- Type locality: Italy
- Typus: Lectotype: Tab. II, fig. III (Vittadini, Monogr. Tuberac. (Milano). 1831) (Designated by Leonardi, Iotti, Mello, Vizzini, Paz-Conde, Trappe & Pacioni, Cryptog. Mycol. 42(9): 149-170. 2021). Registration Identifier 10001899.
- Epitype AQUI 10152 (Designated by Leonardi, Iotti, Mello, Vizzini, Paz-Conde, Trappe & Pacioni, Cryptog. Mycol. 42(9): 149-170. 2021). Registration Identifier 10001900.
[edit]- Homotypic
- Tuber brumale var. melanosporum (Vittad.) E. Fisch., Rabenh. Krypt.-Fl., Edn 2 (Leipzig) 1(5): 43 (1896)
- Heterotypic
- Tuber hiemalbum Chatin, La Truffe. Étude des conditions générales de la production truffière (Paris): 46 (1869)
- Tuber melanosporum var. hiemalbum (Chatin) Della Maggiora, Micologia Toscana 2: 68 (2020)
- Tuber melanosporum var. moschatum Ferry & H. Bonnet, in Chatin, La Truffe: 43 (1892)
---(synonyms not in Index Fungorum)---
- Tuber brumale, pulpa obscura, odora P.Micheli (1729), Nova Plantarum Genera 221, t. 102.
- Tuber gulosorum (Scopoli) F.H.Wigg. (1788), Melethemata Inauguralia. De fungorum generatione et propagatione 79.
- Tuber nigrum Bull. (1788), Herbiér de la France t. 356.
- Tuber cibarium nigrum Bull. (1791), Histoire des Champignons de la France 74.
- Tuber cibarium Pers. (1801), Synopsis Methodica Fungorum 126.
- Tuber cibarium (Bull.) Fr. (1823), Systema Mycologicum 2, Pt. II: 290.
- Tuber gulonum (Corda) Paol. (1889), in Saccardo Sylloge Fungorum 8, 894, without illustration.
[edit]Primary references
[edit]- Vittadini, C. 1831. Monographia Tuberacearum. Mediolani: ex typographia F. Rusconi. Internet Archive Reference page. 36, Tab. II fig III, Tab. III fig. XX.
- Murat, C., J. Díez, P. Luis, C. Delaruelle, C. Dupré, G. Chevalier, P. Bonfante & F. Martin. 2004: Polymorphism at the ribosomal DNA ITS and its relation to postglacial re-colonization routes of the Perigord truffle Tuber melanosporum. New Phytol. 164: 401–411.
- Paolocci, F., A. Rubini, B. Granetti & S. Arcioni. 1997: Typing Tuber melanosporum and Chinese black truffle species by molecular markers. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 153: 255–260.
- Parguey-Leduc, A., M. C. Janex-Favre & C. Montant. 1987: Formation et évolution des ascospores de Tuber melanosporum Vitt. (truffe noire du Périgord, Discomycètes). Can. J. Bot. 65: 1491–1503.
- Rouquerol, T. & H. Payre. 1974: Observations sur le comportement de Tuber melanosporum dans un site naturel. Rev. Mycol. 39: 107–117.
[edit]Vernacular names
[edit]català: Tòfona negra
English: Black Périgord Truffle
eesti: Must trühvel, Périgordi trühvel
euskara: Boilur beltz
français: Truffe noire
magyar: Francia szarvasgomba
Nederlands: Périgord-truffel, zwarte truffel, zwarte wintertruffel
polski: Trufla czarnozarodnikowa
русский: Трюфель чёрный
svenska: Perigordtryffel
English: Black Périgord Truffle
eesti: Must trühvel, Périgordi trühvel
euskara: Boilur beltz
français: Truffe noire
magyar: Francia szarvasgomba
Nederlands: Périgord-truffel, zwarte truffel, zwarte wintertruffel
polski: Trufla czarnozarodnikowa
русский: Трюфель чёрный
svenska: Perigordtryffel