Template:Sclater, 1859-369
- Sclater, P.L. 1859. List of Birds collected by M.A. Boucard in the State of Oaxaca, in South-western Mexico. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London Pt. 27(3): 369–392. BHL
Nomenclatural acts
[edit]- Date of publication: 8 November 1859
New names (11)
[edit](List may be incomplete)
- Campylorhynchus jocosus (p.371)
- Thryothorus felix = Pheugopedius felix (p.371)
- Hylophilus ochraceiceps = Tunchiornis ochraceiceps (p.375)
- Oryzoborus funereus = Sporophila funerea (p.378)
- Spermophila corvina = Sporophila corvina (p.379)
- Dendromanes (p.382)
- Dendromanes homochrous = Dendrocincla homochroa (p.382)
- Lipaugus unirufus (p.385)
- Columba nigrirostris = Patagioenas nigrirostris (p.390)
- Tinamus boucardi = Crypturellus boucardi (p.391)
- Tinamus meserytrhus = Crypturellus soui meserythrus (p.392)