- PBI Solanum Project {{{2}}}: SOSO in Solanaceae Source. Published online. Accessed: {{{2}}} {{{3}}} {{{4}}}.
- Usage
- Use this template to refer to Solanaceae Source web site. This template generally follows the citation format recommended by Solanaceae Source which includes the date you accessed the page (therefore, date is not optional).
- Example
- {{SOSO|2014|Apr|18}}
- Results
- PBI Solanum Project Apr: SOSO in Solanaceae Source. Published online. Accessed: Apr 18 {{{4}}}. Reference page.
- Syntax
- Parameters
- id - ex lycianthes-rantonnetii
- year - The year you accessed the taxon page.
- month - text month.
- day - the numerical day.
- Use sample